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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Programs that don't auto-save.

You've been typing for ages (in Comic Sans, like a pro, natch), and need to Ctrl+C a chunk of your text into another program. Like a fud, you forget to save first, and your finger slips to 'V'.

Dog kicked, bairns skelped, keyboard oot the windae :angry:

Ctrl-V is paste is it not? Surely that wouldn't have done anything? And if it did, then a quick Ctrl-Z would have sorted it surely?

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Just back from the ERI after being there since 4am. The wife's uncle is seriously ill, all the vital organs are shutting down slowly. So, so soul destroying to see this happen to someone.

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Guest The Phoenix
When my freezer door manages to get an ultra tight seal and I need a crow bar to get the fucker open.

Are you sure you're not confusing your freezer door with a 26 year old very attractive "nurse"?

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Are you sure you're not confusing your freezer door with a 26 year old very attractive "nurse"?

How fcuking dare you!

My date very DEFINITELY is 100% a 26yo very attractive student nurse.......I'm NOT magee FFS!

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Sitting across from 2 student lassies on the train and their traps haven't shut once since Stirling. When did Irish lassies develop that really annoying Aussie habit of going up at the end of sentences making every line a question?

Hope it goes well Philpy?

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Guest The Phoenix
Wait a minute. Are you saying sjc may be trying to shag my freezer?

There's no stopping him is there.

I've heard he's no fussy about where he drops anchor.

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