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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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It's not as if you're going to say "No, Holly, I'm sorry. I really don't want to motorboat you as your breasts are a little lop-sided" - and even if you did, your voice would be muffled by her norks.

^^^^ knows the score
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After a short* period of study, I have determined her tits are different sizes. Why? :unsure:

*45 minutes of drooling and one satisfying w**k

The microphone is quite clearly the culprit here, the sound man would have to remove it from behind as the recoil would have his eye out.

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After a short* period of study, I have determined her tits are different sizes. Why? :unsure:

*45 minutes of drooling and one satisfying w**k

I think you'll find her pet mouse is gnawing on her left nipple, pulling it down and giving the illusion of size differential.

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Bloody Awful Christmas music on in the office . Fek.

I'm still scarred by a Christmas CD that played on a loop in a shop I worked at seventeen years ago. Instantly transported back to that horrible job whenever I hear Santa Baby, Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas Time, Fairytale of New York... :shutup

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Does anyone else get sick at the beginning of the Christmas break, every fucking year?

This year, the wean's caught chicken pox, my mother's stuck in bed after falling down a flight of stairs, and I've got a lovely lung infection coming along. Even the cat's just had blood tests for potential diabetes FFS.

If the wife's not sick or dead by Christmas Eve, she's getting burnt for a witch. f**k it.

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I got the flu in the run up to Christmas a few years back but was thankfully alright by the time the day arrived. This year, however, I've landed myself with a chest infection, coughing and wheezing all over the place, antibiotics and an inhaler from the doctor but I'll hopefully (!) be back to work next week.

My sister in law gets a cold for Christmas every year, without fail.

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Guest The Phoenix

My mother's stuck in bed after falling down a flight of stairs.

Serves her right for putting her bed there but I guess it may have served to prevent more serious injury.

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I got the flu in the run up to Christmas a few years back but was thankfully alright by the time the day arrived. This year, however, I've landed myself with a chest infection, coughing and wheezing all over the place, antibiotics and an inhaler from the doctor but I'll hopefully (!) be back to work next week.

My sister in law gets a cold for Christmas every year, without fail.

I can mind my mum being stoned as f**k on painkillers and cough syrup on Christmas Day when I was 6 or so. Even she remembers it as the best Christmas ever :thumsup2 Get well soon, hen.

Do you ever think your SiL is just trying to avoid the family gatherings? I ken my mum's avoiding me, but I thought that an ambulance ride was taking things a wee bit too far :P

Serves her right for putting her bed there but I guess it may have served to prevent more serious injury.

:lol: Hadn't occurred to me; need to have a word with the silly bugger!

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Skitters everywhere, and had to bring a container through to pish into, as I only just made it last time. The boak is on its way, and I fear there will be tears as just swallowing is like consuming a handful of glass.

Might consider finally watching Slaughtered Vomit Dolls just to help the process along. Happy 5th night of Hanukkah, P&B!

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