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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I'm really quite obnoxious mostly, but complaining about service is a thing I rarely do. I'm quite a sucker really when spending money. I don't like to make a fuss. I think even I might have said something about that in Pizza Hut.

We once went to Pizza Hut in Kilmarnock and there were four families standing waiting to be seated, three staff standing around twiddling their thumbs and five free tables that only needed clearing. While these families were standing around making the place look untidy these spotty lassies were giggling amongst themselves instead of clearing tables. I stormed out annoyed and Karen followed me, a bit mortified. :lol: Bet it wouldn't have happened on JR's watch! ;)

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I have just realised that the team listed below my profile was set as Rangers. That must've been that *** that was at my house yesterday <_<


Nothing worse than some p***k fucking about with your account when you've left yourself logged in, eh Mr Wee? :P

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You might laugh, but since the football, he's been giving it "Baaansley" all afternoon. If I can sound like I'm from Gloucester... :P

I have a friend from Barnsley who lived in Gloucester. I'd been teasing her three year old daughter a couple of weeks ago and told her to put her "tongue" away as she was sticking it out at me. Poor girl didn't have a clue. She thinks it's a "tung" (clipped G - almost a silent one). Bloody ridiculous accent!

I'm the same as you, though, I've been bloody miserable since yesterday. I'm such a grumpy arse cow. I also managed to get a blister on my finger and burst in within the space of a couple of minutes today, due to having a paintbrush in my hand all sodding day. At least it's done and I don't have to go back again. Nice getting the extra cash, but bugger me, it's knackering.

My misery's not so bad now. I've got my kids back, put them to bed, had nothing but good behaviour from all three of them. Elise even asked to practice writing her name and then tried really hard, managing a near perfect "e" instead of just messing about with it like she sometimes does. Sam read his school book perfectly and Scott didn't tant at me when I left him but played nicely upstairs till I went back to change his nappy and give him more milk. It sounds like he's gone to sleep now. I got my long-awaited cuddle, have had a brew, phoned Mr HGG and am hoping for a better day tomorrow. :)

Great that you've got the painting done. No spillages this time? :rolleyes:

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Just a couple, but only small ones, and the guy's decided he's taking the carpets out anyway, so it didn't matter anyway, thank God! My hair was full of gloss paint, though. :lol:

Paint, yes, of course it was.... :unsure:

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Does anyone else ever get pissed off at cold callers who give you their spiel and start calling you 'mate'? :angry: That's up there with neddy shellsuit scum playing their munchkin techno crap on the bus.

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Does anyone else ever get pissed off at cold callers who give you their spiel and start calling you 'mate'? :angry: That's up there with neddy shellsuit scum playing their munchkin techno crap on the bus.

Yep, agreed. I also hate when I get those customer service calls and they call me by my first name. Unless I have invited them to use my first name, I expect to be called Miss Dimambro. I said that to Adam after I'd been dealing with those wanks at Virgin Media one day, and they're instructed in their training to use first names. I find that incredibly rude. I wouldn't dream of referring a caller to a company I worked for by their first name unless it was someone I dealt with regularly or invited to.

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...Miss Dimambro....

Thats your real surname? Thats the coolest name ever! If that was my surname, theres no way in hell I would ever let anyone call me by my first name! :D

Edited to add, having quickly thought about that, I realise that the above may possibly be interpreted as some sort of twisted marriage proposal. Sorry! :ph34r:

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Thats your real surname? Thats the coolest name ever! If that was my surname, theres no way in hell I would ever let anyone call me by my first name! :D

Edited to add, having quickly thought about that, I realise that the above may possibly be interpreted as some sort of twisted marriage proposal. Sorry! :ph34r:

:lol: Yep, that's my real name. I was a Whitelock for a couple of years, but then after the divorce, I went back to this one. I don't actually like it myself, but Fudge has told me it's an ace name as well.

I did realise the other day that I don't think I've actually told my friends and family Adam's real surname. They'll just see Bebo and Facebook and assume that I will one day actually become Mrs Wee. :lol:

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If you say 'Lyn-Marie Wee' in a squeaky Glasgow ned voice you WILL giggle.

Go ahead, try it.



I can't, so I got Adam up off the sofa to do it for me. You're right. :lol:

I could probably have imagined it really, but I wanted to make him get up and do it. :D

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The top five forum gave me flashbacks of Friday night. :(

Specifically, its made me realise that I seriously fancy my mates current girlfriend, and I know fine well that he's planning to dump her at some point...but

a ) I cant remember her name, and

b ) its not the sort of thing that you can generally bring up in conversation!

Makes me want to turn emo. :(

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Waiting on my project supervisor coming to see me and let me know if the solution I produced for him is ok, my work load is pretty light until he does so, unfortunately the chances of me seeing him before May is pretty fucking slim, does my head in...

btw, totally unrelated but WB, where do you get the classic raith images for your avater?

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Waiting on my project supervisor coming to see me and let me know if the solution I produced for him is ok, my work load is pretty light until he does so, unfortunately the chances of me seeing him before May is pretty fucking slim, does my head in...

btw, totally unrelated but WB, where do you get the classic raith images for your avater?

They are all press photos I have purchased over the years, and just got round to scanning them on my computer.

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They are all press photos I have purchased over the years, and just got round to scanning them on my computer.

Nice one, glad someone stored them for posterity.... lost all my press clippings years ago :(

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