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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Having to wait for news,

Just been told their will be a conference call from the company head for Europe to all branches later,

there has never been one before. So either going to be good news or possibly and more porbably bad

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I was at The Forge earlier and ended up going to McDonald's (I'm not proud of it, I was starving and had to get back to pick up the kids) and a jakeball asked if I collected the loyalty card stickers off the side of the coffee cups (I don't) and could he have the one from mine. :unsure:

I got talking to a beggar that sits in the city centre as I gave him some crisps and a can of juice,Turns out his sister works in our office.
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Women who describe themselves as full time mummies in order to make them sound superior to women who have to work for a living. Generally found parking badly close to the local school, ignoring those who are not part of their little cliques and spending ages chatting to each other at drop-off and pick-up times. And posting self absorbed shit on Facebook.

Full time c***s more like

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Women who describe themselves as full time mummies in order to make them sound superior to women who have to work for a living. Generally found parking badly close to the local school, ignoring those who are not part of their little cliques and spending ages chatting to each other at drop-off and pick-up times. And posting self absorbed shit on Facebook.

Full time c***s more like

Ah, my second petty thing from yesterday. Dropped the wee man off at school, driving home I had to squeeze the car through the gap left between the cars lining either side of the road and a couple of scheme goblin mothers who were stood having a good old chat at the side of another car. The driver's side of the car. In the fucking road.

Having a chat in the fucking road.

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Ah, my second petty thing from yesterday. Dropped the wee man off at school, driving home I had to squeeze the car through the gap left between the cars lining either side of the road and a couple of scheme goblin mothers who were stood having a good old chat at the side of another car. The driver's side of the car. In the fucking road.

Having a chat in the fucking road.

I think, in that case, they are fair game for a sudden jerk of the steering wheel crushing them between your car and the parked car. Scum. Subhuman scum
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On a car related topic. I parkex my car in the Gyle all by itself plenty of room all over the place. By the time I got out anothet car parked so close on the right I had to squeeze my ample frame out the door. Meanwhile another motor parked so close to my rear (ahem)

I could hardly open the boot.

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I have never watched cricket in my life

But I'm finding it annoying as f**k that Strauss never called up KP

Bunch of fucking pansys not picking their best player because they don't like his personality.Possibly the only sport in the world that cares more about the feelings of the sensitive souls in the dressing room than it does about results on the pitch. Stupid minority sport anyway.

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Ah, my second petty thing from yesterday. Dropped the wee man off at school, driving home I had to squeeze the car through the gap left between the cars lining either side of the road and a couple of scheme goblin mothers who were stood having a good old chat at the side of another car. The driver's side of the car. In the fucking road.

Having a chat in the fucking road.

You should have just ran them over. I hear the suspension in a BMW X5 is pretty good.
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Wee scabby fuckers that think it's sociably acceptable to stop you in the street and ask you for 50p for the bus.

Tasers should be made legal IMO.

Can't remember having a smoke outside a bus/train station without some fud coming up and asking for one. It's worse when you say "It's my last one" and both know it's a complete lie, even they look offended.

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Apparently I look like a smoker. Since I was twelve, I've regularly had strangers coming up to me in the street trying to bum fags or asking for lights. I wouldn't mind, but they never believe me when I say that I don't smoke; even had folk say, "you could've just said no" and march off in a strop. WTF? :wacko:

Thankfully past the brief stage when alcoholics would sidle up to me on the street and ask me to buy (always) "the cheapest cider they've got" from offies they'd been barred from. I used to take it that they thought I was a fellow alkie, but surely they'd expect me to take the money and run off with the booze myself if that were true...?

tl;dr - I'm a jakey-looking scuzzball :bairn

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Been sunny all day but then decided to pish it down as I leave work walking to the bus stop. Fucking soaked < waves angry fist at sky >

I personally blame a certain P&B regular, it never used to rain here before he arrived.

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Can't remember having a smoke outside a bus/train station without some fud coming up and asking for one. It's worse when you say "It's my last one" and both know it's a complete lie, even they look offended.

You shouldn't lie then.

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