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Madeleine Mccann Missing Girl

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26 minutes ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

I'll reserve judgement until they reveal his stance on toilet roll orientation.

I trust you'll be outside the court hurling bricks and abuse as the meat wagon transferring him to jail appears if he has the paper to the wall?

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6 hours ago, Dee Man said:

I trust you'll be outside the court hurling bricks and abuse as the meat wagon transferring him to jail appears if he has the paper to the wall?

I like to think we all will be. There's no room for that in a decent society.

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1 hour ago, Alternative Title said:

Nor fair trials by the sound of it.

People who hang bog roll with the loose paper closest to the wall should count themselves lucky to receive a trial at all, never mind a fair one. Harrumph.

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G https://getpocket.com/explore/item/conspiracy-theorists-have-a-fundamental-cognitive-problem-say-scientists?utm_source=pocket-newtab-global-en-GB

The thing is there are different conspiracies. One that the parents were involved, the other that those who think that are bad.


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On 24/06/2020 at 23:57, Alternative Title said:

They should be shot like dogs and dumped in a ditch.


You can type all you want about killing kids, but ffs don't mention dogs around these parts.

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1 hour ago, SlipperyP said:


You can type all you want about killing kids, but ffs don't mention dogs around these parts.

I think I might have let it slip once, but I'm sure nobody noticed, so focussed were they on that fridge that K&G generously replaced for their holiday landlord.

Thanks for the heads up.


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40 minutes ago, throbber said:

I follow a twitter woman called Madeline Mcann case tweets which is largely followed by absolute head cases who will argue with you vehemently for days on end, one guy wouldn’t stop talking about the patio doors and how Gerry tampered with them to help fake an abduction and apparently that’s all he ever talks about.

Anyway, their theory is that Maddie died in the apoartment as per Amarals account and then when Gerry bumped into Jeremy wilkins (during the Jane Tanner sighting) Gerry was actually en route  to dispose of the corpse and Wilkins had stopped him in his tracks and as Gerry saw Wilkins approach he stowed Madeleines corpse in a nearby flower bed which the cadaver dogs alerted to in the following weeks/months. He then returned to tapas to alert Kate the plan had been temporarily blocked before going back some minutes later when he walked her through the town, bumped into the Smiths who made a comment about how tired the child must have been to which Gerry ignored and it is suggested Maddie was stored temporarily in the patio of a vacant villa of which there were several in the area and Gerry was there and back within 15 minutes. Gerry would have known they were empty as they had shutters closed and rental signs up and they think  she was moved again at about 6 am when a polis see Gerry on the move around about said vacant apartments. 

The theory at least makes sense albeit not explaining the emotional implications involved in the parents execution of this cover up. 

If they’re head cases why’ve you just repeated their head case theory and said it makes sense? 

The way in which this case seems to have inspired a sub-culture of creepy amateur detectives - clearly evident from some posters on this thread - is bizarre. These folk will be fuming if the German guy is convicted because it means they can no longer indulge in their hobby of accusing the parents of a missing child of killing her. Absolute shower of weirdos.

Edited by VladimirMooc
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3 minutes ago, throbber said:

I’m talking about the people who follow this woman on twitter, the woman herself is alright just clearly obsessed with the case but unless you have read over 11,000 lanes of police files you get told you have no idea what you’re talking about by her supporters.  I went in swinging saying there’s no way the parents covered this up and then got descended on last week, if you think this forum is bad you should try arguing on her twitter page!

If someone has a Twitter account dedicated to promoting home-spun theories about a missing 3 year old, and accusing her parents of murdering her, then they are a headcase. 

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11 minutes ago, VladimirMooc said:

If they’re head cases why’ve you just repeated their head case theory and said it makes sense? 

The way in which this case seems to have inspired a sub-culture of creepy amateur detectives - clearly evident from some posters on this thread - is bizarre. These folk will be fuming if the German guy is convicted because it means they can no longer indulge in their hobby of accusing the parents of a missing child of killing her. Absolute shower of weirdos.

It is extremely bizarre.  There's a big online culture of true crime / amateur detectives but I think there's something different about the McCann obsessives.  I'm sure I posted this in the thread earlier but it's a mixture of puririence, class resentment and the media, both social and news, that have done this.  

5 minutes ago, throbber said:

I’m talking about the people who follow this woman on twitter, the woman herself is alright just clearly obsessed with the case but unless you have read over 11,000 lanes of police files you get told you have no idea what you’re talking about by her supporters.  I went in swinging saying there’s no way the parents covered this up and then got descended on last week, if you think this forum is bad you should try arguing on her twitter page!

You must've known what you were going to get engaging with pages like that?

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1 hour ago, throbber said:

I follow a twitter woman called Madeline Mcann case tweets which is largely followed by absolute head cases who will argue with you vehemently for days on end, one guy wouldn’t stop talking about the patio doors and how Gerry tampered with them to help fake an abduction and apparently that’s all he ever talks about.

Anyway, their theory is that Maddie died in the apoartment as per Amarals account and then when Gerry bumped into Jeremy wilkins (during the Jane Tanner sighting) Gerry was actually en route  to dispose of the corpse and Wilkins had stopped him in his tracks and as Gerry saw Wilkins approach he stowed Madeleines corpse in a nearby flower bed which the cadaver dogs alerted to in the following weeks/months. He then returned to tapas to alert Kate the plan had been temporarily blocked before going back some minutes later when he walked her through the town, bumped into the Smiths who made a comment about how tired the child must have been to which Gerry ignored and it is suggested Maddie was stored temporarily in the patio of a vacant villa of which there were several in the area and Gerry was there and back within 15 minutes. Gerry would have known they were empty as they had shutters closed and rental signs up and they think  she was moved again at about 6 am when a polis see Gerry on the move around about said vacant apartments. 

The theory at least makes sense albeit not explaining the emotional implications involved in the parents execution of this cover up. 

That's  the plot of a Fawlty Towers episode.


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I can imagine that a shaky clip of throbber angrily masturbating is a blessed relief from receiving detailed breakdowns of theoretical murder. Who can blame the woman for facilitating the exchange?

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On 24/06/2020 at 17:59, Alternative Title said:

G https://getpocket.com/explore/item/conspiracy-theorists-have-a-fundamental-cognitive-problem-say-scientists?utm_source=pocket-newtab-global-en-GB

The thing is there are different conspiracies. One that the parents were involved, the other that those who think that are bad.


It's not the ones who think the parents may have been involved who I think are misguided, it's the ones who consider any other explanation impossible, and take any minor inconsistency in statements, any conceivable however bizarre conjecture of how they could have hidden the body,  and every bark of a dog, as ironclad evidence of guilt. 

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4 hours ago, throbber said:

I follow a twitter woman called Madeline Mcann case tweets which is largely followed by absolute head cases who will argue with you vehemently for days on end, one guy wouldn’t stop talking about the patio doors and how Gerry tampered with them to help fake an abduction and apparently that’s all he ever talks about.

Anyway, their theory is that Maddie died in the apoartment as per Amarals account and then when Gerry bumped into Jeremy wilkins (during the Jane Tanner sighting) Gerry was actually en route  to dispose of the corpse and Wilkins had stopped him in his tracks and as Gerry saw Wilkins approach he stowed Madeleines corpse in a nearby flower bed which the cadaver dogs alerted to in the following weeks/months. He then returned to tapas to alert Kate the plan had been temporarily blocked before going back some minutes later when he walked her through the town, bumped into the Smiths who made a comment about how tired the child must have been to which Gerry ignored and it is suggested Maddie was stored temporarily in the patio of a vacant villa of which there were several in the area and Gerry was there and back within 15 minutes. Gerry would have known they were empty as they had shutters closed and rental signs up and they think  she was moved again at about 6 am when a polis see Gerry on the move around about said vacant apartments. 

The theory at least makes sense albeit not explaining the emotional implications involved in the parents execution of this cover up. 

That's a bit harsh. 

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4 hours ago, VladimirMooc said:

If they’re head cases why’ve you just repeated their head case theory and said it makes sense? 

The way in which this case seems to have inspired a sub-culture of creepy amateur detectives - clearly evident from some posters on this thread - is bizarre. These folk will be fuming if the German guy is convicted because it means they can no longer indulge in their hobby of accusing the parents of a missing child of killing her. Absolute shower of weirdos.

We could use a Kurt Cobain thread in case this one gets solved to the satisfaction of the authorities.

For anyone who isn't familiar, he was killed by his wife FACT.

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