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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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My plan to wrap the Christmas presents this afternoon has faultered as when I went down the stairs I discovered the dog had used the cellotape as a toy......and I can't be arsed wrapping the bairn up and putting him in the car to go to the shops and get more!

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Our maths exam last year had higher stuff in it. That was a fucking disgrace.

There was a question in it deemed "mathematically imposible". It was a parabola and you had to find the co-orindates of where it hit the x-axis. Trouble was, though, that there were no numbers on the graph at all. :huh:

The invidulator went round to the Maths base afterwards and asked the head and another teacher to see if this was true. They both said they couldn't do it.

Our school is a farce anyway. Doing a PE evaluating with speakers that don't work and a PE teacher shouting out all of the questions. Aye, a really well-run school I go to.

EDIT: Spelling.

Edited by GypsyTillIDie
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There was a question in it deemed "mathematically imposible". It was a parabola and you had to find the co-orindates of where it hit the x-axis. Trouble was, though, that there were no numbers on the graph at all. :huh:

The invidulator went round to the Maths base afterwards and asked the head and another teacher to see if this was true. They both said they couldn't do it.

I'm intrigued by this. Wouldn't you just set y to 0 and solve?

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Our maths exam last year had higher stuff in it. That was a fucking disgrace.

Except it didn't.

Whilst completion of the square was not necessarily expected as knowledge at Standard Grade, it was explained at length by the SQA that they had used it in problem solving before and that, in fact, not so long ago, it was expected to be knowledge in the SG exam.

I should add that we were taught it anyway. Near the end of S3.

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Except it didn't.

Whilst completion of the square was not necessarily expected as knowledge at Standard Grade, it was explained at length by the SQA that they had used it in problem solving before and that, in fact, not so long ago, it was expected to be knowledge in the SG exam.

I should add that we were taught it anyway. Near the end of S3.

I've never even been shown how to do long division :(

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To be honest, as an AH Maths student, I avoid it like the plague where possible. Much easier to divide in turn by prime factors.

I did maths up to Higher to make up my time table, but never had the intention of sitting the exam as I only needed 4 Highers to get into Geography at Glasgow Uni. In that time I have never been shown how to do long division and it was never even mentioned to us.

Because of betting, I am very good at converting decimals to frations and little things like that, and I am now also very clued up on statistical analysis, but I know nothing about anything in between.

I couldn't even do a simple trig standard grade question now.

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I did maths up to Higher to make up my time table, but never had the intention of sitting the exam as I only needed 4 Highers to get into Geography at Glasgow Uni. In that time I have never been shown how to do long division and it was never even mentioned to us.

Because of betting, I am very good at converting decimals to frations and little things like that, and I am now also very clued up on statistical analysis, but I know nothing about anything in between.

I couldn't even do a simple trig standard grade question now.

To be honest, I think i was introduced to basic long division in P7 or S1 (can't remember which) but hardly ever used it properly. You don't actually need it for school maths.

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Long division is just an algorithm that you grind out. It's tedious and much easier to do 346732/24 on a calculator.

However, there is no excuse for not being able to do more modest division mentally or on paper. Even the ability to estimate a sensible answer is very useful. Far too many rely on calculators and will blindly accept any answer they are given.

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Long division is just an algorithm that you grind out. It's tedious and much easier to do 346732/24 on a calculator.

However, there is no excuse for not being able to do more modest division mentally or on paper. Even the ability to estimate a sensible answer is very useful. Far too many rely on calculators and will blindly accept any answer they are given.

now you see i wouldn't divide by 24. doing it mentally, i'd divide by 3 then by 8.

edit, and that doesn't divide nicely at all. so i'd use a calculator!

Edited by Exuberant
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