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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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2 hours ago, jmothecat said:

Being contacted from work when I've left, or on my days off. If it's an emergency or something I need to know then fair enough, but increasingly I'm getting phoned or texted about things that are either not very important or could wait until I'm next in.

Becoming very tempted to ignore any contact from work altogether, but then if I ignore a call or a text I find myself thinking about it until I finally give in and reply. I like and care about my job, but when I leave the place I want to forget about it and focus on my family or friends or football or anything I fancy. Maybe I should get a separate work phone and just turn it off when I'm not actually in the place. Leave them my landline for absolute emergencies but nothing else. I think texting is the problem, far too easy to just send a text.

Tell them your phone is broken, and you can't afford a new one.

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Employers thinking they're entitled to your services 24/7 seems to be a creeping threat these days - new phone technology has made people more available which isn't necessarily always a good thing - different if you're being paid to be on call, but most of us aren't.

My current boss is brand new and wouldn't dream of bugging me on a day off or after I've left. but with a previous one I had to end up making it clear I didn't welcome intrusion into my own time - fair enough as you say if it's an emergency, but 99 times out of 100 it'd be some pish that I could do myself in ten seconds the following day.

Weird thing is it's never my boss who contacts me. He seems to value work life balance really well, it's other people on the same level as me.
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6 hours ago, Shandon Par said:

I accidentally drank someone's internet booze order. I'd got an email from a lady I knew who said she was sending me a bottle of something for helping her out with some job. Later in the day a bottle arrived from a supplier in her part of Glasgow. I cracked it open and a couple of us at work got fired into the lovely gin. A wee while later a neighbour came in and asked if we had his bottle of gin. He took it very well and the delivery company sent him another bottle. Stupid delivery person never told me the parcel was for a neighbour. Finders keepers and all that. 


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32 minutes ago, jmothecat said:


Weird thing is it's never my boss who contacts me. He seems to value work life balance really well, it's other people on the same level as me.


Next time say "Oh, is that all? I was worried it was going to be really urgent for you to phone me on my time off.

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Being contacted from work when I've left, or on my days off. If it's an emergency or something I need to know then fair enough, but increasingly I'm getting phoned or texted about things that are either not very important or could wait until I'm next in.

Becoming very tempted to ignore any contact from work altogether, but then if I ignore a call or a text I find myself thinking about it until I finally give in and reply. I like and care about my job, but when I leave the place I want to forget about it and focus on my family or friends or football or anything I fancy. Maybe I should get a separate work phone and just turn it off when I'm not actually in the place. Leave them my landline for absolute emergencies but nothing else. I think texting is the problem, far too easy to just send a text.

Christ this was endemic in my last job, was terrified to go into facebook messenger or whatsapp at points, within 10 minutes of being active usually had some absolute roaster asking a pointless question or making a complaint about another manager/member of staff.

Get a work phone (got one from Tesco for about 15 quid) and remove all people from work on the apps I mentioned above if you have them, worked for me anyway.
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I'll get the odd person texting me asking about certain jobs are running on my machine and general questions about the job if it's new to them, its very rare that it happens though and I'm always happy to help as there's been one or two occasions I've been in a similar predicament and boys have helped me out with a quick text. However if this was becoming a daily occurrence and my spare time getting taken up they would be told to gtf. 

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6 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Not sure what kind of jobs breed this sort of pish. Everyone in my line of work knows you dont hassle anyone at home unless it is absolutely unavoidable and that has never happened to me yet.

If it did begin to happen, culprits would be berated to the point they would never dream of doing it again. Not saying that to try and sound the big man either, I am paid nowhere near enough to allow work past my door. Likely never will be.

Big round of applause for this chap.

At work they say don't bring yer personal problems with you. It works both ways fuckers.

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