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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Excellent stuff throughout, until the last series.

Married With Children for the legend that is Al Bundy, and the "wid" that is Christina Applegate.

Scrubs : Medical School was an abomination of a show. Such a sad way to end a wonderful sitcom Edited by lichtie23
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American Sitcoms are pretty much, to a man, shite.

Curb your Enthusiasm was okay and I've heard good things about Arrested Development.

The rest I've seen are pish though. Too much audience participation for my liking.

Pass marks for Home Improvement because I had the teenage horn for Jill, the mother.

Used to love Home Improvement when I was a bairn. Love intensified once I'd caught on that Tim Allen was the voice of Buzz Lightyear.

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Heh. Okay, forgotten a few.

Not quite sure why I'm giving you my review of every US sitcom ever made, except to point out I don't think they're up to much.

Cheers was okay. Frasier was a bit up its own arse.

Scrubs. Was watchable back in the day, but if I see it on the telly, I'm not tempted to watch.

My Name is Earl... again, used to slightly enjoy it, but not exactly rush-home telly.

Third Rock... tried it once. Never again, same as Fresh Prince. Too much cheesiness.

Golden Girls... actually used to enjoy this. Nurses as well. (but not the Golden Palace, I have standards). Don't think they'd stand up to the test of time.

Roseanne. Christ Zen. John Goodman (nearly wrote Don Goodman) got pass marks. The annoying wee brat, the annoying daughter that turned lesbian, the annoying friend (Jackie), the blonde one who went away and came back and was painful. And that's before we even get on to Roseanne. Did they not have a whole series that was just a dream? Or maybe they won the lottery. Cannae mind. Woeful telly.

Zen. Used to think you had taste mate :(

Nearly forgot Sandra Bernhard


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Heh. Okay, forgotten a few.

Not quite sure why I'm giving you my review of every US sitcom ever made, except to point out I don't think they're up to much.

Cheers was okay. Frasier was a bit up its own arse.

Scrubs. Was watchable back in the day, but if I see it on the telly, I'm not tempted to watch.

My Name is Earl... again, used to slightly enjoy it, but not exactly rush-home telly.

Third Rock... tried it once. Never again, same as Fresh Prince. Too much cheesiness.

Golden Girls... actually used to enjoy this. Nurses as well. (but not the Golden Palace, I have standards). Don't think they'd stand up to the test of time.

Roseanne. Christ Zen. John Goodman (nearly wrote Don Goodman) got pass marks. The annoying wee brat, the annoying daughter that turned lesbian, the annoying friend (Jackie), the blonde one who went away and came back and was painful. And that's before we even get on to Roseanne. Did they not have a whole series that was just a dream? Or maybe they won the lottery. Cannae mind. Woeful telly.

Zen. Used to think you had taste mate :(

Nearly forgot Sandra Bernhard


I agree that Bernhard is a minus, however back to my point.

Johnny Galecki, Laurie Metcalf and Sara Gilbert have done not too bad, the trio emerging on TBBT also Sarah Chalke coming good on Scrubs.

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Heh. Okay, forgotten a few.

Not quite sure why I'm giving you my review of every US sitcom ever made, except to point out I don't think they're up to much.

Cheers was okay. Frasier was a bit up its own arse.

Scrubs. Was watchable back in the day, but if I see it on the telly, I'm not tempted to watch.

My Name is Earl... again, used to slightly enjoy it, but not exactly rush-home telly.

Third Rock... tried it once. Never again, same as Fresh Prince. Too much cheesiness.

Golden Girls... actually used to enjoy this. Nurses as well. (but not the Golden Palace, I have standards). Don't think they'd stand up to the test of time.

Roseanne. Christ Zen. John Goodman (nearly wrote Don Goodman) got pass marks. The annoying wee brat, the annoying daughter that turned lesbian, the annoying friend (Jackie), the blonde one who went away and came back and was painful. And that's before we even get on to Roseanne. Did they not have a whole series that was just a dream? Or maybe they won the lottery. Cannae mind. Woeful telly.

Zen. Used to think you had taste mate :(

Nearly forgot Sandra Bernhard


What the actual f**k is that!?

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Moira Stewart when she does the 7.30 am news on the Chris Evans show. Does my head in. :yucky

a) She's a feckin' awful newsreader these days, makes loads of mistakes.

b) She engages in some godawful scripted 'banter' with His Gingeness and ends up guffawing in a 'snorting cocaine / choking on a pistachio' stylee.

Dreadful, cringeworthy pish.

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That's a shame. Used to have a lot of time for her.

Supposedly, as the credits were rolling at the end of the BBC News, John Humphrys turned to her and said...

You’re the most sensationally sexy lady I know. The best thing we can do for the next few hours is to make mad, passionate love in the basement.
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