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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I just got rid of the cold a week or so ago.

And now I've got it again.

And I'm going to Parkhead tonight to sit and freeze my balls off.

I had a wart frozen off once, although I suspect your condition could be remedied with cream.

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There's about £75 missing from my bank account. It was showing on my available balance when I woke up this morning, bought a meal deal in Tesco then by the time I'd gone to work it was missing. Hasn't appeared on my statement yet but there's absolutely nothing I can think of that was due to come out via direct debit or any pending transactions. I used my card twice on Saturday (an ATM transaction of £5 and a £1.97 transfer to my direct debit account as I was a wee bit short for one) and didn't use it at all on Sunday. I'm almost certain there's been an unauthorised transaction on my account. Will the bank be able to tell me more information if I were to go in tomorrow or would I need to wait until it shows up on my online statement?

Was saying to my mate yesterday how well I'd done this month to still have a decent amount in the bank as well then this happens :lol:

Turns out I forgot to cancel my subscription to Amazon prime and I was charged accordingly. Phone up with a grovelling excuse at the ready and that it would put me in financial difficulty but they refunded it with no questions asked. James at Amazon is some boy.

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Bob Geldof.

This shitgibbon is reportedly worth THIRTY TWO million quid, and he's all over the telly again get fired into the public and demanding we buy the new band aid single because him and his shite celeb pals are going to single-handedly cure ebola.

This despite participating in a similar tax avoidance scheme that got Tory c**t Gary Barlow vilified by the media.

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Bob Geldof.

This shitgibbon is reportedly worth THIRTY TWO million quid, and he's all over the telly again get fired into the public and demanding we buy the new band aid single because him and his shite celeb pals are going to single-handedly cure ebola.

This despite participating in a similar tax avoidance scheme that got Tory c**t Gary Barlow vilified by the media.

And he had the nerve to have a sly dig at Adele for not taking part. Did it never occur to him that she might think he's a tax dodging c**t?

Everyone seems to hate him these days...did it turn out that he personally makes a profit out of all this Live Aid stuff or something? :huh:

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The over-use of the phrase 'rape culture'. I hadn't heard it at all until last year, now the small group of Feminazis on my Facebook use it at least once per day (and usually for an unnecessary reason).

Just realised that I'd no idea what 'rape culture' actually means, so I looked it up.

Anyone using the term to describe society in the UK is a massive attention-seeking c**t.

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'National Treasure' used by the media to describe women off the telly like Claire Balding (around the 2012 Olympics), Olivia Coleman, Judi Dench or Mary Berry. Horrific phrase that is total bollocks.

Just women? It's pretty commonly used for men too. Stephen Fry, for example.

Who the f**k is Mary Berry? :huh:

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How are you defining 'young'? I thought it was started by those youngsters with their hipping and hopping music.

Hip-Hop should be illegal. Utter shite.

By young, i meant people under 20.

Would also like to concur with an above post, Bob Geldof is a c**t. The only c**t who comes close to the Cuntishness of Geldof is that absolute shitcunt Bono.

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Hip-Hop should be illegal. Utter shite.

I'm guessing you're a country fan, judging by the splendid mullet your avatar's sporting.

Someone's bound to have done a hip-hop/country crossover by now. Then locked it quietly away, lest it infect others.

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Everyone seems to hate him these days...did it turn out that he personally makes a profit out of all this Live Aid stuff or something? :huh:

It's more that he tells governments to drop debts owed by developing countries and insisting they do more to help those in poverty while sitting on his millions and avoiding paying tax. I don't dislike the guy so much as find him to be a massive hypocrite. I'm not denying he's done amazing work for charity in the past and he seems to be very passionate about the work he does while suffering huge personal tragedy in his private life but he claiming the time he puts in is tax enough is a bit shit.

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