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P&b Running Club

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Back from physio tonight. Tight IT band, got some work done on it and a few stretches. Also bought a new pair of trainers today-did the gait analysis things an got a pair that should give me far more stability so hopefully it will ease up nicely!

Funny you mention the trainers. I got fitted for trainers and a month later had itbs. I was put in a low stability shoe. I'm not pinning the injury on the trainers but I bought the exact same neutral trainers I had been wearing for a year with no issues and iv not had a the slightest twinge. Kind of made my mind up gait analysis is alot of mumbl jumbo!

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I'm hopin it will do me some favours-first thing physio said to me tonigh was that my feet were very flat and that I needed much better arch support to stop my foot rolling in-told him of just bought new shoes that gave me just that and he seemed to think it would make a big difference for me!

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Anyone have trouble with sciatica? I've had real bother for a week now and can't decide if running group tomorrow is a good idea or not. I'm on amitriptyilne for it just now and it's only doing so much. I know exercise is good for back pain, but it's more the impact of running I'm concerned about, as opposed to walking and stretching.

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Falkirk Vics road running club is RTC warriors TM. I trained with them regularly until I got injured. Will be going back soon. They are very good. Tuesday is on the roads and Thursday is on the track.

They start at 6.30 which is too tight for me getting back from work. Linlithgow AC start at 7.30 though and I'm just along the road in Polmont.

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First chance I've had since moving over here to go for a run in what can only be described as "Scottish weather". Pishing it down and about 15c. Having to take another route at the moment as they are putting on a rock festival at the top of the big hill I usually run up. Managed to find something a little flatter and managed a comfortable 7.44k in 36:32, which is fairly good by my standards.

Done exactly the same route again this morning, but it was dry and about 21c according to Yahoo Weather. Took me 42:12, which is a little over what I'd expect for that distance. Really struggle in the heat. Still sweating 25 minutes after getting in and having a shower!

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Done exactly the same route again this morning, but it was dry and about 21c according to Yahoo Weather. Took me 42:12, which is a little over what I'd expect for that distance. Really struggle in the heat. Still sweating 25 minutes after getting in and having a shower!

Secondary sweats...nice.

It's to get hotter this week too.

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Does anyone know of any apps for the iPhone that not only monitor running but allow you to race against a virtual 'ghost' of yourself? So that on a map you'd see a wee stick figure or something like that representing your last run, which you can try and beat?

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Out for a another run about an hour ago. Pretty warm today, 23c going by the big thermometer at the outdoor pool. Struggled through a 5k in 27 minutes. Was managing that distance in around 23 minutes when I was in Scotland. A bit frustrating given I'm eating better, drinking less, and putting a bit more effort into making sure I'm out regularly. I'm still blaming the heat.

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Does anyone know of any apps for the iPhone that not only monitor running but allow you to race against a virtual 'ghost' of yourself? So that on a map you'd see a wee stick figure or something like that representing your last run, which you can try and beat?


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Another 5k this morning, around the 23c mark again. 27:03, around 15 seconds faster than yesterday. Will give it a rest over the weekend and get back out on Monday morning!

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Due to a mixture of injuries and partying I've not really ran much since the Edinburgh Marathon (my longest run has been 5 miles) however I finally entered the Glasgow Half today. I'm a bit worried that I've left it too late but I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that I really need to set myself crazy challenges in order to motivate myself to do any training at all.

I'll be happy if I can get sub 1'50''.

Going for a long-ish run tomorrow to assess just how unfit I am. I might have to adjust my target time.

Since I posted this I've done 1 long run of 9 miles in about 72 minutes and then today I got a new PB (sub 21min for the first time) at Strathclyde Parkrun. I was aiming for sub 20 but faded during the second half.

I think a sub 1'45 is possible at Glasgow and might revise that down if training goes well over the next few weeks.

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I've started doing the Strathclyde Park parkrun recently. Smashed my previous PB with a 26.15 yesterday, so I was fairly happy with that. Going to enter the Cumbernauld 10k next month and was wondering what sort of distances should I be looking to cover each week, and how often.


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Knowing your build (and smoking habit :P) I'd suggest doing the parkrun on the Saturday, fitting in another 5-6km run on maybe the Monday and then a slow 7-10km on maybe the Thursday. Start with 7km and add a wee bit on each time for this run, once you can run 7 or 8km without coughing up a lung you'll manage 10km no bother on race day with the adrenaline.

Admittedly this is just what I'd do - others will have more detailed (and probably better!) advice as well.

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1344762507[/url]' post='6517633']

I've started doing the Strathclyde Park parkrun recently. Smashed my previous PB with a 26.15 yesterday, so I was fairly happy with that. Going to enter the Cumbernauld 10k next month and was wondering what sort of distances should I be looking to cover each week, and how often.


What's the strathclyde park run? Is that round the path or road?

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What's the strathclyde park run? Is that round the path or road?

It's the path. It's not all the way around Strathclyde Park as that is 6km, so you double back after a bit. It's a fairly easy run, only one sort of hill, and even that isn't very steep.

You should give it a try. Some folk run it in 18 minutes, some take 38 minutes. It's good fun.

EDIT: Cheers Dave, going to do a 5km run tomorrow I think.

Edited by Adam
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Training for the half marathon which will be my 1st and up to 10 miles in around 1:17. Went out today to try and run the half and died at 10 miles in the heat and had to stop before I collapsed. Should I be taking water with me on a run and if so how often should I be drinking it?

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Training for the half marathon which will be my 1st and up to 10 miles in around 1:17. Went out today to try and run the half and died at 10 miles in the heat and had to stop before I collapsed. Should I be taking water with me on a run and if so how often should I be drinking it?

It's hard to say how often you should be drinking, and it will vary due to weather conditions, but it might be an idea to look at the Glasgow Half website and see how many water stations there are.

You could then use that as a rough guide to how often to drink on your training runs.

Map of route including Water Stations

In fact you should be trying to make your last few training runs as similar to race day as possible. Run some of them them at the same time of day, wear the kit & trainers you plan to wear etc.

The more you can replicate the race condition the less likely it will be that you have any nasty surprises.

Ps. I'm a bit of a novice. Other people will have more knowledge on staying hydrated.

Good luck, but based on your times for 10 miles, you'll be fine on the day as long as you don't go off too fast. What section you starting in?

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