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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Oh, philpy.Why would a boss agree to closing at the busiest time of the day?

Plenty of the other merchants do it, walker timber, keyline, and a few of the plumbers merchants as well. It can be a busy time, but when you have folk that are on their feet from 7am and are entitled to a break, something has to give. There have been days where I've not had my lunch until 2pm FFS

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Plenty of the other merchants do it, walker timber, keyline, and a few of the plumbers merchants as well. It can be a busy time, but when you have folk that are on their feet from 7am and are entitled to a break, something has to give. There have been days where I've not had my lunch until 2pm FFS

2pm??? I'm lucky if I've stopped for a pee by that time some days! Suck it up, princess. If lunch time is the busiest time, you get your break before or after that. It's not rocket surgery.

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Guest The Phoenix
Plenty of the other merchants do it, walker timber, keyline, and a few of the plumbers merchants as well. It can be a busy time, but when you have folk that are on their feet from 7am and are entitled to a break, something has to give. There have been days where I've not had my lunch until 2pm FFS

That's an entirely different matter - your bosses should arrange staffing / breaks to comply with employment law.

Closing at what you call lunchtime would be lunacy given your reporting of when you are busy.

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Guest The Phoenix
Why don't staff just stagger their lunch breaks so there's always folk on the shop floor?

Indeed, the very point I'm making and the lead should be taken by Management.

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Seriously what is wrong with this guy? Complains that someone comes in at 4.55 and gets rightly slated for it, then complains that people come in during their lunch break, then complains that the company don't shut the doors during the busiest time of the whole day!

No lunch before 2pm?! Are you for real?!

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Guest The Phoenix
Just my opinion on the matter folks, after all it's part of the nature of the thread. LM, you can have the benefit of the doubt given the nature of your profession.

Sometimes it's better to keep an opinion to yourself, philpy.

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Just my opinion on the matter folks, after all it's part of the nature of the thread. LM, you can have the benefit of the doubt given the nature of your profession.

Could you post a list of acceptable times to come and buy stuff from you?

It would be a bit like opening hours, I suppose...

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Why don't staff just stagger their lunch breaks so there's always folk on the shop floor?

We do - but there are only 2 of us in the warehouse/yard. The counter staff do try and help if they can, especially when one of us is off sick or on holiday, but if it's really busy then can't get get away from the sales counter to help us. The working time regulators would have a field day if they knew folk were going for days without a break due to a lack of cover. I'd quite happily blow the whistle on that matter should I ever leave. Ignore my first sentence - there are actually 3 of us, sorry. The other guy stocks up the Ironmongery, sweeps up and helps us with orders, but he is only in from 8-12 and can't work any longer than that due to child care issues.

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What, would you deem having lunch at 2pm having started at 7am as acceptable?? 7 hours with no break (ok, maybe a cuppa whilst on the go, but still..), f**k that, and it's against the working laws.

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