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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Internet isn't working properly. BT and their f***ing home hub, only had it for a week and I'm sick to death of it.

Never mind. If you can't connect to the internet, at least you can post on here :P.

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A film entitled Uberman is currently in production and due to be released next year, it had beter not be cack or I'll need to fork out a tenner to become a platinum member and be able to change my username :angry:

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A film entitled Uberman is currently in production and due to be released next year, it had beter not be cack or I'll need to fork out a tenner to become a platinum member and be able to change my username :angry:

Or just register under a different e-mail.

.. :ph34r:

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I fell on my arse yesterday, then I decided to try on my swimsuit.....................neither were particularly graceful..........how do fat people cope?!

Denial probably and by the looks of some folk walking the streets...no mirrors! :lol:

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I was rushed.

The arse fell out of the car I was supposed to be getting a lift in, so I ended up late with only enough time to batter round Asda.

Smart Price vodka led the way, though. Huzzah!

That is rancid stuff! Most shops that sell Glens Vodka will have a litre for around a tenner.

My nag, once again, is that there is nothing to do today. I have no idea why they took me on as there is literally no work for me to do. All I have done today is look at a couple of maps, called a client to let her know that everything was OK with her policy, and took an extended cigarette break.

Roll on 5pm.

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This isn't a NMPC (does anybody call them that anymore, I don't think so) but while we're almost on topic...

That Foster's Twist is magic. It was the cheapest real beer Asda had (anyone seeing a theme developing here?) and I was pleasantly surprised.

Not really advisable to camp out just next to Gordon Brown's house though. Had a police helicopter watching us this morning.

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This isn't a NMPC (does anybody call them that anymore, I don't think so) but while we're almost on topic...

That Foster's Twist is magic. It was the cheapest real beer Asda had (anyone seeing a theme developing here?) and I was pleasantly surprised.

Not really advisable to camp out just next to Gordon Brown's house though. Had a police helicopter watching us this morning.

Hmm, I'm not convinced. There are a lot of better Beers out there. I remember a couple of years ago when Carlsberg brought out a new Beer that had a lemon twist in it and it was vile.

Give me a pint of Carling or Stella anyday!

I've not been drinking much recently anyway. I went to the pub with my girlfriend on Tuesday night but just had the one pint. Before that, I don't think I had drank any alcohol for about three weeks. I feel like I too, am pregnant. It was only this morning that she said I should be quitting smoking as she has to! f**k that!

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beer is empty and I'm not 16 :o:(

No offence likes, but do you really feel the need to post every little thing you suddenly think? I mean, surely there must be other things to do at your age other than sit on the PC all day. You must make at least 100 posts a day!

It's a brilliant day here in Glasgow, must be the hottest day of the year! I certainly wouldn't be sitting indoors today if I had the choice.

Why not go out and play football with friends?

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