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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Couldn't agree more about Clubcard Deals - they're fantastic. I'm staying in a Hilton in London in a couple of weeks for the weekend thanks to them.

Which Hilton?

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slg please dont kill yourself cause i will feel a tad guilty. Anyway so you have some plooks and folk are not being nice to you - so what? just deal with it. Think of all the things you might have that others dont like having a huge willy or summit. Also things could be a lot worse like living in ethiopia or supporting the shire.


Gogo's posts always make me chuckle.

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I dont like that Foxy bingo advert.

There's something that just doesnt sit right about a fox in a suit.

What about a tweed cape???


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Where's the fucking snow I was promised?

I was looking forward to seeing it this morning as well.

My nag is work - the moron across from me should be fired for consistently not doing his job properly for God knows how long. I've been here over a year and even in that time I've seen he never does what he is told to do, never listens to the boss, is continuously late and leaves early. He is an all round tosser and that he is still here beggars belief.

He has been off since Tuesday which is fantastic for me although I have ended up having to deal with his workload.

Edited by RiG
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