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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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That is a lovely dog Monster. Aren't problems with the back legs quite common in Labs though?

My Granny and Grandpa have an Alsatian which they got from a kennel/home in Dornoch. Apparently her last owners couldn't care for her anymore but when they picked her up they were told she is often very wary of men approaching her and will bark if she feels threatened hinting towards a previous owner beating her.

Such a shame. I don't understand how you can mistreat an animal in such a way. She was, on the whole, fine with me when I saw her at the weekend but a couple of times when I got out of my seat she would bark a couple of times.

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Aren't problems with the back legs quite common in Labs though?

Yup. Mrs Kilt's third Guide Dog, Sherry, was a black lab and was just put to sleep three week's ago aged 16. :( Whenever she got wet, like when we went to Loch Lomond and she went for a swim, she start hirpling and whining from the pain in her hips. She was a cracking wee worker though, a lovable animal with a great temperament and at least enjoyed 8 years of well earned retirement with GDBA fundraisers on a farm just outwith Longniddrie. :)

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Guest The Phoenix
Mrs Kilt's third Guide Dog, Sherry

Trust you to get drink in on the act. ;)

Dogs can really break peoples' hearts.

I remember when I was young (no smart arse comments required) my parents had a number of miniature daschunds.

The first was called Wimpey and he met his end when my Dad opened the front door and he ran out and got flattened by a passing artic lorry (the dog not my Dad) on the main road. I'll never forget my Dad having to scrape him off the road to give him a decent burial.

Most of the subsequent one (Jetson and Jason, Sophie and Max) suffered the Daschund Disease - paralysis of the back end - and had to be put down at a relatively young age.

Despite the love, affection and companionship that dogs can give, their passing doesnae' half result in a helluva lot of weeping and wailing and on balance it is the one good thing that came out of my daughter having asthma - we were never able to have a dog ourselves.

I note with interest that TGG finds the passing of pets sad but couldn't give a shit about human demise. :rolleyes:

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Trust you to get drink in on the act. ;)

Dogs can really break peoples' hearts.

I remember when I was young (no smart arse comments required) my parents had a number of miniature daschunds.

The first was called Wimpey and he met his end when my Dad opened the front door and he ran out and got flattened by a passing artic lorry (the dog not my Dad) on the main road. I'll never forget my Dad having to scrape him off the road to give him a decent burial.

Most of the subsequent one (Jetson and Jason, Sophie and Max) suffered the Daschund Disease - paralysis of the back end - and had to be put down at a relatively young age.

Despite the love, affection and companionship that dogs can give, their passing doesnae' half result in a helluva lot of weeping and wailing and on balance it is the one good thing that came out of my daughter having asthma - we were never able to have a dog ourselves.

I note with interest that TGG finds the passing of pets sad but couldn't give a shit about human demise. :rolleyes:

I'm a bad person I laughed at the comments about your dad having to scrape it off the road!

We've had a few dogs over the years and it is sad when they die :(

My husband has asthma and we have two dogs!

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Trust you to get drink in on the act. ;)

:rolleyes: You want to see some of the other names Guide Dogs get called! ;)

For the record, they were Judy (Yellow Lab), Janis (Collie cross retriever), Sherry (Black Lab) and Sally (Yellow Lab).

As one of the Berwick boys said when Sherry retired and Sally started - "Black and Gold dugs, :huh: that's a true supporter" :rolleyes::lol::lol:;)

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Guest The Phoenix
I'm a bad person I laughed at the comments about your dad having to scrape it off the road!

We've had a few dogs over the years and it is sad when they die :(

My husband has asthma and we have two dogs!

I can laugh too, now but at the time I wished it had been my Dad and not Wimpey. :lol:

My daughter's childhood asthma was such that she often ended up in hospital if she was in prolonged proximity with hairy animals.

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I note with interest that TGG finds the passing of pets sad but couldn't give a shit about human demise. :rolleyes:

Thets because, to be honest, The Gray Ghost cares a lot more about animals than people. The fact that people get so sad about their pet dogs shows what good companions they are, and what they mean to people.

To be honest, The Gray Ghost would be hesitant about getting a dog of his own in the future, as he doesnt want the heartbreak.

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I can laugh too, now but at the time I wished it had been my Dad and not Wimpey. :lol:

My daughter's childhood asthma was such that she often ended up in hospital if she was in prolonged proximity with hairy animals.


I can laugh too, now but at the time I wished it had been my Dad and not Wimpey. :lol:

My daughter's childhood asthma was such that she often ended up in hospital if she was in prolonged proximity with hairy animals.


:huh: I thought I was seeing double for a moment! :huh: What happened auld yin - a bit of a 'senior' moment?! :ph34r:

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I'm a bad person I laughed at the comments about your dad having to scrape it off the road!

We've had a few dogs over the years and it is sad when they die :(

My husband has asthma and we have two dogs!

I nearly had a heart attack last night, when other half came home and didn't shut the gate properly. I went into the kitchen and screamed "The gate's open" Hence two dogs missing, god knows where!

Luckily they are nosey buggers, so were sniffing about the garden across the street, where there were kids playing, and another dog lives!. Phew, they ran back round the back garden and were fine. Thank God a car wasn't coming down the street though! :(

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I nearly had a heart attack last night, when other half came home and didn't shut the gate properly. I went into the kitchen and screamed "The gate's open" Hence two dogs missing, god knows where!

Luckily they are nosey buggers, so were sniffing about the garden across the street, where there were kids playing, and another dog lives!. Phew, they ran back round the back garden and were fine. Thank God a car wasn't coming down the street though! :(

We were up at my folks last week and Alfie excaped, well Al didn't shut gate correctly out and across the road to talk to the doberman, thankfully it's a relativly quiet one :rolleyes:

Best one was my dad left my folks dog (big hairy collie thing) attached to a palstic flower stand outside the Spar, he comes back out to find Molly, having crossed the A9 heading up the street to the house with the flower stand :lol::rolleyes:

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Guest The Ghost of Ron Burgundy
Thets because, to be honest, The Gray Ghost cares a lot more about animals than people. The fact that people get so sad about their pet dogs shows what good companions they are, and what they mean to people.

To be honest, The Gray Ghost would be hesitant about getting a dog of his own in the future, as he doesnt want the risk of being caught smearing pedigree chum on his genatalia again.

this means he is lying.


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Guest The Phoenix


:huh: I thought I was seeing double for a moment! :huh: What happened auld yin - a bit of a 'senior' moment?! :ph34r:

11:49? :unsure:


You think that's bad, I couldn't find my work diary this morning and wondered why my milk was still on my desk.

You can work out for yourself where I found my diary. :(

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Guest The Phoenix

Is it just me who is finding TGoRB's relentless pursuit of TGG exceedingly tiresome? :unsure::(

Edit to add: And judging by the current goings on in "Salmond Watch 2008" perhaps TGG should knock it on the head as well?

Edited by The Phoenix
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Is it just me who is finding TGoRB's relentless pursuit of TGG exceedingly tiresome? :unsure::(

Edit to add: And judging by the current goings on in "Salmond Watch 2008" perhaps TGG should knock it on the head as well?

I hadn't read that thread until now. You're right...and they're not even funny! :angry:<_<

© Ban the fecker's Ruggy..... :lol:

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Is it just me who is finding TGoRB's relentless pursuit of TGG exceedingly tiresome? :unsure::(

Edit to add: And judging by the current goings on in "Salmond Watch 2008" perhaps TGG should knock it on the head as well?

I hadn't read that thread until now. You're right...and they're not even funny! :angry:<_<

© Ban the fecker's Ruggy..... :lol:

Can't agree.

P&B needs to have at least one personal feud running, to keep it alive.

This one's not reached the heights of SaintSam/CTWD yet though!

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Murphy was actually a guide dog who failed to 'graduate' because he was too interested in what was going on around him. My step-mother didn't actually own him though, he was only adopted, and even then she had to take him for annual medicals with the Guide Dugs Assc. They frequently told her 'Murphy needs to lose a bit of weight!' and she'd put him on a diet that would last about two days. :lol:

My sister is 21 next week and begged her mother to keep Murphy going until then, but it wasn't fair. Now I'm greeting again. :ph34r:

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