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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Aye, my other annoyance was the fact that the train at a reasonable time would've been over £140 for the two of us, so the bus was the only option for £45. I plan on being in no fit state to drive the next day.

Could probably chop that train fare in half by breaking the journey into smaller sections but aye I get your annoyance, forget just how expensive the train is . I'm a train driver so up to inv I'm either up front or travelling on duty with my pass. The nick of some of the inv-perth trains I've jumped on tho I'd be raging if I was paying full whack for the journey!
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Could probably chop that train fare in half by breaking the journey into smaller sections but aye I get your annoyance, forget just how expensive the train is . I'm a train driver so up to inv I'm either up front or travelling on duty with my pass. The nick of some of the inv-perth trains I've jumped on tho I'd be raging if I was paying full whack for the journey!

That was the first thing I tried after getting the prices, i think I would have saved a fiver if I split the journey at Perth but it wasn't worth it.

And aye, some of the trains are absolutely howling.
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Went to the cinema to see 'It'. People clapped during one scene and at the end of the film.
When the f**k did such actions begin?

This is similar to Russian / Ukrainian flights, where folk clap the pilot for landing them safely and not drunkenly melting them into the side of a mountain or drunkenly allowing a bairn to fly the plane and melt them into the side of a mountain.
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It was 37deg C when I posted that, however, point taken & im now pissed.

What ? Your pint or the ambient temp. If it was your pint that temp then your gripping it to tight. If the ambient temp then u can f**k off , you deserve all the warm beer going it's pissing down here.
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3 hours ago, resk said:


This is similar to Russian / Ukrainian flights, where folk clap the pilot for landing them safely and not drunkenly melting them into the side of a mountain or drunkenly allowing a bairn to fly the plane and melt them into the side of a mountain.


*Glasgow flights.

Every flight I'm on that lands at Glasgow, I'm sure someone's going to 'pass a hat roon fur the drivur'.

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*Glasgow flights.
Every flight I'm on that lands at Glasgow, I'm sure someone's going to 'pass a hat roon fur the drivur'.

At least at Prestwick there's form for pilots going off the end of the runway so applause there is excused , anywhere else get a grip.
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8 hours ago, meanmistermustard said:

Is clapping during the film some American bullshit too? Who the f**k would want to sit beside someone who claps during a film? The embarrassment and shame by association should be enough to justify disowning.

This read better when I thought the last word was 'drowning'

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