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Madeleine Mccann Missing Girl

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So I'm assuming the wolf and the other McCann apologists reckon this woman should never have been charged or sentenced? After all her children came to no harm.


Here's a post I made over six years ago ...

It's all been covered but I'll spare you my last post on the subject ...

They did neglect their kids , I saw understood and got over it about a second after I heard the story because although they've done wrong the situation they then found themselves in was horrific beyond comprehension , it went way beyond there being a point to saying "it's all your fault" 'cause they knew that more than any of us ... the punishment did not fit the crime IMO.

anyhoo , I'm sure there will be a hundred more "serves them both right" and "Gerry did it" posts on this thread , I just can't be arsed reading any of it .

Should have stuck to my word and nipped out the thread, although leaving it for six years is a decent attempt I suppose, I'll leave it the now and return should the story develop in any way.

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They are trained to find bodies. They didn't find a body.

No, one was trained to find blood, the other was trained to find cadaverine, which they both did, in several cases in matching locations.

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I take it that luke mccormick shouldnt have been jailed as he was clearly remorseafterful and suffered greatly himself after he drove drunk and killed two weans in a car crash

Yeah what's done is done, he's suffered enough already.

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I take it that luke mccormick shouldnt have been jailed as he was clearly remorseafterful and suffered greatly himself after he drove drunk and killed two weans in a car crash

Of course the two cases aren't even remotely comparable but I'm guessing you already know that.

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So, when you said that you wouldn't leave a child alone for 30 seconds you were posturing and in fact, lying. Glad that we established that.

I wonder if the Moonhowler who said he wouldn't even go to the ice cream van while his child was asleep with withdraw that nonsense.

People like you get a buzz out of posturing over this child abduction and clearly relish kicking the McCanns when they are down as low as anyone could be.


No I wont "withdraw that nonsense" I'ts just something I wouldn't do as I think its irresponsible. Could be out of the house for a good ten minutes if there is a queue and it isn't parked right on my drive or any number of other factors. I just wouldn't do it.

Got to weigh up your childs safety with a double nugget and some chewy turtles.

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Isn't this a myth? Kaye Adams said this morning that they don't have personal access to a penny of it.

The spending of the money has to be approved by an independent body not related to the McCann's. That independent body approved two payments of £2,000 in each instance, for two mortgage payments on their home.

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Shot my gran in the face last year. Absolutely gutted about it and really miss her - some nights I can't even sleep thinking about how stupid I was. Just turned myself in yesterday but the polis agreed I was clearly feeling pretty bad about it and that was punishment enough. Fucking result

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No, one was trained to find blood, the other was trained to find cadaverine, which they both did, in several cases in matching locations.

I think you'll find that's a load of shit. The dogs never 'found' any substance, all they did was indicate that it may have been present at some point. I'm fairly sure we'd have known about it if the forensic teams had discovered blood in the apartment/car.

Also, you are aware that cadaverine can be found in human urine. Something which is far more likely to be present in an apartment with 3 toddlers, than a dead human body.

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The spending of the money has to be approved by an independent body not related to the McCann's. That independent body approved two payments of £2,000 in each instance, for two mortgage payments on their home.

The only logic to that could be to make up for earnings lost by Gerry McCann during the past 6 years (I don't know if she works). Has it ever been put to them, did they ever acknowledge this and explain it?

Edited by Owsley
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Shot my gran in the face last year. Absolutely gutted about it and really miss her - some nights I can't even sleep thinking about how stupid I was. Just turned myself in yesterday but the polis agreed I was clearly feeling pretty bad about it and that was punishment enough. Fucking result

Fair enough..you are a fucking animal though.

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