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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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People dont have dishwashers?

How quaint.

Dishwashers are pish and are for the lazy and retarded.

Speaking of retards, I once tried to wash a pair of jeans in my parent's dishwasher when I was younger (the washing machine was being used by my younger brother and I really needed them). I would describe that particular move as a 'faux pas'.

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Dishwashers are pish and are for the lazy and retarded.

Speaking of retards, I once tried to wash a pair of jeans in my parent's dishwasher when I was younger (the washing machine was being used by my younger brother and I really needed them). I would describe that particular move as a 'faux pas'.

How very dare you

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Dishwashers are pish and are for the lazy and retarded.

Speaking of retards, I once tried to wash a pair of jeans in my parent's dishwasher when I was younger (the washing machine was being used by my younger brother and I really needed them). I would describe that particular move as a 'faux pas'.

Can't afford a dishwasher imo.

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When you update the P&B app for your phone and it then tells you that the new version is "not compatible with your device" after getting rid of the one which I used before. Now I'm stuck with the far inferior mobile site. :(

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and more specifically your inbox after a few weeks off.

Cleared though hundreds of emails of which only two were of real importance or value.

I'm due back next week after nearly six months off - I am not looking forward to my first encounter with Outlook....

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and more specifically your inbox after a few weeks off.

Cleared though hundreds of emails of which only two were of real importance or value.

I've avoided it today. f**k it, let's have a look and see what awaits tomorrow...

1017 unread messages :bairn

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I have one. She's called Mrs 19QOS19.

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByPie & Bovril1420475829.248430.jpg

That reminds me of that joke when a guy goes into a chippy and asks where the guy who served him last time was and the boss says "I sacked him he was sticking his dick in the potato peeler" Then the man asks " what did you do with the potato peeler?" " I sacked her as well!!"

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