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The Leeds Thread

Guest The Ger

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You seem to have a lot to say about Leeds United & often state opinion as fact with nothing else to back up your comments.

How many Leeds United games have you actually been to?

Dunno, twenty maybe?

I've known a steward be racially abused throughout the game in the away end at Villa Park, I've seen your scumbag fans lobbing bricks at passing fans and was at Elland Road when Dwight Yorke took a penalty in front on lots of fans making monkey gestures. I've heard you boo Tony Daley throughout a Simod Cup game for the crime of being black and I've seen your fans fighting among themselves from the stand above and heard plenty of similar anecdotes from Birmingham/West Brom fans who've had similar experiences playing Leeds.

I'm sure not all Leeds fans are twats, same with Millwall. However they have sufficiently high number of arseholes that make me want them to lose.

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Dunno, twenty maybe?

I've known a steward be racially abused throughout the game in the away end at Villa Park, I've seen your scumbag fans lobbing bricks at passing fans and was at Elland Road when Dwight Yorke took a penalty in front on lots of fans making monkey gestures. I've heard you boo Tony Daley throughout a Simod Cup game for the crime of being black and I've seen your fans fighting among themselves from the stand above and heard plenty of similar anecdotes from Birmingham/West Brom fans who've had similar experiences playing Leeds.

I'm sure not all Leeds fans are twats, same with Millwall. However they have sufficiently high number of arseholes that make me want them to lose.

I'd never pretend racism doesn't exist at Elland Road, I'd estimate I've been to somewhere between 250 - 500 games and I don't believe racism is prevalent or a big problem at Elland Road.

I get you don't like LUFC, that's clear by your knee jerk rush to spout on the internet given the slightest chance even if what you post isn't factually correct (see your previous with Steve Evans). I'm prepaired to accept peoples 1st hand accounts & for me one is too many, 3rd person accounts and own interpretations of events less so.

It's easy to pick out events for particular clubs to suit a posters agenda (& it's clear you have one), I'll pass on that though and leave it to you.

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I mentioned I was wrong about Steve Evans. That wasn't particularly anti-Leeds... had a guy said the same about Leeds/Liverpool or Lincoln then taken over as manager it would've been funny. Turns out he didn't say it, it was internet bollocks. Which is a shame.

Not sure where you get this idea about taking other people's opinions. I've quoted loads of examples of things I've seen and heard. The examples from elsewhere I've given are from Birmingham and West Brom fans and a Liverpool-supporting steward. Not sure why you think they'd make things up about Leeds when I never heard them say the same about any other clubs. None of them have any rivalry with Leeds that I know of.

If I have an "agenda" it is due to these incidents.

You seem convinced that everyone that says something nasty about Leeds is either making it up or has an agenda. You're a second tier club. Why would anyone care enough to make these things up?

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I mentioned I was wrong about Steve Evans. That wasn't particularly anti-Leeds...

You on Steve Evans on this thread 31st of October 10:32

Doubt it. Leeds fans are c***s so they'll probably like him. If he can say something racist, he'll have a job for life..

Let's not try to pretend you're even handed and only make negative comments about LUFC based on facts because that bollox went out the window with you a long time ago.

I've witnessed events 1st hand and then been amazed by the factually incorrect bollocks others who weren't anywhere near chunter on about. I can't explain their actions I can only tell you that it happens. That's not to say I believe LUFC are without fault I don't.

I'm fullly aware that other clubs fans dislike the club and some have a valid reason to, I find those that do rarely post utter w**k like "racist airport" like yourself.

Correct, LUFC are in the 2nd tier of English Football. Nobody ever spouts shit about non EPL clubs do they?

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You on Steve Evans on this thread 31st of October 10:32

Let's not try to pretend you're even handed and only make negative comments about LUFC based on facts because that bollox went out the window with you a long time ago.

I've witnessed events 1st hand and then been amazed by the factually incorrect bollocks others who weren't anywhere near chunter on about. I can't explain their actions I can only tell you that it happens. That's not to say I believe LUFC are without fault I don't.

I'm fullly aware that other clubs fans dislike the club and some have a valid reason to, I find those that do rarely post utter w**k like "racist airport" like yourself.

Correct, LUFC are in the 2nd tier of English Football. Nobody ever spouts shit about non EPL clubs do they?

The Evans thing is irrelevant. He's a c**t but I disliked Leeds long before he arrived. I've given negative viewpoints based on facts about Leeds.

Your basic argument so far has been

"You're making it up I bet you've never even been to a Leeds match"

Me: "I've been to about twenty".

"You're basing your opinions on your agenda and have no facts to back them up"

Me: [loads of facts to back opinions up]

"yeah, but, ermmm.... your opinions aren't based on facts".

Okay then...

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I'd never pretend racism doesn't exist at Elland Road, I'd estimate I've been to somewhere between 250 - 500 games and I don't believe racism is prevalent or a big problem at Elland Road.

You've acknowledged racism happens at Elland Road but say its not a problem?

What an odd opinion.

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The Evans thing is irrelevant. He's a c**t but I disliked Leeds long before he arrived. I've given negative viewpoints based on facts about Leeds.

Your basic argument so far has been

"You're making it up I bet you've never even been to a Leeds match"

Me: "I've been to about twenty".

"You're basing your opinions on your agenda and have no facts to back them up"

Me: [loads of facts to back opinions up]

"yeah, but, ermmm.... your opinions aren't based on facts".

Okay then...

I mentioned that you post things that aren't factually correct and present your own opinion as fact. Your previous posts I quoted support that, I realise that's inconvenient for you but it is in my opinion relevant.

You're also not adverse to making a sweeping genralisation about the club and it's fan base and as I've said before present your own opinion as fact. I wondered what qualified you to give this all seeing insight into the club, 10 year + season ticket holder, life time resident of the city perhaps, that's why I asked the question about attending Leeds games.

In your post yestarday at 21.38 in the 1st paragraph you admitted posting false information about LUFC and explained this was because you'd been given the information by a 3rd party. In the last paragraph of the same post you mention that you don't believe anybody would make up a story about a 2nd tier club like Leeds. That's quite the contradiction but hey if it suits your agenda I realise you're more than happy to go with.

Your defintion of fact is very different to my own, to you it seems a fact can include a story some 3rd party told you. GIven the fact that you've posted stuff on here you've been told by others that have turned about to be false I'm not holding too much faith in those type of tales from yourself.

You also claimed Leeds fans booed a black player throughout a game for no other reason than he was black. Just how do you know this was the reason the player was being booed?

Do you have the unique ablility to read the minds of the LUFC support?

Did you interview the fans that booed the player one by one post match?

Or did it suit your agenda to assume a black player being booed by Leeds fans must have been motivated by racism?

I've been to games where I haven't realised why opposition players have been given stick only to learn later is was related to an incident from a previous game or club or even a single gesture to the crowd which I didn't see.

I honestly don't see monkey gestures made to black players at Leeds games, I don't remember the Dwight Yorke incident or remember it being mentioned post match, I don't remember it being mentioned in the media or by the player himself. Given the players previous clubs I'd of thought he'd of been more likely to receive stick for being Ex Manchester United. You say you saw it yourself and I'll accept that's the case, I wouldn't try to condone or excuse that behaviour for a moment, it has no place in the game.

Edited by repeat_offender
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You've acknowledged racism happens at Elland Road but say its not a problem?

What an odd opinion.

Fair comment, I'll try to explain.

In the last 5 years I've heard one racist comment made by a fan inside Elland Road, that person was quckly challenged by those around him and set straight.

I've heard far more racist comments in the same timeframe either in the workplace, the pub or whilst playing amateur sport.

I'm not pretending racism isn't a problem or doesn't exist amongst the Leeds support I just see it as a far bigger problem in other arenas.

At the same time I realise Leeds fans have crossed the line in the past, the example at Leicester City being somethng that I'd never try to excuse. Some would have you believe racism amongst Leeds fans at Elland Road is an every day incident, endemic & prevelant amongst the support, all I can do is be honest and say that's not my experience.

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You've acknowledged racism happens at Elland Road but say its not a problem?

What an odd opinion.

I was at a Leeds game once and heard the fans racially abusing one of their own players - Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink. I'm pretty sure he had just missed a penalty.

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  • 3 weeks later...

More comedy down at Leeds where after ticket prices in the South Stand were increased by £5 and in return you got a meal deal voucher (subsequently called the pie tax), fans are now planning to walk out after 17 minutes for 17 minutes as the owner doesnt like the number 17.

Missing 17 minutes of a team managed by Steve Evans doesnt sound too bad.

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More comedy down at Leeds where after ticket prices in the South Stand were increased by £5 and in return you got a meal deal voucher (subsequently called the pie tax), fans are now planning to walk out after 17 minutes for 17 minutes as the owner doesnt like the number 17.

Missing 17 minutes of a team managed by Steve Evans doesnt sound too bad.

The club is an absolute farce and unbelievably there's still fans backing that Italian p***k!

Instead of a 17 minute walk out the fans should've just boycotted, saves them £42 and saves them watching absolute shite

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