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Did a cooper 12 minute today on the treadmill after school and managed to get over 3600m. Really pleased with that, but could have got more.

That's pretty decent.

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I'm gonna do it again periodically throughout my training programme. I'd love to get 4000, although that's fair belting it.

Treadmills always overstate the distance you run compared to outside. But it'll still be over 3K, which in 12 minutes is pretty damn funky.

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That will still be quite warm I'd think. Going for a dip afterwards?


Grangemouth Round the Houses 10K is my 1st target - Sunday March 29th

Oh aye, dip will be mandatory i think, waiting on entries opening in Feb to get registered, then get cheapo flights sorted.

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Treadmills always overstate the distance you run compared to outside. But it'll still be over 3K, which in 12 minutes is pretty damn funky.

I despise running on treadmills, really isnae even comparitive to getting out pounding the pavement.

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I despise running on treadmills, really isnae even comparitive to getting out pounding the pavement.

Agreed. I get so bored on them. Unfortunately if there's ice outside I'd rather run on a treadmill than try to go outside and risk slipping.

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Agreed. I get so bored on them. Unfortunately if there's ice outside I'd rather run on a treadmill than try to go outside and risk slipping.

I recall slipping and falling about 5 times on one run due to all the snow and ice on the ground. To let you in on how cold it was I was running in Grangemouth which is usually a good 64 degrees warmer due to the refinery :rolleyes:

Think of staying on your feet as a workout for your core stability.

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Running outside hurts the soles of my feet. On a treadmill it's not nearly as bad.

Same, but I bought new running trainers, and they make a massive difference. I think it's much better running outside - it's much more refreshing, enjoyable and not as boring. The only downside in Dundee is that people might want to stab me for my new trainers. :(

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Same, but I bought new running trainers, and they make a massive difference. I think it's much better running outside - it's much more refreshing, enjoyable and not as boring. The only downside in Dundee is that people might want to stab me for my new trainers. :(

At least you'll be running that bit quicker.

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I was out for my first run in about 10 days, been ill with a chest infection. Managed to do 5k in not a very good time but it's a building block after being inactive for a while.

My main issue is that I found myself spitting CONSTANTLY- I'm talking about every 100 yards. I normally grog a wee bit when running but not to this degree.

Anyone know what causes this and how to avoid it? Is it dehydration (I had a pint of water 20 minutes before I went out), or is it because I was still a bit ill? Does anyone else suffer from having to grog all the time when running?

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I was out for my first run in about 10 days, been ill with a chest infection. Managed to do 5k in not a very good time but it's a building block after being inactive for a while.

My main issue is that I found myself spitting CONSTANTLY- I'm talking about every 100 yards. I normally grog a wee bit when running but not to this degree.

Anyone know what causes this and how to avoid it? Is it dehydration (I had a pint of water 20 minutes before I went out), or is it because I was still a bit ill? Does anyone else suffer from having to grog all the time when running?

Aye. The Llama phenomenon I've dubbed it. Happens when you've done cock all for a long while then all of a sudden dive back into some decent aerobic exercise. I reckon I spat every ten seconds or so on average at the Glasgow area fives last Monday actually. I don't know if any of the others players took note but there were times when I actually spat whilst running with the ball and even tackling another player. It was actually at the stage where I had to be careful where I was putting my spittle. Very close to shining a few folks shoes.

I don't really know why it happens to be honest? I'd certainly be interested to read a factual explanation.

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Using this thread for inspiration as I'm just started running.

My fitness isn't terrible and my weight isn't too bad though I could do with losing a few pounds around the middle though. I cycle to and from work every day (probably 25 miles a week), but I'd like to get into a habit of running at least a couple of times a week.

I've tried before, but just never managed to get into a routine. There are a lot of good tips in this thread, so I'm going to have a crack again. The runningahead website looks great. I think that's the sort of thing that will keep me motivated.

Anyway, started today. 1.6 miles in 12 minutes. It was a struggle, but I managed to run the whole way. Onwards and upwards......

I'm managing to get into a routine now I think and charting my progress with runningahead.com is really helping.

I started off last week doing 2.5K three times a week (two mornings a week before work and one weekend morning). My plan is to slowly build up to around 10K by adding 0.5 / 1K a week for the next two or three months. Running 10K regularly is the first target and then I'll think about the next step once I get there.

I was nearly dead after the first run and my legs were stiff for 24 hours, but it's amazing how quickly your body adapts, running becomes easier and your recovery time shortens. Very satisfying.

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I don't think I could manage to run right off,so I have started to walk a few miles a day. I have a few questions about the nike+ thing. Would nike+ still work if I don't have the proper trainers? also does it work when walking?


Edit: Does anyone know where I can get a nike+ in Perth? HMV and argos have both sold out of them.

Edited by saints1884
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I don't think I could manage to run right off,so I have started to walk a few miles a day. I have a few questions about the nike+ thing. Would nike+ still work if I don't have the proper trainers? also does it work when walking?


Edit: Does anyone know where I can get a nike+ in Perth? HMV and argos have both sold out of them.

It works when walking, I use it for walking quiet a lot - especially since I hurt my knee last week I can't do any running the now but use it when I'm walking the dog.

You can buy a wee clip from eBay or most running shops that attach to the laces of your shoes and let you use the Nike+ thing even if it's not Nike+ shoes you've got.

You can buy it online, from running shops or JJB sometimes have them in stock.

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It works when walking, I use it for walking quiet a lot - especially since I hurt my knee last week I can't do any running the now but use it when I'm walking the dog.

You can buy a wee clip from eBay or most running shops that attach to the laces of your shoes and let you use the Nike+ thing even if it's not Nike+ shoes you've got.

You can buy it online, from running shops or JJB sometimes have them in stock.

You can buy it in Greaves as well.

I managed 7km yesterday, was hoping to do 10km but I felt awful after 2km, don't think running first thing is for me, I normally go after work and before dinner. Another attempt at 10km tomorrow then I've got my first game of fives for aaaaaaaages on Wednesday. Should be a good barometer of my current state of fitness (and a reminder of my general gashness at football).

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It works when walking, I use it for walking quiet a lot - especially since I hurt my knee last week I can't do any running the now but use it when I'm walking the dog.

You can buy a wee clip from eBay or most running shops that attach to the laces of your shoes and let you use the Nike+ thing even if it's not Nike+ shoes you've got.

You can buy it online, from running shops or JJB sometimes have them in stock.

You can buy it in Greaves as well.

I managed 7km yesterday, was hoping to do 10km but I felt awful after 2km, don't think running first thing is for me, I normally go after work and before dinner. Another attempt at 10km tomorrow then I've got my first game of fives for aaaaaaaages on Wednesday. Should be a good barometer of my current state of fitness (and a reminder of my general gashness at football).

Thanks both for the reply. I'll have a look in both shops,and online. B)

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