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How did you get on, Co. Down?

Happy with my own weekend; a course PB at Portobello with a 19:12 followed by a 10 mile easy run this morning. Only problem being I lost my front door key from my shorts pocket and had to rely on a nice neighbour to let me back into the building!

One week out from Berlin, my speed's there but less sure on the endurance. Probably won't stop me going for it, though. Would be a shame not to.

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Did Tollcross parkrun yesterday. Just ran it at a manageable pace due to race today - did it in just under 20 mins. Then walked to the City Centre and did a 10km walk last night.

Paid for it a bit today as my legs were a bit heavy for the Bridgebuster 10k. It is a challenging course that includes going over the Erskine bridge to Bowling and then back over to Erskine.

Despite heavy legs I started off well in 3rd place. The first 5 of us followed the lead cyclist who proceeded to lead us the wrong way. This added about 150m to the course and we rejoined in the middle of the pack.

Got round in about 38'37" in 5th place - but would have been an early 38 if we had been directed the right way. Pretty pissed off about it tbh - things like that shouldn't happen!

Edited by BishyTON
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How did you get on, Co. Down?

Happy with my own weekend; a course PB at Portobello with a 19:12 followed by a 10 mile easy run this morning. Only problem being I lost my front door key from my shorts pocket and had to rely on a nice neighbour to let me back into the building!

Surely you could've just retraced your route?


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Surely you could've just retraced your route?


I did! No sign. Running along a canal does mean it might've bounced into the water so I wasn't hopeful. Will get a copy cut from my flatmate.

Not my brightest moment!

Bishy, that's a bit of a 'mare. Can remember something similar at the BHF 10K at Pollok Park a few years back with dodgy sign placement sending folk the wrong way, but the cyclist really should've known better.

Handy time, but I realise these things are relative!

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Parkrun yesterday after getting in from Amsterdam the night before was a terrible idea. Fucked my hammy on the hill and ended up with 21.49. Three minutes off my PB and worst parkrun time I've ever had I think. My pal beat me by a minute and a half too for the first time!

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I always put the tie-chord of my shorts through my key - never lose it that way. Well, except once...

I was running a 10 mile route quite late in the day, about 9.30pm, and I had an urge for a shite with a good bit to go. As I got to the 6 mile point I realised I wasn't going to make it home, so started looking for a suitable spot in the bushes. By the time I found somewhere I was absolutely desperate and in fumbling around with the shorts I lost the key! Didn't help much, as I was too slow and suffered the indignity of having shat myself while wearing white shorts. I'd left a spare key at my mum's house, which thankfully was pretty close to where I was, but it was a wee bit embarrassing to be explaining why I was chapping her door after 10pm at night, while reeking of shite! Thankfully there has been no repeat...

Unlucky there, Bishy, that would be annoying. Sounds like you're on the way back to where you were though.

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First parkrun after being laid off for 3 weeks with a broken back (not really but it felt like it), a couple of bad hangovers and a serious case of CBA.

Set out for the Vicky Parkrun with some trepidation. Hoping to finish it without shitting myself or getting overtaken by my bird again (the latter not the former). Ended up finishing in a shard over 24m - which blitzed my PB by about 30 seconds. Happy as larry etc.

The only thing I can put it down to is when I'm walking somewhere - walking on the baws of my feet rather than my normal gait. It hurts after a while, but I've been trying to do it - sober and drunk - and it seems to have paid off.

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I have an entry for the Great Scottish Run but I've decided I'm not going to do it. I haven't had the chance to train as much as I'd like and with starting a new job I haven't been able to get in the long runs I'd wanted. I've also been getting sore feet when I've been running, which happened while I was training for my previous half but I got through it with more training. I'm pretty disappointed but I'll maybe enter a few 10ks to keep myself ticking over and then look for another half to do.

ETA - Unless anyone thinks I can just smash the training in the next week or so and enter?

Edited by ICTChris
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I'm assuming you're doing the half Chris. I would just go for it. I did it last year and never ran further than 10k in training. I was a bit sore afterwards but it was well worth it.

I know you did the Edinburgh one earlier this year, and I'd say the Glasgow one is much nicer.. running over the Kingston Bridge and through three different parks.

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I'm assuming you're doing the half Chris. I would just go for it. I did it last year and never ran further than 10k in training. I was a bit sore afterwards but it was well worth it.

I know you did the Edinburgh one earlier this year, and I'd say the Glasgow one is much nicer.. running over the Kingston Bridge and through three different parks.

I don't want to make a balls of it and have to stop though. It does sound nice.

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I don't want to make a balls of it and have to stop though. It does sound nice.

Know what you mean. I was in a similar boat at the Edinburgh marathon when I'd forgotten my running shoes and I was in quite a lot of pain. The crowd do keep you going. There wasn't much of a turnout in Edinburgh due to the weather, but there was literally thousands of people cheering folk on in the Glesga one.

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Agreed on the crowds at Glasgow, and the HM run. I really enjoy the novelty of getting run over the Kingston bridge if not the climb up onto it) and the crowds are fantastic.

I'm not taking part this year due to a multitude of excuses for laziness over the summer, but I know that I'll switch the TV on that morning and sit regretting not being part of it.

Good luck to all P&Bers taking part.

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I did 13.2 miles long slow run yesterday - only the 3rd time ever doing the half marathon distance. I was fine up until about 10.5 miles, felt good, then started to really feel it. Still, I made it and things are looking good for Aviemore. Who else is running in Inverness on Sunday? I'm aiming for sub-53:00 for the 10k, I think. Should be achievable...

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I have an entry for the Great Scottish Run but I've decided I'm not going to do it. I haven't had the chance to train as much as I'd like and with starting a new job I haven't been able to get in the long runs I'd wanted. I've also been getting sore feet when I've been running, which happened while I was training for my previous half but I got through it with more training. I'm pretty disappointed but I'll maybe enter a few 10ks to keep myself ticking over and then look for another half to do.

ETA - Unless anyone thinks I can just smash the training in the next week or so and enter?

Give them an email and ask them to transfer you to the 10k. You will have to run with your half marathon number, but at least it will be a manageable race.

They let me do this a few years ago, so I don't see why you couldn't do the same.

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My sister registered for the 10k but decided to do the HM. She contacted them today and asked if she could swap. They said no, but if she bought the HM reg, she could get a full refund for the 10k.

Trouble is, I think today is the last day to register.

Good luck.

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Had a great day at the Belfast HM on Sunday, weather stayed nice and the atmosphere was great, music playing and various stalls at the start,steel bands and cheerleaders along the route,loads of effort and planning went into it and it showed, set off fairly quick which I told myself not to do but felt good ,nice route around Belfast not too hilly but certainly not as flat as I had been lead to believe, really surprised myself as to the pace I'd gone over the course , made a bit of an error around the halfway mark as I didn't take any of the Powerade or jelly sweets on offer and stuck to water, felt it at 11 miles when my energy really drained and the last 2 were hard going but kept at it. When I first decided to do the HM I aimed for 2 hours , after a while I thought I could get 1:50 , ended up with a chip time of 1:42:59 and a placing of 585th out of 3500 runners just one behind an elite place, absoloutley over the moon with this and really proud of my run, my wife and kids were at the finish (first challenge of the day getting 2 teenagers up at 0730 on a Sunday :rolleyes: ) meant a lot to me, loads of people at the finish an​ all round great atmosphere. Loved the whole experience of preparing and building up to it and to top it off with a time I never thought I'd get was the icing on the cake, celebrated that night with an Indian meal with ice cold Cobra and finished off with an immorally large bag of Yorkie Man buttons :wub:, I'd encourage any of you to come across next year for it , really good day and recently listed in Runners World mag as one of the best HM to do. Big thanks to all who gave advice leading up to it. next on the calendar the Larne HM in March .Maybe head over for one in Scotland too.

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Had a great day at the Belfast HM on Sunday, weather stayed nice and the atmosphere was great, music playing and various stalls at the start,steel bands and cheerleaders along the route,loads of effort and planning went into it and it showed, set off fairly quick which I told myself not to do but felt good ,nice route around Belfast not too hilly but certainly not as flat as I had been lead to believe, really surprised myself as to the pace I'd gone over the course , made a bit of an error around the halfway mark as I didn't take any of the Powerade or jelly sweets on offer and stuck to water, felt it at 11 miles when my energy really drained and the last 2 were hard going but kept at it. When I first decided to do the HM I aimed for 2 hours , after a while I thought I could get 1:50 , ended up with a chip time of 1:42:59 and a placing of 585th out of 3500 runners just one behind an elite place, absoloutley over the moon with this and really proud of my run, my wife and kids were at the finish (first challenge of the day getting 2 teenagers up at 0730 on a Sunday :rolleyes: ) meant a lot to me, loads of people at the finish an​ all round great atmosphere. Loved the whole experience of preparing and building up to it and to top it off with a time I never thought I'd get was the icing on the cake, celebrated that night with an Indian meal with ice cold Cobra and finished off with an immorally large bag of Yorkie Man buttons :wub:, I'd encourage any of you to come across next year for it , really good day and recently listed in Runners World mag as one of the best HM to do. Big thanks to all who gave advice leading up to it. next on the calendar the Larne HM in March .Maybe head over for one in Scotland too.

Top man, well done.

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My son is running the half marathon next Saturday in Glasgow, we plan to be at George Square and Glasgow Green. How easy is it to get about the route as spectators to cheer him on at different locations?

Er, do you mean Sunday?

There are no road closures for pedestrians so you should be okay. George Square is crazy busy though, so I'm not sure it's worth going there. Might be better off standing on the hill at St Vincent Street to cheer him at the start, then wandering down to the Broomielaw to cheer him on on the home straight.

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