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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Bit early for quizzes but I'll have a stab at Dopey or Grumpy? :unsure:;)

Can't believe no-one fnarred that!

3 hours at A&E. :angry::(

Cutting a long story very short -

New carpets...

Mucho Bloodo...

Any joiners out there? :unsure:

I was about to have a go and ask what you were planning, but I see Halfaperson noticed your error and stole my thunder :(.

Anyway, did you ruin the new carpet by bleeding all over it? That wouldn't help Mrs P's mood any!

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My own PTTGOYN is chicken pox. I don't mind my children catching it and changing our plans for a few weeks while they get rid of it - better to get it over with and then I'm not wondering every time it's doing the rounds whether they'll catch it. (That sentence could've been better structured, couldn't it?! Never mind - it's late.) What does bother me just now, however, is that my poor Scott (almost 20 months old) is so itchy tonight that it's really bothering him. He's wriggled and fallen out of bed twice already tonight and the bed he's in here is about four times the height of his own at home! He just keeps waking and crying out, needing me to cuddle him so it all feels a bit less upsetting. My older two didn't suffer like this when they had it so this bit's new to me. The poor thing has been wandering round today quite grumpy and occasionally just suddenly crying and saying "hurt, mummy!" while rubbing some part of his body. There are now several in his hair. They're everywhere and multiplying faster than I could possibly count them. :( My poor boy!

Edited by HGG
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Calamine lotion(SP? And is that the right thing for chicken pox?) I remember having chicken pox really bad as a teenager,I even had some inbetween my toes and on the bottom of my feet! :ph34r::blink:

I hope the little one feels better soon HGG.

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Calamine lotion(SP? And is that the right thing for chicken pox?) I remember having chicken pox really bad as a teenager,I even had some inbetween my toes and on the bottom of my feet! :ph34r::blink:

I hope the little one feels better soon HGG.

Thanks. :)

Calamine lotion isn't always recommended now. It very much depends on who you speak to as to what info you're given and I haven't looked it up myself as I really don't like the stuff. It's too messy and I remember the feeling of it on my own skin when my mum put it on my chicken pox at 10 years old. It dried and made my skin feel tight - not pleasant :(.

I got him some Piriton as it's supposed to take the itch away. I think a possible side effect of the drug is drowsiness and with the mood he was in at times today... :ph34r:. At least I know it doesn't last more than a few weeks and he'll be much better before long. Once this is over with that'll be all three of my children had it and hopefully they won't get it again so it'll be all done and dusted for them. :thumsup2

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Guest The Phoenix
Anyway, did you ruin the new carpet by bleeding all over it? That wouldn't help Mrs P's mood any!

I can't believe you asked me that! :angry:

Do you think I'm stupid? :unsure:<_<

Don't answer the above question.

I was plan(n)ing outside - the front path looks like a murder scene with a small pool of dried blood on one of the paving stones.

Think I'll get some chalk and draw the shape of a body round it - that'll give the neighbours something to chew on, instead of sticking bloody fliers through my letterbox asking me to join the "Keep our Estate Tidy" Volunteer Group.

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Having weighed myself this morning, I have put on about ten pounds over the past few weeks, what with being on holiday and going back to working in an "office" environment. I'm now 13'7" :o

Where's that running thread?!

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A few days ago you were head over heels in love. :huh:

Tell me about it! I was led to believe he felt the same but obviously didn't...

I'm not dwelling on it too much...onwards and upwards! :)

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Tell me about it! I was led to believe he felt the same but obviously didn't...

I'm not dwelling on it too much...onwards and upwards! :)

If only this had happened a few weeks ago. Sadly I think PC has got a bird now.

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As if anyone thought you'd be charging for the pleasure of your company. :ph34r:;)
<_< Alright then - I'm available! That better?! :P:D;)


I bought a tasty looking ham cheese and pickle roll for lunch but the pickle is bowfin :barf

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Guest The Phoenix
<_< Alright then - I'm available! That better?! :P:D;)

Getting there but I suspect you may need to offer a financial incentive to get any takers. :ph34r:;)

I bought a tasty looking ham cheese and pickle roll for lunch but the pickle is bowfin :barf


How bad can it get - love life screwed and bowfin' pickles.

Perhaps Kilt isn't such a bad option after all? :unsure:

(Kilt - I'm doing my best for you, pal :D )

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