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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Having been moaning for the last few hours about how warm it is and the fact that there is no air in the house. I said to hubby "why haven't you made it cool yet? You're useless you are."

On returning from the kitchen the b*****d has just chucked an ice-cube down my front and said "There you are - cool now".

I hate smart alecs.

I'm off to sit in the garden.

Edited by Ayrgirl
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Guest The Phoenix
The question I have is... Why a rhino?

Surely there are many more, much sexier, animals.

The griffin, for instance.

You've never met Stewarty, have you? :unsure::lol:

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Having been moaning for the last few hours about how warm it is and the fact that there is no air in the house. I said to hubby "why haven't you made it cool yet? You're useless you are."

On returning from the kitchen the b*****d has just chucked an ice-cube down my front and said "There you are - cool now".

I hate smart alecs.

I'm off to sit in the garden.


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Guest The Phoenix
Having been moaning for the last few hours about how warm it is and the fact that there is no air in the house. I said to hubby "why haven't you made it cool yet? You're useless you are."

On returning from the kitchen the b*****d has just chucked an ice-cube down my front and said "There you are - cool now".

I hate smart alecs.

I'm off to sit in the garden.

Ach, the big lad is just jealous he's not an ice cube. ;)

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Having been moaning for the last few hours about how warm it is and the fact that there is no air in the house. I said to hubby "why haven't you made it cool yet? You're useless you are."

On returning from the kitchen the b*****d has just chucked an ice-cube down my front and said "There you are - cool now".

I hate smart alecs.

I'm off to sit in the garden.

You should pour his beer down the sink.... :lol:

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Thinking I've lost my Provisional Driving License, turning my entire room upside down in a frantic panic to find it (got first lessons soon and a replacement won't arrive for at least 2 weeks) only to find that it was sandwiched between two CD cases two hours later with my room in a complete state.

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Having been moaning for the last few hours about how warm it is and the fact that there is no air in the house. I said to hubby "why haven't you made it cool yet? You're useless you are."

On returning from the kitchen the b*****d has just chucked an ice-cube down my front and said "There you are - cool now".

I hate smart alecs.

I'm off to sit in the garden.


Ya b*****d, you made me spit coffee over my keyboard!

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I'm bored out of my skull. My girlfriend is staying at a friend's house tonight, and I've got nothing to do.

And before HGG says anything... I'm working my way through the Daily Jigsaw.

:lol: Done it yet? :rolleyes:

Wee b*****ds that think it's funny to slam/try to kick in my letterbox and door at half 10 last night thus waking up my 2 month old that had just settled down after screaming all day yesterday after getting her first set of injections. The wee gobshites then had the cheek to say it wasn't them when I confronted them, despite the fact I watched them run away from the house and one of their mothers had the cheek to tell me to go get a life. :angry: I was a second away from going back on my "never hit a woman" rule. Wankers!!!

Thanks to them me and the wife got f**k all sleep and had to stay up all night with the youngster trying to settle her down again. :angry:

If you were 100% certain it was them and you knew where they lived, you could've been round at theirs at 2am, 3am and 4am (or whatever times your baby was loudest) updating them on quite how much bother they'd caused thanks to their moment of "fun".

On returning from the kitchen the b*****d has just chucked an ice-cube down my front and said "There you are - cool now".


My family fall into the petty nags category yet again. Trying to organise anything with them is like pulling teeth! <_<

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The phrase "We're just waiting on chips" annoys me.

This is true. It's like going into a shoe shop, and being told, "We're just waiting on shoes, give us five minutes".


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My job frustrates me.

Due to other things not being done as they should I have to be the person who c**ts around other people. This makes me look bad and I don't want to shift the blame because there's nothing worse than going to someone with a problem only for them to say 'It's not me it's XXX' - usually this is done by people who can easily resolve these problems.

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