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Cap, what nutrition do you take on during your longer runs? Bit worried about lack of salt, i currently take energy drink and carb gels, but at end of NY marathon i was near to passing out which i eventually put down to lack of salt/sodium.

I take a 330ml pouch of Lucozade Sport on my long runs (typically between 18 to 20 miles).

In the marathon itself I'll just take Lucozade Sport at the 4 stations. I won't drink them all though. I hate carrying them and taking a drink at pace takes it out of me.

I'm aiming to go under 3 hours so its not really a problem for me though and a long run on a Sunday of 20 miles would take me about 2 hrs 20 mins. If you are going to do a marathon in over 4 hours then getting liquid and carbs will probably be a problem as you'll be on your feet longer.

My face is usually covered in dry salt when I finish a long run! If you are the same, then you could just wipe the salt off your face and lick it off your hands! :lol:

Why not try taking some Andrews Salts before you go on the run?

But don't lisetn to me. I'm no expert and I don't follow a proper training plan. I just eat what I want and fit in my training when I can.

Edited by Captain_Sensible
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I take a 330ml pouch of Lucozade Sport on my long runs (typically between 18 to 20 miles).

In the marathon itself I'll just take Lucozade Sport at the 4 stations. I won't drink them all though. I hate carrying them and taking a drink at pace takes it out of me.

I'm aiming to go under 3 hours so its not really a problem for me though and a long run on a Sunday of 20 miles would take me about 2 hrs 20 mins. If you are going to do a marathon in over 4 hours then getting liquid and carbs will probably be a problem as you'll be on your feet longer.

My face is usually covered in dry salt when I finish a long run! If you are the same, then you could just wipe the salt off your face and lick it off your hands! :lol:

Why not try taking some Andrews Salts before you go on the run?

But don't lisetn to me. I'm no expert and I don't follow a proper training plan. I just eat what I want and fit in my training when I can.

Cheers for that, hoping to do mara under 4 hours this time round!! 15 mile run pencilled in for this Sunday should take me about just under 2 hours to complete, i'm obviously not as pacey as you are but i'm improving now.

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I have to admit that the last week of so has been a struggle. My times have been sluggish and I've had aches and pains all over my rattling body. Running with a raging hangover on a Saturday morning is not recommended.

However, heading out last night at 6pm for a run along the canal was magic. After all that rain yesterday morning the canal path was a mudbath, perfect for splashing through. Usually the canal is busy but with it being teatime I only encountered 4 or 5 folk on my way. The view across Linlithgow from the Avon Viaduct was stunning in the golden sunset. I was only out for 7 miles as this was the week my mileage drops back after weeks of longer distances. Looking at my run I managed 10K in 52 mins. Not a world-beating time by anyone's standards but the fastest I've managed since I started running this year, a full 10 mins quicker than the first 10K I ran in January. I'll hopefully be sub-50 mins soon which will be a PB (Currently 50 mins 30 secs).

It's funny how one run can reinvigorate your whole outlook on everything. Just as well as I have long 16 and 20 mile runs looming over the next few weeks.

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Still doing the runner's world training thing. Did the 8 mins run/2 mins walk repeat x3 on Friday and it was easy. Got to the end wondering if I was meant to keep going. 12 mins running/2 walking x3 next, hopefully a nice step up.

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Still doing the runner's world training thing. Did the 8 mins run/2 mins walk repeat x3 on Friday and it was easy. Got to the end wondering if I was meant to keep going. 12 mins running/2 walking x3 next, hopefully a nice step up.

Probably a good indication you're ready for the next step up. Listening to your body is the best indicator, rather than rigidly sticking to a strict pre-determined training plan. Some days you'll do more, some days you'll do less - depends on how you feel on the day. As long as you are not straying too far off whatever plan you are following it's all good :)

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Not been running much in the last two weeks since the mrs. was taken into hospital. She got out but has been back three times since then so running has not been a priority. Things seem to be settling down a bit so have managed to do 6 miles on Friday and 10 miles this morning.

I've missed two weeks out of my marathon training program but i'm not stressing about it. Like TM says, you can't become a slave to the program!

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Managed to do 15 mile run on Sunday morning past without any probs (nice morning weather wise helped!!), i'd had sports massage on the Saturday to loosen up my left hamstring which bothers me every now and then so my legs were feeling pretty springy. Completed the run in 2 hours which was quite good going. Got the Perth Heaven and Hell Half marathon this Sunday, looking forward to that its got a couple of big climbs in it which will be good to get in the legs (they are taking entries on the day if anyone else fancies it). Then be looking to push out my long run distances over the following 5 weeks towards the 22 mile mark before tapering for the marathon.

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Managed to do 15 mile run on Sunday morning past without any probs (nice morning weather wise helped!!), i'd had sports massage on the Saturday to loosen up my left hamstring which bothers me every now and then so my legs were feeling pretty springy. Completed the run in 2 hours which was quite good going. Got the Perth Heaven and Hell Half marathon this Sunday, looking forward to that its got a couple of big climbs in it which will be good to get in the legs (they are taking entries on the day if anyone else fancies it). Then be looking to push out my long run distances over the following 5 weeks towards the 22 mile mark before tapering for the marathon.

Less than 8 weeks to go - squeeky bum time :lol:

How much was the massage? I'm going to book myself in at the start of May. I'm full of questions...what time does the H&H start? I need to get some races under my belt beforehand.

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Less than 8 weeks to go - squeeky bum time :lol:

How much was the massage? I'm going to book myself in at the start of May. I'm full of questions...what time does the H&H start? I need to get some races under my belt beforehand.

The massage was a pricey 45 quid!!! Fuk me i thought it was 30 quid, about collapsed when told 45, worth it though i'd say, just.

The H & H starts at 11am, registration at 10am. Costs 13 quid to enter on the day. Heaven & Hell I phoned up on Sunday about it and they said it was cool to enter on the day but would cost me an extra quid.

Edited by Watty
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As mentioned earlier, we had a 15 miles xc race on Sat at our club.

One of the guys (like you techie lot) had a garmin gadget.

He got in touch with me and so I added his map and very interesting data to our website


The thing is... it only measured it at 14.34 miles.

And we KNOW cos it's been done (by experts!) with a measuring wheel that it's totally accurate 15 miles.

We have trees in Epping Forest (surprisingly enough!) and there's a heap of hills - you can check the elevation at the Garmin website, but does that not make you even more sceptical about the value of those gadgets...?

I googled.. and it seems that, in test comparisons, the Nike stuff is even less reliable... :o

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The Nike+ transmitter comes pre-callibrated but it suggests you callibrate it youself over a known distance of a mile. When I was seting mine up it was reading only a 0.04mile difference. I don't think anyone expects these devices to be 100% accurate but they are as near as damn it. It also gives me the freedom to run wherever I want to, rather than following a pre-determined, pre-calculated route.

I've done a fair bit of my running on the Union Canal. It's covered in distance markers and I've found my Nike+ to be completely accurate. I completed the marathon in 2003 running routes I had roughly measured out by keeping an eye on my mileometer in the car so I'll not lose too much sleep over my Nike+ reliability :lol:

I'm sure Nike and Garmin also have experts working on their products. Possible that they may be better qualified than a running club member with a trundle wheel? ;)

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To update my progress on the Runner's World beginner programme thing. Moved up to the 12 min run 1 min walk x 3. Got to 12 minutes and felt like keeping on going, so instead did the next step up - 15 min run, 1 min rest, 15 min run. Completed somewhere between 4.5 and 5km in the 30 mins, and only really started to feel tired right at the end.

Well pleased with how I am doing.

On the Nike+ stuff - I am contemplating buying it soon. So how accurate is it given the above post?

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To update my progress on the Runner's World beginner programme thing. Moved up to the 12 min run 1 min walk x 3. Got to 12 minutes and felt like keeping on going, so instead did the next step up - 15 min run, 1 min rest, 15 min run. Completed somewhere between 4.5 and 5km in the 30 mins, and only really started to feel tired right at the end.

Well pleased with how I am doing.

On the Nike+ stuff - I am contemplating buying it soon. So how accurate is it given the above post?

I have no stats and figure (or facts) but al I know is millions of folk are using Nike+. It therefore can't be that bad.

Chingford's just a mad grump :P


Nice progress by the way!

Edited by Thundermonkey
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I'm sure Nike and Garmin also have experts working on their products. Possible that they may be better qualified than a running club member with a trundle wheel? ;)

Better qualified than 'a running club member with a trundle wheel', who designed and measured not only the London Marathon course and hundreds of others?! I truly think not. :P

And if the Nike/Garmin boffs are not in Running Clubs, they must be less than human anyway... :)

On the Nike+ stuff - I am contemplating buying it soon. So how accurate is it given the above post?

On flat runs with no tall buildings, or without big hills up or down and without a lot of tree cover they're absolutely.... ok.

I've never had one and wouldn't want the slavery. Then again, I've refused to own a Mobile phone and still haven't got the mp3 player that I won on here - working...

Perhaps I'm a technophobe. :unsure:

Chingford's just a mad grump :P

This is VERY true...

But it will be a sad, sad world when an auld git cannae play Devil's advocate! :)

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On flat runs with no tall buildings, or without big hills up or down and without a lot of tree cover they're absolutely.... ok.

I've never had one and wouldn't want the slavery. Then again, I've refused to own a Mobile phone and still haven't got the mp3 player that I won on here - working...

Perhaps I'm a technophobe. :unsure:

Trees and hills and shit won't affect the Nike+ system because there is no satellites involved. I'm not sure about some of the fancier Garmin devices that use GPRS but the Nike+ communicates only between your shoe and your iPod transmitter.

I find that plotting a run on a map and sticking to it to cover my distance is slavery. I'd rather plug in my iPod and go for a wander. I wouldn't based my training round it if I was looking for gold at the Olympics but I'm not..and it's great.

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I'm sure the people at Heartratemonitor.co.uk did a test a while back between a gps based Garmin and a footpod based polar watch and they both gave pretty similar distance readings. I use a Garmin forerunner 50 which is footpod based and like TM have found that I can now just run where I want rather than having to stick to pre-measured routes.

I went out for a 5 mile tempo run last night (with a mile on each end for warmup/cooldown) The 5 'hard-miles' were meant to be run at 7:10 pace and I really wasn't sure if i'd manage to keep that pace given that i'd missed a couple of weeks training. To my delight and amazement I managed it, the splits being 7:09, 6:59, 7:24, 7:07, 7:09. Ideally all the miles would have been 7:10 but that's not really realistic. The second mile was predominantly downhill and I was intentionally pushing hard to see how it would affect the rest of the run. The third mile was predominantly uphill so I am chuffed to only go over by 14 seconds.

16 mile long run now planned for Sunday, depending on how i'm feeling I might sneak in another short run before then on Friday evening.

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I'm sure the people at Heartratemonitor.co.uk did a test a while back between a gps based Garmin and a footpod based polar watch and they both gave pretty similar distance readings. I use a Garmin forerunner 50 which is footpod based and like TM have found that I can now just run where I want rather than having to stick to pre-measured routes.

I went out for a 5 mile tempo run last night (with a mile on each end for warmup/cooldown) The 5 'hard-miles' were meant to be run at 7:10 pace and I really wasn't sure if i'd manage to keep that pace given that i'd missed a couple of weeks training. To my delight and amazement I managed it, the splits being 7:09, 6:59, 7:24, 7:07, 7:09. Ideally all the miles would have been 7:10 but that's not really realistic. The second mile was predominantly downhill and I was intentionally pushing hard to see how it would affect the rest of the run. The third mile was predominantly uphill so I am chuffed to only go over by 14 seconds.

16 mile long run now planned for Sunday, depending on how i'm feeling I might sneak in another short run before then on Friday evening.

My splita are all over the place. I've got a nice 7 mile tempo run tonight follwed up with a 16 mile run on Sunday as well. My last 16 mile was up and down some serious hill (hence the varying splits) so I'll need to hit the canal which comes with it's own drawbacks (Bikes, Dogs, Walkers)

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I forgot to add:

Nike have 25 places each in the Edinburgh and Manchester BUPA 10k's up for grabs. To get a place you have to sign up to their challenges on the Nike+ site (there is a drop down menu on the Challenges section, they are under 'special events'). the top 25 runners get a place for running the most Km's until the end of the month. I doubt I've got a chance but some of you guys may be in with a shout if you fancy it.

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