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I'm by no means experienced but make sure you get the correct type of trainer. I picked up a £30 pair from Sports Direct and on last nights run I could feel that they just weren't the correct fit for my feet, if that makes sense?

I think you get different shapes for flat feet etc so would definitely not just base it on looks like I did.

The wife got a pair from a proper running shop on Lothian road in Edinburgh, they put you on a treadmill and analyse your feet or some nonsense and recommend trainers to you and to be fair she's been running for a while and says the trainers are brilliant. So will most likely pop in there.

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Found this thread while surfing this lunchtime. Thought I may as well sign up and join in! A football fan and a runner in one!


Took up running in my mid 30s after a life of smoking, drinking, being overweight and doing no exercise.


Really enjoyed it but unfortunately had to give it up after only 2 years due to a knee injury. Articular cartilage damage. Doc told me never to run again.


Was bitterly disappointed. Had got my 10k time to just over 35 mins and half marathon to 1.22.


Now in my mid to late 40s, my son (now 16) has taken up running in the past couple of years. He's not bad. Ran a half marathon the other week in 1.15 and has his 10k PB down to sub 34 while his 5k time is nudging towards sub 16.


After a gap from running of over 7 years and despite having had 3 knee ops and still having problems, I decided in September to run a 10k race down in Saltcoats. I keep myself fit by cycling circa 20 miles a day as part of commute to work. I was going to all my sons races anyway and just thought I'd have a go! Entered it on  the Friday morning and ran it on  the Sunday with no training.


Managed to just get under the 45 mark and it felt great. Just like old times! Knee felt crushed though...


Since then I've managed to do some limited running. 2/3 times a week, 4 at a push. Never more than 20 miles in a week. My knee just can't handle it.


Its not making my knee any better but it doesn't seem to be getting any worse. So I'll keep going with it. Its good fun.


Managed to run a 10k race a couple of weeks ago in 39.34, ran a 5k race in 18.45 last month and have managed to get my parkrun time at Victoria Park down to 18.56.


Key to my training these days is no junk miles. In my previous stint I used to literally train all the time. I was obsessed. Strangely though, my knee injury came about when lifting weights in the gym.... wish I'd stayed well clear.


My main runs are parkrun on a Saturday (if I can make it), and interval session (6 or 8 x 1k, aiming to get all as far under 4 mins as possible with 1 min rest).


Now trying to do a longer run of around 10 - 15k once a week as well.

Edited by Arthur I. Tess
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Who's entered the London Marathon ballot, then? Yearly rejection awaits...


Depending on your age, you could maybe try and get automatic entry?


The qualifying time is sub 3.15 for age 41-49 or 3.05 for under age 40.


Edinburgh is the course to go for as its downhill for the 6 miles or so.


I was aiming for a 2.45 marathon at Edinburgh when I injured my knee and had to give up. I would love to do it and then run London but I just don't think my knee could handle the long run now.


My other problem would be that I'd end up aiming for a sub 3 hour time to compound matters and I'm a long way off from running 6.52 minute miles for 26.2 miles!


I'll see how things go. If my knee holds up after parkrun tomorrow then I'll maybe try 15k on Sunday and see if I can run some of it in 7 minute miles.

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That is some phenomenal running Arthur. Hope the knee holds up!


Tollcross 3rd birthday parkrun today. Despite slightly twisting my ankle, running back to pick up someone's dropped barcode and having to walk up the final big hill, managed to take a full minute off my PB. Good running conditions and great to see so many people out!

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That is some phenomenal running Arthur. Hope the knee holds up!

Tollcross 3rd birthday parkrun today. Despite slightly twisting my ankle, running back to pick up someone's dropped barcode and having to walk up the final big hill, managed to take a full minute off my PB. Good running conditions and great to see so many people out!

Tollcross is the one Glasgow parkrun I've never done. Due to my knee, the hills put me off.

Ran Vicky this morning in just over 19 mins, my second fastest ever parkrun.

My knee feels bad this afternoon though. Budweiser seems to dull the discomfort however...

Was thinking about packing it in last night but got up and did it anyway.

Unless I pack it in sooner, aim is sub 18.30 by the end of the summer and a sub 39 10k. I might just finish it at that. Don't want a knee replacement too soon...

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Tollcross 3rd birthday parkrun today. Despite slightly twisting my ankle, running back to pick up someone's dropped barcode and having to walk up the final big hill, managed to take a full minute off my PB. Good running conditions and great to see so many people out!

Great performance mate. I didn't see you there unfortunately, but glad you did well and enjoyed 'the 10 hill of TXPR'.

I got on really well this morning. Justin Carter from my club was there, which meant I knew a victory was not on the cards today. Still I used him as a target and stayed relatively close to him through about 3km before he pulled a 30 second lead in the last 2k. Finished in second place in 18'25" - a new pb around the hills by 1 second.

More importantly after the run there was much fun and cake had!

Same again next week at Springburn parkruns second birthday would be nice!

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I tweaked my back hoovering on Thursday, agony.

Was really pissed off as was going my week 4 day 3 jog in evening. Back upto 3.5k.

Hopefully few more days and I'll be back out.

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Great performance mate. I didn't see you there unfortunately, but glad you did well and enjoyed 'the 10 hill of TXPR'.

I got on really well this morning. Justin Carter from my club was there, which meant I knew a victory was not on the cards today. Still I used him as a target and stayed relatively close to him through about 3km before he pulled a 30 second lead in the last 2k. Finished in second place in 18'25" - a new pb around the hills by 1 second.

More importantly after the run there was much fun and cake had!

Same again next week at Springburn parkruns second birthday would be nice!

Checked you out on power of 10.

Steady process over 7 years to get to where you are today.

Impressive running.

Do you train with your club on a regular basis?

There are some top guys in your club. I'd be interested to know if Robert Gilroy turns up for training? I've heard conflicting stories about how he trains...

I've run Springburn a few times but won't be doing it next week.

My son came close to the course record last year. Someone new broke the record recently but my son's time is still less than 10 secs away. Hopefully get the record later this year... As long as someone doesn't put it out of reach!

Edited by Arthur I. Tess
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Anyone ever had a problem doing a race with headphones? I see it's technically against UK Athletics rules and there have been cases of folk being disqualified. Bit of a bummer as I hate running without them and had planned to wear them for a few races this month and don't think the roads are closed for either of them.


Also (spot the newbie) do I need to take pins with me to attach my number and how easy are the SIEntries chips to attach so that they don't fall off?

Edited by Stu
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I know quite a few races have bans in place for headphones, Stu.  If it's open roads, the organisers are likely to be pretty strict about it - you could chance it when you're away from the start/finish line (where you're almost certain to get shouted at/disqualified) but not sure it's worth the hassle.


As for the pins, I'd take your own although there's every chance there'll be some at the start.  Do you collect your number and chip on the day? If you do, there'll definitely be some there.  Are the SIEntries chips the ones you tie onto your shoes?  There'll be cable ties there and you just need to feed them through your laces.


Nice work this weekend Cardinal, Bishy & Arthur.  


Hope the back behaves itself, Rowan.  You'll be back out in no time (pun not intended, but I'm leaving it in...)!


After just about getting over a cold, I've been out Thu - Sat - Sun for short, slowish runs.  Was happy enough with a 21:10 at parkrun which finished with a final kilometre around 19-min pace.  Will get out again tomorrow for something brief and hopefully back to the track with the club on Tuesday for the first time in over a month.

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Finished the Hackney Half in 1 hour 53 mins. 27 degree heat made it very difficult (it was like the Somme with the amount of folk collapsing) so slower than I had wanted but glad to get round in one piece, given it was my first race since my school days!

Definitely got the bug now and looking to do the Richmond Half in September and maybe take on a full marathon next year.

Edited by 1971
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Friday night was the Scottish 5k Road race championships, the quality of the field was unbelievable. So much so, a huge PB of 18:09 (on my watch, few seconds more on the gun) was good enough for 198th! Think there was a dozen that went sub 15 and another 40 that were sub 16.

Easy parkrun on Saturday and then 10 miles yesterday.

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That's unreal, i can only imagine getting down to sub 20 times.


Me too. Although my first parkrun was over 30 minutes and I never thought I could get below 25 either. 


Re: headphones. I'm doing the Lochleven half marathon on Saturday. They're not shutting the road so I was a bit worried headphones might be banned. It's not that I need to have my music blaring, but I do like to have some sort of beat and to have the runkeeper woman telling me what speed I'm going at. Couldn't find anything on the official site, but I did find this blog: http://mockjogger.com/?p=2200- and from what I can tell, it's okay for Lochleven but not so okay for Haddington.

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That's unreal, i can only imagine getting down to sub 20 times.

It felt a long way away when I started doing parkrun 2 and a bit years ago. I'd done a half marathon previously and some other, not serious, running and was at 21 and a half. The times have just fallen a lot from doing it more regularly.

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I know quite a few races have bans in place for headphones, Stu.  If it's open roads, the organisers are likely to be pretty strict about it - you could chance it when you're away from the start/finish line (where you're almost certain to get shouted at/disqualified) but not sure it's worth the hassle.


As for the pins, I'd take your own although there's every chance there'll be some at the start.  Do you collect your number and chip on the day? If you do, there'll definitely be some there.  Are the SIEntries chips the ones you tie onto your shoes?  There'll be cable ties there and you just need to feed them through your laces.


Nice work this weekend Cardinal, Bishy & Arthur.  


Hope the back behaves itself, Rowan.  You'll be back out in no time (pun not intended, but I'm leaving it in...)!


After just about getting over a cold, I've been out Thu - Sat - Sun for short, slowish runs.  Was happy enough with a 21:10 at parkrun which finished with a final kilometre around 19-min pace.  Will get out again tomorrow for something brief and hopefully back to the track with the club on Tuesday for the first time in over a month.


I think tomorrow night is open roads. It's only 5 miles so not the end of the world if I can't wear them. I need to e-mail stuff to the organiser anyway so will ask to see. The same people organise the half marathon in Dumfries and someone told me they wore headphones for that when they did it a few years ago. Plenty of photos of folk doing Kirkcudbright (end of the month) with headphones so that'll be fine.


Think the numbers for both are collected on the day. The SIEntries ones look like you tie them on, which means I'll spend the day worried it'll fall off!

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Anyone in for the Polaroid 10k's this year? Good deal getting 4 races, T shirt and sunglasses for £45 with SAL discount.


I haven't done a 10k in 3 years, and I wasn't really into running when I done that one. PB is 48.30, but I have recently got parkrun times below 20. Should be looking at around the 42 minute mark I think?

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I think tomorrow night is open roads. It's only 5 miles so not the end of the world if I can't wear them. I need to e-mail stuff to the organiser anyway so will ask to see. The same people organise the half marathon in Dumfries and someone told me they wore headphones for that when they did it a few years ago. Plenty of photos of folk doing Kirkcudbright (end of the month) with headphones so that'll be fine.


Think the numbers for both are collected on the day. The SIEntries ones look like you tie them on, which means I'll spend the day worried it'll fall off!


I can understand using headphones when training on your own.


But in a race, seriously, you don't need them.


You get a far better experience NOT using headphones in a race.


Mind you, I've only ever used headphones in one race before, a parkrun. Never again, it just didn't feel right.

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