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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I don't think my phone's working. I can make calls and receive them, but I don't seem to be getting any texts, so I don't know if I can send any either.

Goooood afternoon Madam, if you'd be so kind to post your mobile number then I would be texting you to be seeing if your phone is working


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I don't think my phone's working. I can make calls and receive them, but I don't seem to be getting any texts, so I don't know if I can send any either.

Text your own number from your own phone, the text goes to your messaging service and is then directed to the number you've text to.

Two birds one stone.

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When I was on the train back from London there was this guy in the seat across the isle who kept looking at me. He obviously fancied himself a bit; a nice shirt, jeans, black shoes. He even looked like Boris Becker. Even when I looked round he still stared at me. Then when we arrived in Darlington this Scottish group got on; this is your perfect "Scottish scum family" - for the entire way back to Glasgow they were so loud, drinking, swearing etc. By the time we reached York I lost count how many times he gave a loud sigh. I just stuck my iPod on but it was amusing seeing/hearing his inner rage.

And I frequent the 0700 from Edinburgh to Glasgow during the week. Proper busy so by the time it reaches Croy you have to stand, yet stuck off old women constantly growl at you when you have the gall to stand about a foot away from them. It's rush hour. it's busy. There is no seats, and very little space. You are going to get people standing very close to you. If you don't like it, pay for a taxi ya fucking cow.

Now where's the "Public Transport Etiquette" thread? <_<

Don't get me started on transport etiquette. I was on the bus on the way home from work the other day, the bus was fairly quiet when i got on at the west end, and by the time it trundled along princess street and down to york place it was near enough full, there was this young geeky looking twat got on and put his manbag on the seat by the window and sat on the seat nearest the aisle, a woman got on at the next stop looking for a seat, i told her there was a seat free (the one said geeky twat had his bag on) , the woman asked nicely to move his bag so she could get the seat, the p***k scowled and tutted at her, and took his time to move his bag! by that point i'd had enough, tapped the p***k on the shoulder and asked him to show me the ticket that his bag had paid for, but he just muttered about no understanding me, shrugged his shoulders and turned back round into his seat, turns out he was foreign, surprise surprise, fair enough come to edinburgh, see the sights, give us your money, but bring some feckin manners with you!!!!

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I don't think my phone's working. I can make calls and receive them, but I don't seem to be getting any texts, so I don't know if I can send any either.

mime's definitely not working.

well the phone is working and receiving inbound calls, but I owe orange £50 so they've 'suspended' my service. or cut me off till I pay to put it in more accurate terms. its a fucking nightmare. I keep getting texts from all over the place and can't reply to them.

but my pttgoyn, is east lothian's council. I mean I get that you have to send me a letter/email telling me I didn't get the job or 'not progressing with my application' but was it ness. to send me three identical emails in one day? one at a time I can cope with, but three in one hour is like being kicked in the groin and then the face. and the the groin again. I took a time out from applying for other jobs just to try and cheer myself up.

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Goooood afternoon Madam, if you'd be so kind to post your mobile number then I would be texting you to be seeing if your phone is working


Maybe no one's texting you.:P

Text your own number from your own phone, the text goes to your messaging service and is then directed to the number you've text to.

Two birds one stone.

it's alright, troops, turns out it's not my phone that's the problem!

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On a similar note, on the telly, audiences that clap along to a bit of music being played for whatever reason. Even if its the theme tune they fucking clap along to it. Shut up, just shut the f**k up and listen to the music. Are you that bored you cant sit still without clapping your hands for 5 fucking minutes? Youre not even clapping in time to the music you bunch of retards.

I would ban clapping for most things.

even when the pilot manages to land the plane?

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even when the pilot manages to land the plane?

I clap when the bus driver stops the bus. Except when I'm getting off, I'm usually clinging to rails and the backs of seats to avoid being smashed to pieces as the driver accelarates and decelarates, before bringing the bus to a jarring halt.

Edited by Sergeant Wilson
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I fucking hate it when people applaud the landing of a plane. The only possible exceptions are if your plane happened to get a hole in the fuselage and de-pressurised or perhaps if there was extremely bad turbulence.

yeah! or the tail rips off, or the landing gear fails or anything like that.

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yeah! or the tail rips off, or the landing gear fails or anything like that.

Or if they're a former fighter pilot who now has a drinking problem who boarded the flight last minute because his ex-girlfriend was a stewardess on the flight and he was desperate to get her back, and then the whole crew got food poisoning and he was the only one left with any pilot training that didn't have the fish. Then the auto-pilot deflates and fails and he and his ex are forced to land the plane between them, but they do it without killing anyone, even though the plane falls to bits as it rolls down the tarmac. All the while, he's actually left the meter running in his cab.

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Or if they're a former fighter pilot who now has a drinking problem who boarded the flight last minute because his ex-girlfriend was a stewardess on the flight and he was desperate to get her back, and then the whole crew got food poisoning and he was the only one left with any pilot training that didn't have the fish. Then the auto-pilot deflates and fails and he and his ex are forced to land the plane between them, but they do it without killing anyone, even though the plane falls to bits as it rolls down the tarmac. All the while, he's actually left the meter running in his cab.

Surely you cannot be serious :unsure:

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Or if they're a former fighter pilot who now has a drinking problem who boarded the flight last minute because his ex-girlfriend was a stewardess on the flight and he was desperate to get her back, and then the whole crew got food poisoning and he was the only one left with any pilot training that didn't have the fish. Then the auto-pilot deflates and fails and he and his ex are forced to land the plane between them, but they do it without killing anyone, even though the plane falls to bits as it rolls down the tarmac. All the while, he's actually left the meter running in his cab.


Have a green one since somebody gave you a red for it. :huh:

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