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P&b Running Club

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I've seen guys bleeding from their nipples due to chaffing :barf

I've had that after playing football. It was a freezing cold day and when I took my shirt off for a shower afterwards I noticed i had a couple of lines of blood emitting from my nips. It was bloody stingy when I went into the shower, I can assure you that.

I've heard that some runners have shat themselves after a marathon because they've lost control of their bodily functions. Is this true or an urban myth?

Edited by Shengus Khan
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I've had that after playing football. It was a freezing cold day and when I took my shirt off for a shower afterwards I noticed i had a couple of lines of blood emitting from my nips. It was bloody stingy when I went into the shower, I can assure you that.

I've heard that some runners have shat themselves after a marathon because they've lost control of their bodily functions. Is this true or an urban myth?

I've read of folk getting the shits 2 or 3 miles into marathons. I myself had to dash off for a pish after 1 mile of the Edinburgh Marathon in 2003 despite emptying my bladder 15 mins previously. Look at Paula Radcliffe - when you got to go, you gotta go.

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I've read of folk getting the shits 2 or 3 miles into marathons. I myself had to dash off for a pish after 1 mile of the Edinburgh Marathon in 2003 despite emptying my bladder 15 mins previously. Look at Paula Radcliffe - when you got to go, you gotta go.

Do they line the route of the marathon with port-a-loos for such an emergency or do you just have to do a Paula?

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Has anyone been tinkering with their exercise regime and suffering for it? Because of 2 social events I brought my Sunday run forward to Saturday and put my Tuesday run back to last night.

As a result I feel sick as a dog today. My head is nipping, my stomach is queasy and I'm aching all over. I'm thinking 4 days between runs is too long. Not feeling that optimistic regarding my 5 miles tonight.

If anyone can't be knacked going out for a run or doing some exercise I suggest just doing it.

I had a great run last night. I didn't break any records but I felt stronger and fitter than I had every thought I would have. My 5 mile time wqs similar to previous but each mile is getting easier and faster (rather than going off at a sprint then struggling towards the end).

12 miles on Sunday? PAH! Bring it on B)

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I've heard that some runners have shat themselves after a marathon because they've lost control of their bodily functions. Is this true or an urban myth?


6 miles into my 12 mile run yesterday and I start to struggle with the urge to shit my pants. Imagine my joy at finding, after resisting the impulse to unload all over myself, that my wife had gone to visit her Mum, leaving me locked out the house for 45 mins.

To top it all off, once I had made it into the house, my eagerly anticipated mega-dump turned out to be nothing more than a smelly fart.

I just couldn't take the risk. Moral of the story - don't go out running on a poached egg roll.

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Hahaha, thankfully it wasnae a dose of the 'runs'.

I was having a day on the pop for the Saints-Dundee game on Saturday so moved my Sunday morning run back to Saturday morning, half 6 in the morning it was light to my surprise (not usually up at that time), I'd been playing fives 9 til 10 the Friday night so legs were a bit heavy, still managed 11.5 miles odd in a slower paced 1hr 40 mins. Freed up my Sunday for a bit of hangover recovery!!

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Still doing the Runners World programme thing. Up to the third week now and actually finding it fairly easy. Invested in a proper pair of running shoes because I'd been having trouble with my calf muscles and they made an incredible difference just by cushioning the blow to my heel. Feeling pretty gooda bout it all.

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Still doing the Runners World programme thing. Up to the third week now and actually finding it fairly easy. Invested in a proper pair of running shoes because I'd been having trouble with my calf muscles and they made an incredible difference just by cushioning the blow to my heel. Feeling pretty gooda bout it all.

Nice one.

Has the guilt crept in yet? The feeling that you've let yourself down by not going on a pre-planned run?

It's kind of addictive once you've started.

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I was out on the razz at the weekend and just did a wee 5k on sunday at a slower pace (was ready for barfing by the end)

I am away to London on a training course over the next couple of days so wont get back into it until later in the week - disappointing

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Dunno what i was on last night but knocked over 4 minutes of my PB for my usual Tuesday night route, 7.25 miles in 53:19 or thereabouts. Felt stronger than i'd done on any previous run, take it the long runs are starting to pay dividends :)

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Looks like this running pish is paying off for everyone :)

I'm at my 2003 marathon weight already and I'm still far from how I'll be looking and feeling come May.

Looking at my times for various distances I'm getting faster and faster (maybe not as drastic as some but a huge improvement on 2 months ago).

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I was supposed to be going out today but it's far too windy. I despise running in the wind :(

Running into the wind is a bitch but it's better for you, makes you work harder. Get out there and find a hill to run up into the wind :rolleyes:

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Guest Caleyking

What's this here Running Club then?

I like a good run.

A good one to do is the Fife Black Rock Run - in June. It's mainly on sand.

I did it last year. Grueling.

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What's this here Running Club then?

I like a good run.

A good one to do is the Fife Black Rock Run - in June. It's mainly on sand.

I did it last year. Grueling.

I'm sure Thunder M will be along to explain in more detail but its just an informal thread for any one who likes to go out for a run regularly, theres a few of us got Nike Plus accounts and theres some challenges up there, don't think non of us are world beaters (except the Captain) but there 3 or 4 of us who are in training for Edinburgh marathon on 25 May. Feel free to contribute...... ;)

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I'm sure Thunder M will be along to explain in more detail but its just an informal thread for any one who likes to go out for a run regularly, theres a few of us got Nike Plus accounts and theres some challenges up there, don't think non of us are world beaters (except the Captain) but there 3 or 4 of us who are in training for Edinburgh marathon on 25 May. Feel free to contribute...... ;)

In a nutshell...

Welcome aboard.

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Completed my longest run so far last Sunday in my build up to the Edinburgh Marathon.

19 miles in 2 hrs and 16 mins, ie average of 7.11 minute miles. Ran the first half conservatively before coming back at target marathon pace, managing the last mile in 6 mins 20 secs.

Good interval session on Tuesday, 5 x 6 mins with 75 second recoveries. Managed to average a mile per interval.

Also managed to record my PB for an early morning run this morning. Parked the car at the station and ran the 7 miles into work at 6am in a time of 50 mins and 43 secs - almost target marathon pace. I'm not usually geared up for tempo runs first thing in the morning but as I can't go out at lunchtime today I thought I might as well put in the effort.

Kept the mileage to just under 60 miles for the past 2 weeks. The 70+ mile weeks were taking too much out of me..... and hopefully I can now return to the high mileage madness!

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