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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Except in chemistry, where American is right, regardless of how long we've been spelling words.

Science generally - haematology, foetus, oesophagus and fecking sulphur (no it's not spelt with an f!) are all words that Americans can't spell, and the American spellings have already, or are gradually becoming standard <_<

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What gets on my nerves is no shops near my flat selling powercards after 8pm, forcing me into a 3 mile round trip on foot to stop the fucking lights going out!!


shouldnt you make sure you have enough powercards before you get to the point of suddenly needing to go at 8pm at night? :unsure::rolleyes:

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shouldnt you make sure you have enough powercards before you get to the point of suddenly needing to go at 8pm at night? :unsure::rolleyes:

That would make sence but I got sidetracked yesterday and ended up in a pub all night instead of buying one and then left me swipe card thingy in the hoose this morning due to my hungover state. :ph34r:

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Couple of more annoying things:

People who have emoticons for near enough every f'cking word on MSN,so that when they type something it takes about 5 minutes (or longer) to work out what the hell they've typed.

Also,wireless mice seem brilliant,but they don't half piss you off when the batteries are going down and they stop working every 5 minutes. Ggrrr.

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And computing with the

<center>shitey american spellings</center>

There's buses in Aberdeen that go to the "City Center". I want to punch the fanny who did that :angry:

When I worked for Lifescan in complaints we had to ensure that we wrote using Americanisms to make sure the stupid c***s could undertsand us! Writing the date back to front was a nightmare!

Edited by Carlos
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That would make sence but I got sidetracked yesterday and ended up in a pub all night instead of buying one and then left me swipe card thingy in the hoose this morning due to my hungover state. :ph34r:

Ahhh thats fair enough :D the way you said it, sounded like this was a regular occurance. When we used to do the card things, we always made sure we had atleast a spare $5 card lying around in case of emergency ;)

Writing the date back to front was a nightmare!

Yeah it has taken me about 3 years to start doing that automatically. Ill often still have the dates the wrong way round. It confused me when i was told happy birthday on the 1st of August when buying beer :lol:

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Some people's responses to winning prizes on gameshows. :(:blink:

Fair does, if you've just won ' Who Wants' To Be A Millionaire' or something of that ilk, then pretty much any response can be merited, but....

why do people, when on small prize gameshows (there's one on itv i think, but i don't know it's name :rolleyes: ) after winning, say, £3000 say 'Oh my God, I don't believe it'?

Why do you not believe it?!?! You've just phoned up and given the answer you thought it was and you knew what the prize was before you phoned in! :angry:

Believe it. You've just phoned in with an answer, so you obviously DO think it's the right answer! :angry:


Rant Over. :D

Edited by ShakehandsTom - DFC
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Well judging by all the Muslims I've seen, (and there's a lot at my school), they arrive late for class and don't bother going to sports, and tell us to our faces that they are better than us because they are Muslim. They give us dirty looks as well! Sorry Abdul Abda, but it's you that shouldn't be in this country in the first place! Go back to your own country.

One of them turned up 20 minutes late for sports, of which the headmaster is in charge. He asked , 'Why are you late?'. The Muslim boy said, 'I watch TV.' :rolleyes:

Their stupid headscarves really annoy me as well! Show your face, FFS!

Their religion should be something that isn't flaunted for everyone else to see, especially when you're just about put off your lunch, because some stupid Muslim girl is attempting to get food underneath her f'king birka into her mouth, and spilling it all over the place! It's enough to put anyone off food for life.

Rant over! :angry:

And breathe

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Well judging by all the Muslims I've seen, (and there's a lot at my school), they arrive late for class and don't bother going to sports, and tell us to our faces that they are better than us because they are Muslim. They give us dirty looks as well! Sorry Abdul Abda, but it's you that shouldn't be in this country in the first place! Go back to your own country.

One of them turned up 20 minutes late for sports, of which the headmaster is in charge. He asked , 'Why are you late?'. The Muslim boy said, 'I watch TV.' :rolleyes:

Their stupid headscarves really annoy me as well! Show your face, FFS!

Their religion should be something that isn't flaunted for everyone else to see, especially when you're just about put off your lunch, because some stupid Muslim girl is attempting to get food underneath her f'king birka into her mouth, and spilling it all over the place! It's enough to put anyone off food for life.

Rant over! :angry:

Oh dear :lol:

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Guest God is a bairn

Well judging by all the Muslims I've seen, (and there's a lot at my school), they arrive late for class and don't bother going to sports, and tell us to our faces that they are better than us because they are Muslim. They give us dirty looks as well! Sorry Abdul Abda, but it's you that shouldn't be in this country in the first place! Go back to your own country.

One of them turned up 20 minutes late for sports, of which the headmaster is in charge. He asked , 'Why are you late?'. The Muslim boy said, 'I watch TV.' :rolleyes:

Their stupid headscarves really annoy me as well! Show your face, FFS!

Their religion should be something that isn't flaunted for everyone else to see, especially when you're just about put off your lunch, because some stupid Muslim girl is attempting to get food underneath her f'king birka into her mouth, and spilling it all over the place! It's enough to put anyone off food for life.

Rant over! :angry:

amen brother!

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Guest God is a bairn

my view on fat people which i have stated a couple of times on here is kill all the b*****ds and use them to feed africa - 2 birds wi 1 stone

no more fat lazy b*****ds and no more hungry skinny b*****ds

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