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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Since I started swimming with my son, I'd imagine everyone at the Leisure Bowl in Alloa is too.

A heifer evening at the baths might not be such a bad idea. One night a week, you have to tip the scales at the weighbridge before the doors open.

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When people don't reply to texts. I can understand if you are busy or just don't want to talk, but at least have the courtesy to tell me that, rather than flat out ignoring my texts.

It shows a complete lack of respect IMO and if someone does it too much with me they can bet that I won't be eager to make any plans with them in the future.

And yes, I am incredibly bitter

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When people don't reply to texts. I can understand if you are busy or just don't want to talk, but at least have the courtesy to tell me that, rather than flat out ignoring my texts.

It shows a complete lack of respect IMO and if someone does it too much with me they can bet that I won't be eager to make any plans with them in the future.

And yes, I am incredibly bitter

That's the point, isn't it? :huh:

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Some of the time, yes. But when they are texting you a couple weeks later acting like your best pal is what I'm talking about

Ah. Sounds like you're just something to kill time with when other people aren't available, in that case. We've all been there.

Take up knitting instead. The soft ovine coat of the sheep won't treat you badly. And you might meet some new friends from the North.

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Texts are easily forgotten, you could be busy or driving and open it, then forget about it 30 seconds later.

Like Hedgecutter said, if you are that desperate to speak to them then give them a call. If they ignore them, then your craic must be pish.

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I'd much rather somebody tried to phone me than force me into a to and fro text conversation. A text to me says that it can wait.

Same here, but I've known people who've said the opposite - they don't like having their attention taken up entirely by a phone call. I've even heard texters say it's selfish and rude to call someone :huh: Considering how many people spend all their time tapping away at their phone anyway, I suppose it's not too much of a surprise.

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It's almost tropical in Dundee today...

That is the positive side to this horrible situation. When you're not in the shade it's very nice.


I fucking despise wasps.

I scream like a girl if they come within 5 metres of me; I fucking hate them.

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Like all Alloa fans, I'm apparently fascinating to wasps, and they regularly land on me for a quick sniff. They're really quite cute, especially when they get trapped in my arm hair and thrash around helplessly until they get help to escape.

Must be a nightmare if you're allergic to their sting, however :(

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Like all Alloa fans, I'm apparently fascinating to wasps, and they regularly land on me for a quick sniff. They're really quite cute, especially when they get trapped in my arm hair and thrash around helplessly until they get help to escape.

Must be a nightmare if you're allergic to their sting, however :(

I don't mind them either, probably helped by a layering of arm hair which suncream can't seem to get through.

I do mind however when some daft bint goes mental around them, trying to squat them which does nothing but piss off the wasps. It's never them that gets stung because of it though.

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The watch advert that tries to sell me a watch by pointing out that nobody finds it necessary to wear a watch anymore.

Quality work, guys.

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