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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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To be fair, most of the people moaning about shops being open on Boxing Day are whining students who think the world is extremely unfair because they have to work.

That's the impression I get anyway. Also, I bet that if a lot of these people didn't work in retail, they'd be marching into Topshop at 9am on Boxing Day for the sales just like every other arsehole.

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To be fair, most of the people moaning about shops being open on Boxing Day are whining students who think the world is extremely unfair because they have to work.

That's the impression I get anyway. Also, I bet that if a lot of these people didn't work in retail, they'd be marching into Topshop at 9am on Boxing Day for the sales just like every other arsehole.

In my experience the people whining about working on Boxing Day are usually the ones who don't actually work on Boxing Day. It's just all about being outraged on someone else's behalf.
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When I worked for Menzies I worked Boxing Day and New Year's Day. Started at 6. Didn't bother me. 

I had to start at 7 when I was at McDonald's. It was pointless being open as no one actually came in.
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I don't have a DAB in my current car and the USB thing is too outdated to recognise my phone. Plays music off a memory stick but if I want to listen to the radio I'm deprived of my fix of my 6 Music.

It means I'm much angrier than usual as I have to skip between radio 2 and BBC Scotland (the only stations the radio picks up). Apart from Sportsound, Radio Scotland would be improved 100 fold if it was just dead air. 

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If you work in retail you should just accept you might have to work boxing day, to be fair when I used to work retail I never heard anyone moan about it apart from their bad luck of it being their turn to do it. My missus works for Aldi and they actually close on boxing day which I'm surprised at.

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9 hours ago, Carl Cort's Hamstring said:

I wouldn't ban Boxing Day shopping, but I would restrict Boxing Day to Sunday trading hours.It's not fair on staff to have to be in before 6am on a day when there's no public transport in a lot of the country.

I was surprised to read this until I noticed your location (Sarf Lahndan). Scotland has different trading laws and Sunday is just another day here,

Nobody has made the point that the discussion over Boxing Day opening only applies in England. There are no plans to prevent shops opening on Boxing Day in Scotland, and there is zero chance of it actually becoming law in England anyway.

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13 hours ago, Gaz FFC said:

I never understood why Next need to open at 6AM anyway.

Because there's a queue of muppets outside just waiting to be fleeced vast wads of cash for what will very quickly become 'last years shite' :lol: 


Boxing day = big breakfast, chocolate, sport on tv, beer, feet up on the sofa etc, etc, etc....

Shopping?? I don't think so :blink:  Ok maybe on the internet but that's it.......


Edited by Trackdaybob
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39 minutes ago, Trackdaybob said:

Because there's a queue of muppets outside just waiting to be fleeced vast wads of cash for what will very quickly become 'last years shite' :lol: 


Isn't that just it?

Easy to blame the likes of Next for screwing over staff and ruining there Xmas but what about the people who queue and buy?

Equally responsible and all for what exactly?

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Isn't that just it?
Easy to blame the likes of Next for screwing over staff and ruining there Xmas but what about the people who queue and buy?
Equally responsible and all for what exactly?

Probably more responsible.

It opens at 6am because there is demand for it, otherwise they'd never ever do it.

Absolute mentalists that queue up for it, something very wrong with them.
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2 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:


Probably more responsible.

It opens at 6am because there is demand for it, otherwise they'd never ever do it.

Absolute mentalists that queue up for it, something very wrong with them.


Another of these FB groups who will be on on Boxing day telling us all how they got up at 4.30AM to save a tenner on stuff Next couldn't sell before Xmas.

Am I meant to be impressed by this you fucking oxygen thief?

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Another of these FB groups who will be on on Boxing day telling us all how they got up at 4.30AM to save a tenner on stuff Next couldn't sell before Xmas.
Am I meant to be impressed by this you fucking oxygen thief?

I don't know why I even have facebook, I get annoyed at basically everything on it.
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You sound like me :lol:
It's basically for people who want others to love them. Needy b*****ds.

The worst are the people who post something like:

'Not for facebook but had just the most awful day[emoji27][emoji27][emoji27]'

Basically just screaming please please ask me what's wrong and tell me how much you love me.

Fucking f**k off
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1 minute ago, Dons_1988 said:


The worst are the people who post something like:

'Not for facebook but had just the most awful dayemoji27.pngemoji27.pngemoji27.png'

Basically just screaming please please ask me what's wrong and tell me how much you love me.

Fucking f**k off


I've somehow ended up friends with my wife's wee cousins 19 Y/O girlfriend and she is 1 attention seeking roaster.

Always posting statuses like "some folk are born liars"  "Some folk are due a slap" 

Always hunting for a reply and a reaction . I can't even remember accepting the friend request. Cow is getting deleted anyway 

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I've somehow ended up friends with my wife's wee cousins 19 Y/O girlfriend and she is 1 attention seeking roaster.
Always posting statuses like "some folk are born liars"  "Some folk are due a slap" 
Always hunting for a reply and a reaction . I can't even remember accepting the friend request. Cow is getting deleted anyway 

Oh aye that gets on my tits.

Although saying that, I had an ex school friend who constantly posts emotional shite like that. Later found out she'd been in hospital for months with anorexia and depression and came quite close to dying.

Felt bad for about 30 seconds then remembered there's no excuse for being a knobend
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