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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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10 hours ago, Zen Archer (Raconteur) said:

I may have been clearer.

How difficult is it for a chef/cook to remove the stem from a tomato?

I have no interest in dissecting a salad fruit when the item is being served as a breakfast item and having to negotiate the f**king thing breaking a tooth.

If you're eating tomatoes at breakfast you deserve all the hassle you're getting.

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53 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

An contraire! Tomatoes were cultivated by the Romans to accompany bacon and sausage. FACT!

Aye, but with brown sauce or tomato sauce?

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2 hours ago, mathematics said:

It’s the coffee. They need the coffee in order to get through the day.

Aye that would explain it, drinking coffee that smelt like it hadn't been washed properly after being shit out by a Civet.


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13 hours ago, Loonytoons said:

Like fling a kite?

Great fun when it's up but no idea how long it'll be up for.


1 hour ago, Richey Edwards said:

You can remove the stem of a tomato by taking hold of it and giving it a good yank.

Are we still talking about tomatoes?

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8 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Love a grilled tomato with ma breakfast. 

None of that tinned shite that seems to appear on the  Full Nigel Breakfast, though.

One of the sorest things happened to me with a grilled tomato, cooking a fry up for myself and the mrs, i dropped one on my bare foot, the heat that came off it was unreal, had to run upstairs and stick my foot in the bath and run cold water on it for 10 mins, and then spray it with burn spray and cover my foot in clingfilm.

My wife thought it was hilarious, me hopping about cursing and screaming like a big girl's blouse, and i wasn't seeing the funny side at all. Seriously, it felt like boiling water from a kettle had been poured on my foot, the grilled tomato could've been used as a good weapon to repel invaders storming a castle if they ran out of boiling oil. 

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1 hour ago, Richey Edwards said:

Three or four good yanks should do it.

Trust me, I trained to be a chef before thinking f**k that and doing something else.

I worked in a hotel kitchen away from home when I was a student. The only good things in the whole experience were waitresses and the simple fact that I didn't go hungry.

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1 minute ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

I worked in a hotel kitchen away from home when I was a student. The only good things in the whole experience were waitresses and the simple fact that I didn't go hungry.

Free food was literally the one good thing about it.

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4 hours ago, LIVIFOREVER said:

One of the sorest things happened to me with a grilled tomato, cooking a fry up for myself and the mrs, i dropped one on my bare foot, the heat that came off it was unreal, had to run upstairs and stick my foot in the bath and run cold water on it for 10 mins, and then spray it with burn spray and cover my foot in clingfilm.

My wife thought it was hilarious, me hopping about cursing and screaming like a big girl's blouse, and i wasn't seeing the funny side at all. Seriously, it felt like boiling water from a kettle had been poured on my foot, the grilled tomato could've been used as a good weapon to repel invaders storming a castle if they ran out of boiling oil. 

burn spray 

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5 hours ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Love a grilled tomato with ma breakfast. 

None of that tinned shite that seems to appear on the  Full Nigel Breakfast, though.

Me too, on top of a bowl of corn flakes.

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6 hours ago, LIVIFOREVER said:

One of the sorest things happened to me with a grilled tomato, cooking a fry up for myself and the mrs, i dropped one on my bare foot, the heat that came off it was unreal, had to run upstairs and stick my foot in the bath and run cold water on it for 10 mins, and then spray it with burn spray and cover my foot in clingfilm.

My wife thought it was hilarious, me hopping about cursing and screaming like a big girl's blouse, and i wasn't seeing the funny side at all. Seriously, it felt like boiling water from a kettle had been poured on my foot, the grilled tomato could've been used as a good weapon to repel invaders storming a castle if they ran out of boiling oil. 

How d'ye think the tomato felt, eh?

'mon the tomatoes!

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