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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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This is very petty.

I believed I had changed my avatar and the wee bit under my avatar, in fact I recall doing so. However it was remaining the same as before whenever I was browsing the board and seeing my posts. So I just stuck to what it was before I tried to change it.

Apologies if you thought I was playing silly buggers and actually saw my avatar and the like change twice today.

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There is a Facebook status doing the rounds up this way that two guys in a White van tried to grab a kid off the street in Aberdeen. And shock horror a White van was seen in Inverbervie. All the comments are wishing death on these nasty men. Everyone loves a good outrage and they are all suitably outraged.

Statistically these people are more likely to run over someone else's kid than have a stranger lift their kid off the street.

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What bus operator are you travelling with ?

Megabus. Never again.

The full story unravellled once we eventually made it to Manchester. Turns out the drivers had been f**ked over too and I was being a bit harsh on them before (they still couldn't work their sat nav though :angry: )

Megabus, in their infinite wisdom, thought it would be a good idea to massively overbook the original bus from London Victoria to Aberdeen, which should have stopped at Manchester, Preston, Glasgow and then on to Aberdeen.

So, at Victoria, what originally was going to be one bus turned into two. My bus, as it turns out, was being run by two guys who don't normally work for megabus but were helping them out because they'd massively overbooked. What the passengers (and these drivers) were told was that because there were so many people going to Glasgow their bus was going to go straight from London to Glasgow with no stops other than rest stops and then they were going to make another pickup in Glasgow after a break and drive back to Victoria. The other bus, we were told, was going to Manchester, Preston, Glasgow and Aberdeen as per the schedule.

All well and good, except halfway to Manchester our drivers are ordered to pickup some passengers in Manchester. And since these guys didn't know the route, they asked for the address of the bus station. Only megabus control told them the wrong f**king station. So we fight our way through central Manchester at rush hour only to get to the wrong station. So they again ask their control for the *right* address and get told the wrong one again. Eventually after much fannying around we find our way to the right one.

So, after all that joy, at Manchester they get ordered to travel to Preston to pick up even more passengers. Needless to say, at this point both passengers and drivers are absolutely f**king raging. To add to the farce of the whole thing at this point the driver managed to select Preston, Gloscestershire as his sat nav direction instead of Preston, Lancashire and so we spent about 25 minutes fannying around Manchester ring road "You want to take the M61 driver", "but the Sat Nav says we need to go back this way", "Honestly driver, its the M61 you want", "right, the M60" "No, the M61", "are you sure? Sat Nav says...."

These extra detours and fuckups added well over 3 hours to the whole trip, so instead of getting home about 9.30 last night I eventually made it home about 1 in the morning. <_<

The drivers were saying that all the extra pickups would mean that they wouldn't legally be allowed to drive back to London, so f**k knows what happened to the return journey...

Edited by Uncle Psychosis
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When you go into the shitters at work, there's six of them all empty so you pick one and lo and behold some dick comes in and sits in the trap fucking right next to you. Add to that the fact that you've forgotten your earphones and so have to sit through the sounds and smells of him skittering out his boiled egg madras. Every wretch is greeted with the moan of a man who can only be too glad that last nights dinner is finally exiting his arse but the ringsting is getting increasingly worse.

This is not a petty thing that gets on your nerves this is a fucking very annoying thing that makes you want to take a machete to your own penis.

In work today, head to the shitters. A 5 trap affair, bog standard if you will pardon the pun. Trap 1, engaged. Not a problem, quiet time of the day I will choose trap 3, meaning that if any other person comes in they will have trap 1 to themselves.

Imagine, to my amazement, when some fucking prized w****r comes in, who might as well be sitting on my knee, into trap 2.

Who in their right mind does this? Well I think I know who the guy is and I am going to leave a strongly worded lettet AND diagram on his desk of what to do next time he goes for a shit.

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This is not a petty thing that gets on your nerves this is a fucking very annoying thing that makes you want to take a machete to your own penis.

In work today, head to the shitters. A 5 trap affair, bog standard if you will pardon the pun. Trap 1, engaged. Not a problem, quiet time of the day I will choose trap 3, meaning that if any other person comes in they will have trap 1 to themselves.

Imagine, to my amazement, when some fucking prized w****r comes in, who might as well be sitting on my knee, into trap 2.

Who in their right mind does this? Well I think I know who the guy is and I am going to leave a strongly worded lettet AND diagram on his desk of what to do next time he goes for a shit.

Its like the car park with only one car in it. Guarrented the next driver in parks right next to the lone vehicle, like it needs the company. Maybe its a sub conscious thing maybe guy needed to be next to someone in case taking a dump goes wrong and he might not want to die alone, maybe close to a hand to hold while he shuffles of this mortal coil. Had almost the same experience as you at work except my 'neighbour' started talking himself through it, for example phrases like" you dirty dirty boy" and "definately a carrott", was heard. .............WTF.:blink:

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I am getting taken off the G2 city centre run at work dry.gif

All because the guy who used to do it wanted to do it again,When he did it he struggled to do 75 deliveries a day and i do 95 now.

I am going to put a specail plea for you to be kept on. What the hell am i going to do if i fek up things going to G2.

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This is not a petty thing that gets on your nerves this is a fucking very annoying thing that makes you want to take a machete to your own penis.

In work today, head to the shitters. A 5 trap affair, bog standard if you will pardon the pun. Trap 1, engaged. Not a problem, quiet time of the day I will choose trap 3, meaning that if any other person comes in they will have trap 1 to themselves.

Imagine, to my amazement, when some fucking prized w****r comes in, who might as well be sitting on my knee, into trap 2.

Who in their right mind does this? Well I think I know who the guy is and I am going to leave a strongly worded lettet AND diagram on his desk of what to do next time he goes for a shit.

Stop yer greetin'


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New (to me) car with a shagged radio, so I stump up £35 plus a tenner p&p on eBay for another one. The new one doesn't work, thankfully the seller is being very grown up about it all and is giving me a refund. However it's cost me another tenner to send it back, so I've given the royal mail £20 just for the hell of it.

Now the insult to add to the injury, got home today and took a screwdriver to the original broken radio and found tool marks down the side where the last owner had been poking about at it. The casing was bent and stopping two bits connecting, a pair of pliers later and the radio is now working and mocks me every time I turn the ignition.

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Sky. They have fecked up our bills from the end of may, they tell us one thing, then when we check it on sky active, its fine! :blink

They have offered us a measly £27 compensation for something that wasnt our fault!

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Children in the cinema. I really can't understand why anyone take a toddler to see Harry Potter, a kid who is still in a pram and needs a dummy. Of course they are not going to sit still and watch the film so why would you take them? It just ruins it for everyone else. The couple next to me had two toddler sons and what looked like a new born baby, get a fuckin babysitter or don't go out.

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Children in the cinema. I really can't understand why anyone take a toddler to see Harry Potter, a kid who is still in a pram and needs a dummy. Of course they are not going to sit still and watch the film so why would you take them? It just ruins it for everyone else. The couple next to me had two toddler sons and what looked like a new born baby, get a fuckin babysitter or don't go out.

Next time take this along. Code of conduct. :D

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Guest The Phoenix

Children in the cinema. I really can't understand why anyone take a toddler to see Harry Potter, a kid who is still in a pram and needs a dummy. Of course they are not going to sit still and watch the film so why would you take them? It just ruins it for everyone else. The couple next to me had two toddler sons and what looked like a new born baby, get a fuckin babysitter or don't go out.

Bit harsh.

Not all kids can behave like little Princesses. :(

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