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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Still a strange choice of clothing for the perfume counter at Boots.

Maybe it's dress down Wednesfay?

I've stuck a cardy in my bag, I'm playing out up Rosewell this afternoon & it could turn colder up them parts.


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Samsung phones have that I think. Utter scum. The phone and the owner.

Youll be happy to know mine is samaung 1st and last

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The bar I'm sitting outside of (the old school house) had an actually queue waiting for the bar. 9/10ths of the bar was empty but a queue had to be formed.

No one really knew what was happening.

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Do all commercial tv channels time their ad breaks to come on at the same time.  If I'm watching a programme and the ads come on I sometimes switch to another channel to see what's on and it's usually more adverts. If I'm honest this only annoys me very slightly.

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Chocolate should always be kept in the fridge...


^^^ kens the score


... as should all biscuits that have chocolate on them.


WTF? That is just madness. Definite Beast behaviour.

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Do all commercial tv channels time their ad breaks to come on at the same time. If I'm watching a programme and the ads come on I sometimes switch to another channel to see what's on and it's usually more adverts. If I'm honest this only annoys me very slightly.

Yeah that irritates me to. I guess it's largely as they time programmes to start at on or half past the hour, and generally have adverts halfway through, but it is annoying.

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Correct, almost as bad as keeping eggs in the fridge.


its perfectly acceptable to keep eggs in the fridge, its using them when they are not at room temperature that is beastly behaviour

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