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Went for my first run for about 3 years at the start of this week. Set myself a wee route and I did it in 25 minutes. I don't really intend to count distance or worry about pace just yet but have went out every night since and I am quite motivated to do it regularly. I was fairly surprised I managed 25 minutes without stopping. Going to try get out often between now and the end of the month then maybe start being more professional about it and worry about distances and that.

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Went for my first run for about 3 years at the start of this week. Set myself a wee route and I did it in 25 minutes. I don't really intend to count distance or worry about pace just yet but have went out every night since and I am quite motivated to do it regularly. I was fairly surprised I managed 25 minutes without stopping. Going to try get out often between now and the end of the month then maybe start being more professional about it and worry about distances and that.

Welcome aboard. Won't be long until you are as addicted as the rest of us!

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Did 7.3k today. Walked kids to nursery as a warm up k and then finished at asda so had the k walk home. But slow but first run in ten days after horrible bug.

Back out on Saturday. Also did a 7mun core app afterwards.

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I emailed Edinburgh Council & TGO today enquiring into the possibility/feasability of them installing an outdoor gym in the Meadows similar to the one at Hailes Quarry Park........TGO were delighted, Edinburgh Council said they'd get back to me within 10days.

Will let you all know how I get on.

Got an email from Edinburgh Council yesterday saying that they are considering the proposal and have copied in the Parks & Greenspace Manager to see if they have any objections.....will hear back in due course.

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At the gym on Wednesday doing or should I say attempting my usual 5k (am new to running all I can do just now) approaching the first k when I started feeling shooting pains all over my right leg in my thigh calves and shin - it was so uncomfortable that i had to stop really disappointing as I had been making good progress reducing my times. Reckon that because am also doing alot of cycling just now to and from work that my legs just need a break from the running.

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Been away from running for 6-7 weeks with achillies tedonitis. Went to Run4it for new shoes and went out last sunday (3 miles) and on Weds (4 miles) gonna try and step it up to 6 today. No ill affects so far but f**k me how unfit do you get missing that length of time? was breathing out my arse after 4 miles. Got Edinburgh half on 25th - plan is 6 miles today 10 miles next weekend (with a short run in between) and a 5-6 mile the week of run (again with short run inbetween).

Was hoping for sub 1hour 30 race but be glad just to finish it now. Hopefully tahts me injusry free for a little while been plauged since GNR with ITB issues and now this.

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Been away from running for 6-7 weeks with achillies tedonitis. Went to Run4it for new shoes and went out last sunday (3 miles) and on Weds (4 miles) gonna try and step it up to 6 today. No ill affects so far but f**k me how unfit do you get missing that length of time? was breathing out my arse after 4 miles. Got Edinburgh half on 25th - plan is 6 miles today 10 miles next weekend (with a short run in between) and a 5-6 mile the week of run (again with short run inbetween).

Was hoping for sub 1hour 30 race but be glad just to finish it now. Hopefully tahts me injusry free for a little while been plauged since GNR with ITB issues and now this.

Yup, I was out for 8-9 weeks recuperating after an operation - managed 2 x 3.5 mile runs last week, have done 2 more this week and will be out this weekend, but jeezo man it's been like I've never previously run a step in my entire life. When I'm as fit as I get, my average mile pace is usually about 8:00-8:10 mins for runs up to 8 or 9 miles, but my average for those 3-mile loops is about 9:30.

Struggle, arse, blowing out of....

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No video footage of my combat roll. The shin and thigh are still black and blue. On the plus side I'm ranked No. 6 or the Steeplechase, No. 10 for the triple jump, No. 27 for the Long Jump and Number 50 for the 400m for the Over-35 in the UK.

Ran the Park run today in 20:07 and finished 6th.

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Been away from running for 6-7 weeks with achillies tedonitis. Went to Run4it for new shoes and went out last sunday (3 miles) and on Weds (4 miles) gonna try and step it up to 6 today. No ill affects so far but f**k me how unfit do you get missing that length of time? was breathing out my arse after 4 miles. Got Edinburgh half on 25th - plan is 6 miles today 10 miles next weekend (with a short run in between) and a 5-6 mile the week of run (again with short run inbetween).

Was hoping for sub 1hour 30 race but be glad just to finish it now. Hopefully tahts me injusry free for a little while been plauged since GNR with ITB issues and now this.

Aye went all right yesterday mananged 7 miles in 53m 14s which is slightly slower than my old pace. Couple of moments when I thought I was going to get pain but it didn't happen. Meant a cagey last few miles and a slight worry about upping distance further. Achillies not sore today so thats a bounus - legs aching though. Hope to do a gentle 4 miles on Tuesday and 10 miles on Saturday - that will be real test. Just trying to nurse it through.

Glad to be back though and fitness and breathing 100 times better yesterday - only down side was a dog trying to bite my ankles as I ran past and owner having a pop at me for scaring it - p***k

Edited by marty_j
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Been off the running for a long time now as I had an injury that still hurts slightly now and again. It's my inner thigh and twinges slightly even when I'm just sitting around. I'm going to see a joints specialist a week tomorrow, so hopefully that should shed some light on it. Really want to do a Parkrun, everyone says people are sociable afterwards and I want to get involved in something like that. Sick of being tapped up in bed. Watched ALL my DVDs now...

I'm going to get some compression shorts, which I'm told should help. I'm going to go for these ones today when I pop into town to go to run4it later -


I know they are a bit expensive, but I don't mind paying extra to get the best protection possible so that I don't get hurt again. Will these really make a difference?

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Mad, there was an article in one of the running magazines recently that said yes, but that it was probably a placebo effect. If it works though, who cares!

Edited by Reina
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Mad, there was an article in one of the running magazines recently that said yes, but that it was probably a placebo effect. If it works though, who cares!

Thanks Reina. I've been advised to use a crosstrainer for a while as the impact on my joints won't be as bad as running on concrete. That, coupled with exercise bikes and swimming for a while for me. Anything you can recommend to take away the impact? Maybe new trainers, that I understand run4it will help me fit, but anything else?

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Edinburgh Parkrun this morning - I timed line to line in 19:59, but I wasn't at the front and official gun time was 20:01. My pursuit of sub-20 continues!

I must have been just ahead of you, watch time at 19:57 but official time of 19:59.

A second sub 20 for me, 35 seconds outside the PB but then I did run the 3 and a bit miles down to the race yesterday (and ran back).

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I've started doing the 7min circuit app, did 1.5 cycles of it today then phone crashed.

My three yr old helpfully buddied me. Including jumping on me as I side planked declaring I was a horsie!!

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Not really Mad, I'm struggling with injury myself at the mo. Boo. Strength training is what I need. Squats, particularly.

I'm quite tall and skinny like 6ft 2 and 11.5 stone. To be honest, I don't have much strength training, my arms are ok, but my chest is weak. Will my body pick up more injuries the smaller it is? Started doing weights, push ups and sit ups in the house now.

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