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I was running the BUPA Great Edinburgh Run today.

Did it in 59 minutes and 41 seconds. Delighted with that, as it's my first ever organised event and especially as a sore back and neck curtailed my training for a couple of weeks.

Now I know what I can do, so going to get myself into another 10K event towards the end of the year and attempt to beat that time.

Edited by Gaz
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That's great Gaz, considering the hills and the warmer conditions. What wave were you in? I was in Green A and despite being held up all over the first 2K (folk chatting in groups of 6! Folk walking 5 mins in!) I'm smugly sitting watching Indiana Jones over the moon at my 50:56. Missed my PB by 26 seconds - tough :rolleyes:

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I was in White A, originally I'd put down that I expected to finish in about 50 minutes which, if it wasn't for my back and neck, I reckon I'd have been able to do it. Up to a couple of weeks ago I was running 10K around Stirling in 51 minutes, then had to stop training for a week and could only do gentle stuff for the past week or so.

Think I'll enter the Glasgow 10K in September and see what time I can get for that.

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Looking like a good day for it tomorrow - in fact its looking like a good week. Warm and sunny tomorrow with little of no wind. Think I'll get out earlyish (about 9) before it gets too warm down to strathclyde park for a three lap session.

Yay. good weather!

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Ran the Troon 10k on Wednesday evening in 37.56

Didn't think that sub 38 was on but somehow managed to run the 6th mile in 5.47. One of the guys who I train with and who has never beaten me in a race so far had pulled over 15 secs ahead of me going into the last mile but I came back and overtook him going into the last 100 yards. He wasn't happy! :lol:

My training for the Edinburgh Marathon has gone a bit pear shaped recently. Have got a stitch on each of my last 4 Sunday long runs which has caused me problems. Been thinking hard about why it only seems to happen on these Sunday runs but haven't been able to sort it out. I reckon it possibly may be the milk in cereal I've started having on Saturdays recently. I'd more or less given milk up until the last few Saturdays. Have gone dairy free this week and am hoping to get through a 20 miler today. If I can get through today without getting a stitch then I'll be happy. If I can't then I may have to consider pulling out this year.

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Training has been going well for me, Just back the now from a 17 Miler i managed in 2 hrs 22 mins, was hardly even out of puff either, cud'nt of said that 3 months ago. The previous 3 weekends my long runs have been all 20 miles plus reaching up to 22.5 miles, i managed that in 3 hrs 12 mins. Seem on course to break the 4 hours in Edinburgh, fingers crossed. Also been getting my shorter runs in consistently and feel fitter and in better condition than when i ran NY in 2006, touch wood not had any injury woes other than tight hamstrings this time round, just around the 500 miles have been trained since mid Jan and i'm rating the improved weather and light nights for running :)

So 2 weeks to go and i'm well looking forward to the biggie. Hope you sort out the stitch prob Captain, not something that i've ever been troubled with enough that i'd even consider stopping or pulling out of a race so i guess it must be pretty bad for a seasoned runner like you to be considering doing so, i'm sure you'll be alright.

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Training has been going well for me, Just back the now from a 17 Miler i managed in 2 hrs 22 mins, was hardly even out of puff either, cud'nt of said that 3 months ago. The previous 3 weekends my long runs have been all 20 miles plus reaching up to 22.5 miles, i managed that in 3 hrs 12 mins. Seem on course to break the 4 hours in Edinburgh, fingers crossed. Also been getting my shorter runs in consistently and feel fitter and in better condition than when i ran NY in 2006, touch wood not had any injury woes other than tight hamstrings this time round, just around the 500 miles have been trained since mid Jan and i'm rating the improved weather and light nights for running :)

So 2 weeks to go and i'm well looking forward to the biggie. Hope you sort out the stitch prob Captain, not something that i've ever been troubled with enough that i'd even consider stopping or pulling out of a race so i guess it must be pretty bad for a seasoned runner like you to be considering doing so, i'm sure you'll be alright.

Well done Watty. Sounding good.

I'm not a seasoned runner - I've only been running for 3 years. Maybe that is the problem, I've done too much too quickly.

Just completed 12 miles and got a stitch after 6 miles. Just can't figure it out.

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My training has also gone a bit pear shaped. I had a slight niggle in my hip after the Great Edinburgh Run which has got steadily worse. I could only manage 4 out of my 12 intended miles yeaterday before I decided I was about to do more damage than good :( I must have been running funnily to protect my hip, thus shagging my thigh, knee and shin.

I felt ready about a week ago, now I'm faced with a couple of weeks of rest before the big one :unsure:

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I'm running 2 miles 3 times a week. Just got back into running. I used to run 5-8 miles a day.

Not done running before but the past few months I have been convinved to go out for jogs. Have ran about a mile a day on average for the past few weeks.

I know in comparison to most of you I must seem pathetic but am happy with it :lol:

Would really like to run the London marathon one day.

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Not done running before but the past few months I have been convinved to go out for jogs. Have ran about a mile a day on average for the past few weeks.

I know in comparison to most of you I must seem pathetic but am happy with it :lol:

Would really like to run the London marathon one day.

I started off with very short runs. My first ever 'jog' was over less than a mile and I thought I was dying with an asthma attack at the end of it!

Less than 4 years later and I've run a 10k in undder 38 mins, a half marathon in under 1 hr 25 mins and aiming for a marathon in under 3 hrs!

Managed to do a 17 mile run today after work - without gettibg a stitch! I was knackered at the end though and very dehydrated as I didn't take any drinks with me.

I think the solution to my stitch problem is that I'll need to run on an empty stomach at Edinburgh. I didn't eat anything today after my breakfast and started my run at 4.30pm. I also ran the Troon 10k with nothing to eat in the 7 hours prior to the race.

I've basically messed up 4 long runs - just as as was reaching my peak. I'd ran a 22 miler in an average pace of 7 minute miles back on 30 March - I think I'm a bit away from that now. And there is no time left to do anything about it! I'll just need to hope fir favourable conditions on the day and hope I can dig it out.

Not sure what I'm going to do about eating on the day of the marathon either if I want to avoiud a stitch. Will need to eat breakfast at 1am before I go to bed and get up at 5am and drink a bottle of lucozade sport!

At least if I get a stitch at around 6 miles in the marathon, I can just head straight into the pub and have a couple of pints while watching the runners come in! :lol:

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My training has also gone a bit pear shaped. I had a slight niggle in my hip after the Great Edinburgh Run which has got steadily worse. I could only manage 4 out of my 12 intended miles yeaterday before I decided I was about to do more damage than good :( I must have been running funnily to protect my hip, thus shagging my thigh, knee and shin.

Serious answer which may sound daft, Thundermonkey.

Have you been constantly running in the same shoes?

And have you been doing the same training circuits?

Club runners have more than one pair of shoes and swap them about. And we don't run the same training route the same way round regularly.

Your shoes will get worn in a particular way so that may exacerbate any tendency your body may have to tilt and hurt joints etc. Similarly, road cambers and pavement may pitch your body in a similarly unfortunate manner. Avoid repetition of all sorts if you're a runner...

And Glucosamine!!

I have no shares therein - but wish I had. :)

The ONLY supplement that WHICH magazine's doctors say actually works.

It SOLVED mah wummin's back crisis; a pal's heel decrepitude so he again beats me in races; and stops me moaning and grumping about all manner of aches and pains. Minimum 1000mg caps a day for it to work, tho. It replaces lost 'cushioning' between joints - with crushed crustacean shells.

Anyone know a good make of running shoes to get for a cheapish price? Like £30-40.

I'd quite like to do more running, but none of the shoes I have just now are really suitable for it.

"a good make"? If it is a known brand name then it IS a good make. But you want a good running shoe rather than one for posing in the pub with... then...

Go to a running shoe shop - NOT JJB SPORTS or similar! They will have runners staffing it - and they always seem to have last year's model going cheaply... Sales.

Or go to JJB sports or similar check out your shoe size and fit there, then go online. I buy my shoes online now cos I know wot I want and what size..

...and that IS cheaper...

In the same manner, I buy my Glucosamine online, rather than at Boots etc - which are rip-off!

I hope this helps? :)

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Serious answer which may sound daft, Thundermonkey.

Have you been constantly running in the same shoes?

And have you been doing the same training circuits?

Club runners have more than one pair of shoes and swap them about. And we don't run the same training route the same way round regularly.

Your shoes will get worn in a particular way so that may exacerbate any tendency your body may have to tilt and hurt joints etc. Similarly, road cambers and pavement may pitch your body in a similarly unfortunate manner. Avoid repetition of all sorts if you're a runner...

And Glucosamine!!

I have no shares therein - but wish I had. :)

The ONLY supplement that WHICH magazine's doctors say actually works.

It SOLVED mah wummin's back crisis; a pal's heel decrepitude so he again beats me in races; and stops me moaning and grumping about all manner of aches and pains. Minimum 1000mg caps a day for it to work, tho. It replaces lost 'cushioning' between joints - with crushed crustacean shells.

Same shoes I'm afraid for a number of reasons:

I'm logging each run with my Nike+ sensor

My old running trainers are shagged

I can't afford another pair at the moment.

I have been mixing up my runs each time though. I learned in 2003 that the same route can get boring very quickly. The Nike+ has allowed me to change my route as freely as I want so it has helped me enjoy my training much more this time round. As a result I'm feeling (or was feeling) in much better shape for this marathon.

I reaaly think I just overdid it at the 10K last Sunday. With 2 weeks to go do you think there will be any noticable difference on taking the glucosamine supplement?

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I set my alarm for 6 this morning but turned it off and went back to sleep, going to go out about 10.30 now. Not ran for a good few weeks now, I'm just lazy, I stopped after I passed my fitness test. :(

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With 2 weeks to go do you think there will be any noticable difference on taking the glucosamine supplement?

It took 5/6 weeks for it to transform mah wummin(!); about 3 for me and similar for the pal with shot heels. It DOES take time - but you have to start sometime.... :)

I didnt know about the changing shoe thing - I will invest in a second pair come pay day.

It really does help - shifts tiny pressures to different parts of the feet. Instead of continually exacerbating one particular niggele, it keeps your feet all over knackered.... :rolleyes:

I set my alarm for 6 this morning but turned it off and went back to sleep, going to go out about 10.30 now. Not ran for a good few weeks now, I'm just lazy, I stopped after I passed my fitness test. :(

Now, I hope your team don't have your attitude - cos then I will have wasted a lot of dosh on my trip to Hampden for the 24th to see them gub the ****!

Go running! You know it makes sense...

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