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Anyone else find it easier, and more enjoyable, if they're running from Point A to Point B rather than looping back to your house / work etc.?

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Anyone else find it easier, and more enjoyable, if they're running from Point A to Point B rather than looping back to your house / work etc.?


Definitely. The problem of course is that if you're not going anywhere, you're walking home afterwards! 


I've got a 5k route I do on the south-side. If I want to do a longer run, I can just run it twice. But to do that, I need to run past my house where I find it hard to avoid the temptation to cut it short. So I've now found a better 12k route that goes through Pollok Park (but it's still a loop!). 

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Going to do a ten miler tonight or tomorrow and that'll be me for the Edinburgh half.  I haven't been able to train as much as I'd have liked so I'm just going to enjoy it and not worry about times.


I'd normally enter "Preacher Mode" and warn you off doing a run that length before Sunday, but if you're genuinely not concerned about time, please yourself!


I have done that one as well! Sadly, on a slight alt route that day, but very nice in the shadow of the stadium. No food on offer that day either :(


Ah, that's terrible!  There might've been a special occasion, but it was announced in Danish so I understood nothing! Perfectly flat, and I think the laps and the fact there's a bit of shelter would make it a quicker course than anything we've got in Scotland.



I found out this week that I'm probably going to need a hernia op - kind of exlains why the injury just hasn't healed its self by now. Pretty devastating to hear that when I'd convinced myself again that I wasn't too far away, but good to get to the root of it I suppose.


That sucks.  When will you know for certain?  And are you on the shelf until then, or plugging on regardless?

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Well done Mr H. I did Greenock as well (quite a bit slower, but given the wind, quite pleased). My 2nd fasted ever time there, in about 20 appearances.


Well done! It was a strange wind, didn't feel like it benefited you on the way out, but it certainly hurt on the way home! Ha, and I ahve just realised that putting exact times up gives away identity! Oh well :)

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Well done! It was a strange wind, didn't feel like it benefited you on the way out, but it certainly hurt on the way home! Ha, and I ahve just realised that putting exact times up gives away identity! Oh well :)

That is always the way wind works on the Esplanade in my experience!

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Definitely. The problem of course is that if you're not going anywhere, you're walking home afterwards! 


I've got a 5k route I do on the south-side. If I want to do a longer run, I can just run it twice. But to do that, I need to run past my house where I find it hard to avoid the temptation to cut it short. So I've now found a better 12k route that goes through Pollok Park (but it's still a loop!).

When I was at Edinburgh Uni I had a season ticket for the train. Would frequently get the train from Falkirk High to Linlithgow and run home along the canal.
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That sucks.  When will you know for certain?  And are you on the shelf until then, or plugging on regardless?


Aye, it is a bit pish - probably a couple of weeks til I know what needs done. I'm just keeping going with my swimming doing arms only - it probably looks ridiculous as I borrow a float at the pool to go between the legs that's very dainty and a bright pink colour, but I don't care as at least it keeps me moving!


I've decided I'm going to make use of this time, and assuming  get back to fitness, I'm definitely going to do a triathlon next year. Looking forward to that already, even though it's ages away yet.

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One month out from Tough Mudder and beginning to shit it a bit.


Struggling badly to find motivation too, even for intervals on the dreadmill, need something fresh to mix things up

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I've noticed that whenever I run I get sore knees, just below the kneecap and just above the top of the shin in both knees. I struggle to walk upstairs the next day and often limp.

Is this pain normal and do any of you guys get it?

You got skinny legs by any chance?

Physio told when I got similar pain that there wasn't enough muscle in my legs so the knee muscles themselves were taking too much of the strain of running when it's meant to be the legs that take most of it. Basically my leg muscles weren't strong enough to share the load so my knees take more of a battering than they can handle. I was told to strengthen my legs

If that makes sense!

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The second 5k was completed in 18'40", so a total time of 36'32" and a new pb by 9 seconds. I as delighted with that and think there might be a bit more to come as the season goes on.



Cracking time.


Are you doing Dumbarton this week?


My son is doing it. I'll just be spectating this time.

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Who all is doing Edinburgh this weekend then? I gave and signed up to do Kirkcudbright half marathon, which is on Saturday. I tested running 13 miles or so a few weeks ago and was able to do it - did 10 and 11 last week and it was no problem either, just a bit flatter than what Saturday will be.


The thing I'm panicking about now is what to have for breakfast as there seems to be tons of various suggestions online. When I did my runs last weekend I went out before breakfast and didn't have any problems and I hadn't anything particularly special the night before. The race starts at one so I was thinking of just having some cereal and toast around 10 before I head off, maybe take a banana to have about 12ish and some jellybabies for the run.


I've never bothered about what and when to eat before running whatever time or distance and I've not had any issues so don't know why I'm fretting about it so much!

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Cracking time.

Are you doing Dumbarton this week?

My son is doing it. I'll just be spectating this time.

Thanks mate. Na not doing Dumbarton tonight, only doing Clydebank of the Polaroids this year. Am going to 3k on the Green tomorrow though and the weather looks reasonable for a change - so hopefully a quick time will be achieved!

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I'm doing Edinburgh on Sunday but looks like I'm too late to book a ticket for the shuttle bus back into town.  I'm sure someone here had said the using the city buses was better anyway.  Anyone have any idea what the best option is for somewhere to park and the best way back from the finish? 

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I'm doing Edinburgh on Sunday but looks like I'm too late to book a ticket for the shuttle bus back into town. I'm sure someone here had said the using the city buses was better anyway. Anyone have any idea what the best option is for somewhere to park and the best way back from the finish?

Few pints after race in town and walk into newcraighall station from there

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