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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Had my iPad stolen out my flat on Friday at some point. Went out for dinner and drinks after work and didn't get home until 11.30pm so it could have been taken at any point between 8.30am and then. There were no signs of a break-in and nothing else was taken from my room or flatmates' so it was clearly someone with access to the flat. I was seething when I got in.

So what you're saying is your flat got broken into and your iPod was stolen. There was no signs of a break in and nothing of your flatmates stuff was taken?

Hope your flatmates got a good lawyer!

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So what you're saying is your flat got broken into and your iPod was stolen. There was no signs of a break in and nothing of your flatmates stuff was taken?

Hope your flatmates got a good lawyer!

I'm pretty confident that it was the cleaner(s) as they are the only people who have access to the flat other than us and have been known to come round on a Friday. I don't have insurance, on my iPad individually or home contents, so I'm going through the fine detail of the lease contract to see if I have a case against the letting agent.

Any legal eagles or anyone that's gone through similar?

I'd have a polite word with your flatmates and tell them that if, and you aren't accusing anyone, your iPad is not returned then you'll call the Police.

I've already submitted a police report and they're coming round tomorrow for an inspection.

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Well I agreed to do nightshift at my work if I could get Saturday nights off, however they came to a compromise and gave me a Wednesday Thursday and a Friday Saturday alternating weekends.

They've now changed my shifts and told me the only nights I'm now entitled to get off are Monday and Tuesday. What's worse is originally the Thursday night fell on the Europa league weekend. They are now not budging on their side and refusing to give me a holiday even though I've put in 3 requests.

New job required methinks. The sooner the recession is over and I can get back on building sites the better.

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I'm pretty confident that it was the cleaner(s) as they are the only people who have access to the flat other than us and have been known to come round on a Friday. I don't have insurance, on my iPad individually or home contents, so I'm going through the fine detail of the lease contract to see if I have a case against the letting agent.

Any legal eagles or anyone that's gone through similar?

I've already submitted a police report and they're coming round tomorrow for an inspection.

We had something similar when I was at Uni. Long story short, it turned out a PR for a well known Stirling nightclub (that shall remain nameless), had stolen my flat mates PS3 while doing the rounds with their flyers. Even when we found out who it was, my flatmate insisted it was his own fault for leaving his ps3 out. Therefore, the thief got away with it.

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I've had chronic diarrhea today. I don't feel unwell or anything, I just can't risk a fart. Going to T in the Park tomorrow - this will end in tears.

The place stinks of shite anyway, I doub't anyone will notice.

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Probably the best spell of weather we've had in about five years and I'm on a week long course of antbiotics that come with a warning to keep skin out of direct sunlight.


I don't think there's anything 'good' about the weather of the past couple of days. It's been far too hot.

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