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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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They were pretty poor the first time around but to wheel them out again this year is a load of shite. There's only certain adverts they can bring out every Christmas, Coca Cola and Irn Bru being good examples.

Fair point, that Lilly Allen cover version is fast becoming a song that enrages me.

It's now being played on the radio as well as the advert on TV.

Enough is enough.

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I actually own Keane's first album. Like Franz Ferdinand, they released a great debut album and then followed it up with absolute shite afterwards.

Few decent songs, some overplayed though to the point where most people only know one or two songs.

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People who clap at the end of a film. Watched the latest Hunger Games film last night, and some tit started to clap at the end, Why? Apart from the fact that no one who starred in or worked on the film is there to acknowledge your appreciation, the film was pretty poor certainly not worthy of a round of applause.

Unless she was happy it had finished?

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Russell Brand, he's a complete cock

Looks like The Sun might be going after him


Forgive my ignorance but how is Russell Brand writing for the Sun years ago hypocritical because he is now suing them for an article they wrote about him and trying to get a boycott going against the paper?

Reading the Sun gives you a headache.

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Been clearing out the cupboard and found my Carlsberg Draughtmaster. I thought I would put it back in use...wrong!

I found that shops no longer sell the kegs for it. Carlsberg have stopped making them due to lack of demand. The Draughtmaster website still have a limited amount of them for sale. Unfortunately they have a best before date of 21/12/13. After then there will no longer be any kegs left anywhere.

Looks like come christmas time I will be the not so proud owner of a very large, shiny doorstop. :(

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People who clap at the end of a film. Watched the latest Hunger Games film last night, and some tit started to clap at the end, Why? Apart from the fact that no one who starred in or worked on the film is there to acknowledge your appreciation, the film was pretty poor certainly not worthy of a round of applause.

Unless she was happy it had finished?

Maybe she thought the projectionist and cinema staff did a great job? :unsure2:

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