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Well done. :) thanks for the link also.

Pushed myself hard today. Did 4.5miles without stopping in 34.50m on the treadmill with a slight incline.

I would love to be doing 6 mile by the start of march. Small steps buy slowly getting there.

Ps. That extra was a killer haha

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I was right. 6km, 15 mins gentle-ish jog, then a 1km as fast as you can (I'm not totally sure how fast I did it as I can't work out the points on my Garmin :ph34r: but I glanced at the pace at one point and was doing 5:03min/km and I felt it was steady over the km) then headed back to the start with a tempo km along the way. I actually really enjoyed it. My miles got faster over the course of the run, with my last complete mile being 8:33 - chuffed with that. :)

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A one hour long slow run this morning. I tried to belt it for the last five minutes but only managed to keep it up for 2 1/2 and then the last 60seconds - quite disappointed but it gives me my starting point to build on.

The Garmin is great for helping pull me back on the slow runs - I have a habit of speeding up so I kept checking my pace and slowing when I started going a bit quick

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Legs where tired but decided to go on the treadmill and put a decent incline on it lol mistake haha.

Run to the 3 mile mark not bad and then had to jog /walk the rest as I was fecked lol.

4.5m in 36.06 mins which is 1.16 mins slower than yesterday but with a steeper incline.

Ref'ing tomorrow, playing footy Sunday so might not be back on till Sunday night/Monday

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Another weekly run completed, and in my best time yet! Finished in 45mins, which is 2mins better than my previous PB for the route. Really chuffed with that! Glad the times are getting better in preparation for the 10k too! :)

Sorry didn't reply to your text mate, was in the pub with millsy. Good run again, it is exactly 10km from my front door to where we met you and back. Did that in 54mins and we both felt we could've ran further/faster. Get yourself thru to mine next week so we can vary the route, and if you've got a target time in mind for the 10k let me know and we'll both work towards it.

In the last 8 days I've ran over 36km and played 5s twice. Loving my running just now, it's ten times better when you've got your mate's to talk to during.

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Nice run bully. Managed my longest run to date. 13.71 miles on Friday. 1:45 ish. Glad I did it because at least I know I can get round Inverness when it comes. Legs were going last mile. Delighted with my recovery though. No aches the next day.

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Also did my longest run to date this morning - 21k from Linlithgow to Ratho along the canal. Time was too long to mention, but great sense of achievement at the distance. Idle thoughts of doing a HM now seem a bit more feasible. Given that I couldn't run for more than 1 minute at a time this time last year, I'm very pleased.

Back to shorter distances for the Olympic Park Run over the next few weeks.

Edit - bloody knackered now though!

Edited by Disco Duck
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Went out this morning before work - really eerie running through the most and fog. Everytime I hit a bank of it I felt a real drop in temperature and didnt see anyone at all on my route (usually there is the odd dog walker)

Slippy underfoot but no falls - it really works your calves and ankles when its slippy.

Intervals tomorrow followed by some core exercises

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Aha ha ha... oh dear... I've got a place in the ballot for the GNR. So... oh dear.

I've spoken about the GNR before so I won't bore you with my story again :lol: but the only, only thing I would suggest is to sort out your accommodation ASAP. The hotels book up fast and if you look at the little guesthouses / BnBs, many of them won't take your booking even if it appears they have space as they have regular GNR guests that they save places for.

I couldn't get a hotel room when I ran it so my family drove down at 5am in the morning and then drove home in the late afternoon. The drive home utterly destroyed my legs.

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Thanks Gaz - I've got friends in the area where I could hopefully crash at, right Neefie? ;) Very exciting! And I'm in a much better place with my training than I was when I started training for Edinburgh. :)

Good stuff!

A solid 12km from me last night in just over an hour. Slowly getting back up to pace and able to put in a decent bit of mileage. An easy 35 minutes planned this evening.

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