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Madeleine Mccann Missing Girl

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Sky News are saying that they are not going to use the fund for any legal costs if they are charged with her death. The reporter also came out with the corker, "They're certainly not a poorr family, but they aren't a wealthy family either". The two of them are fucking doctors! What exaclty constitutes wealthy to these people? :huh:

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Having read the sun this morning they seem to have changed the tone in which they have been reporting the case, it no longer reads as if they are all sweetness and light and its the stupid bumbling Portuguese police who are wrong. Maybe there is some really damming evidence.

That would imply The Sun knows about this damning evidence and do you really think they wouldn't reveal it if they knew?

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i think it is time to re-instate stennyhibees robert murat thread seeing as there is more evidence against the parents than there is against him

We were talking about this the other night, I think Murat was just standing around one day looking pretty shifty so he got questioned - the police over there appear to be so clueless.

I think Murat should be knighted after this saga is over.

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Guest Ron Burgundy
They are doctors, not consultants, they get about 60k each it said, they would clear about 7k between them each month.

hospital consultants will be on closer to 120,000 a year.

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Guest Ron Burgundy

the most worrying part is that the legal firm they have instructed is the one that specialises in extradition procedures...it's that Harman dude who stopped Pinochet getting taken to Ch Ch Chile ... expect menatl breakdown from kate any day now as reason for inability to travel to Portugal ... I hope that house was bugged while they were away ....

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i think it is time to re-instate stennyhibees robert murat thread seeing as there is more evidence against the parents than there is against him

Going off on one about an ancient post here, but it was daft as f**k that it was deleted in the first place.

I mean, if the Shippo's stuff allowed, right - how can going on about one person who's been convicted of multiple murders in a court of law not be as bad as going on about someone who hasn't been proven guilty of anything?

On another note, wonder if Murat'll get any kind of apology if the McCanns get convicted?

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On another note, wonder if Murat'll get any kind of apology if the McCanns get convicted?

Doubt it the press and the police will just say "he did look dodgye" and most of the public will agree. Then forget about it until the next time they are trying to lynch the next dodgey looking innocent guy.

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Guest Ron Burgundy
I dunno, it said that is what they earned though, which to fight a court battle like that, would probably not be enough.

well why pay an english firm to represent in aportuguese case....it makes no sense at all...a translator perhaps but I cannot see the need for a british law firm...add to that the fact they specialise in avoiding extradition and it becomes a bit weird.

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Guest Captain Saintsible

If the PJ are sure its the McCanns then the body MUST be somewhere nearby. On that basis, they must surely be able to find the body. If they can't even find a body that must be somewhere nearby then how can the evidence they have be relied upon?

Furthermore, if the evidence they have is clumps of hair and DNA in the hire car - that must mean the body was moved at least 25 days after the event - the police and the media have been pretty incompetent if the McCanns have managed to get a body into that car and theh drive somewhere close by and dispose of it!!

You would think that the PJ should be concentrating all their efforts into finding the body rather than trying to bring charges against the McCanns. If they can find the body then I would imagine everything will fall into place.

How difficult can it be to find a body in a small town like that with huge police resources on tap? Its not as if the McCanns will have had the time to to go to huge lengths concealing the body - they must have been pretty rushed.

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Never mind Murat what about the Russian bloke who was in the frame for the dreadful crime of owning a computer :huh:

To be honest I just can't believe the McCanns would have been behind the death of their kid....if they were then they have been extremely clever and convincing in the 100+ days since. If it was them when was it supposed to have happened...what did they do with the body....how have they managed to cover their tracks ?? Nah...for me the Portuguese are simply pissed off at all the criticism they have had and are sending out a warning that if they're not left in peace to get on with their jobs then they'll start fighting back.

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I dunno, it said that is what they earned though, which to fight a court battle like that, would probably not be enough.

Why? Who are they going to instruct to represent them? Ally McBeal?

Unless you want an "evil company in John Grisham novel" size legal team, it really isn't that expensive for people of their means.

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