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Madeleine Mccann Missing Girl

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I still think that it was Murat. He's got a glass eye, y'know.

& Madeleine had that slippy eye thing

Thats the link, Murat was jealous of her slippy eye.

Either that or the slipy eye was a sure sign of a genetic disease blah blah IVF twins blah blah gene therapy blah blah dead wean

*edited for pish spelling*

Edited by Whistle Blower
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Guest Captain Saintsible

Something else I was thinking of.

Not quite the same as one of your kids going missing...... but about 6 years ago one of our cats went missing for a week. After she went missing we went about our whole estate shouting the cats name, going round all the houses, ringing door bells, having a look round their back gardens if we thought they weren't in, etc. We even went round all the houses outside but near our estate sticking posters about. There is an allottment near our estate as well and I spent an afternoon searching through it - and also searchin up and down the cycle track that runs up and down the back of our house.

The point I'm making here is that we were advised by a vet that missing pets are generally found near the vicinity of your house and we physically spent a huge amount of time over a week searching for the cat ourselves.

Did the McCanns actually do any of this? I can imagine that if my kid went missing on holiday, I'd have been touring houses and building, ringing door bells, looking in gardens, through windows, searching wasteland in person. With the odds being that if someone had kidnapped her that it would be someone local, I'd have been out and about non stop looking for her myself. Is this not what you would do?

(The cat eventually turned up hiding under timber decking of one of the neighbour's a week later. Don't know exactly what happened to her but one of legs was badly damaged and eventually had to get it amputated - cost me a bleedin' fortune.)

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Latest Sky News update.

"Bodily fluids - not blood - matching Madeleine McCann's DNA have been found in the car hired by her parents, according to sources."

The sample was taken from the boot, where the spare tyre is kept. It had an 88% match with the missing four-year-old's DNA, sources said.

Police searching the car also found so much of Madeleine's hair that it could not have been transferred from a blanket or clothes.

It must have come directly from her body, sources said.

The information came from senior sources in the investigation who briefed Portuguese journalists.


We need Philomena to get to the bottom of this latest evidence.

Edited by Hieronymous_Bosch
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Latest Sky News update.

"Bodily fluids - not blood - matching Madeleine McCann's DNA have been found in the car hired by her parents, according to sources."

The sample was taken from the boot, where the spare tyre is kept. It had an 88% match with the missing four-year-old's DNA, sources said.

Police searching the car also found so much of Madeleine's hair that it could not have been transferred from a blanket or clothes.

It must have come directly from her body, sources said.

The information came from senior sources in the investigation who briefed Portuguese journalists.


We need Philomena to get to the bottom of this latest evidence.

The game is most definitely afoot, and the net is closing in. Anyone have any more classic crime quotations that spring to mind?

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Where, he's the man to solve this

So they shaved all her hair off before doing this. The b*****ds that they are.

They are pretending she's the bald midget of the family, and this is all a money making scheme :ph34r:

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(The cat eventually turned up hiding under timber decking of one of the neighbour's a week later. Don't know exactly what happened to her but one of legs was badly damaged and eventually had to get it amputated - cost me a bleedin' fortune.)

You should have got her put down. You'd have saved yourself a lot of money and taught the daft c**t to be more careful in future.

I did that with my neighbours dog once. It was one of those awful "staffy's" and shat in my garden once too often so I took "her pretty head."


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Veering off topic - I reckon most of us made a judgement about what happened to Madelaine one way or the other fairly quickly and have interpreted the unfolding information based on this initial choice.

Has anyone changed their mind and if so in what direction and why?

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Just heard on the news at lunchtime that the McCanns had their own key to the church they prayed in.


Aye, that does seem strange, in the circumstances. :blink:

Also, apparently, the police are investigating some roads which had been filled in around the time of Madeleine's disappearance....

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Aye, that does seem strange, in the circumstances. :blink:

Also, apparently, the police are investigating some roads which had been filled in around the time of Madeleine's disappearance....

Been reading P&B have they?

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Aye, that does seem strange, in the circumstances. :blink:

Not really. The church will have likely given them a key so that they can go in and pray at any time. I doubt they will turn them away just because it isn't opening hours, especially going through what they are going through.

Also, apparently, the police are investigating some roads which had been filled in around the time of Madeleine's disappearance....

If she was dumped there, when it had been filled in about the time of Maddys dissapearance, how can her DNA being in the car be the fault of the Mccanns? :blink::blink: Obviously they have no real evidence either way if that is the case.

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Been reading P&B have they?

Perhaps I have been 'whooshed' here, :( , but what do you mean?

Not really. The church will have likely given them a key so that they can go in and pray at any time. I doubt they will turn them away just because it isn't opening hours, especially going through what they are going through.

If she was dumped there, when it had been filled in about the time of Maddys dissapearance, how can her DNA being in the car be the fault of the Mccanns? :blink::blink: Obviously they have no real evidence either way if that is the case.

I suppose, given that they weren't suspects at the time. But, given that one of them is being treated as a suspect now, perhaps, in hindsight, it wouldn't have been the best thing to do...

I don't know enough about the time-scales or logisitics of the case to comment on the statement's accuracy, it just shows that the Portuguese Police are really trying hard to either find evidence, or indeed, as you say, they are struggling for evidence and are just trying to 'pull the wool over peoples' eyes'...

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