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That was my pace in 2011/early 2012*, but once I spent the summer 'going longer' for the Glasgow HM, then trying to get ready for the HM again this year, my average mile pace is now between 8.30 - 8.45.

I'm now deliberately going for shorter runs (coming into winter makes that choice easier) to try and increase my pace again. Once I'm nearer 8 min miles, i'll try and increase my distances without dropping pace.

*in all this, I'm conveniently ignoring the fact that I'm now 2 years nearer the big 5-0....

We're all 2 years nearer the big 5-0! :P

Jedburgh half tomorrow which I'll try to keep the mile pace under 8:45.

After that its back to 5 and 10ks and getting the pace back up.

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South Manchester Parkrun for me yesterday as I am down here for a wedding. Did it in 19:01. Conditions weren't the best as part of it is on potholed tracks that were filled with water. Also difficult to know where in the course you were because it was a single lap with no km markers. Think it would be a very quick course in better conditions though and will definitely give it another go when I am next down here!

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14 slow miles for me this morning. It wasn't much fun in the wind and rain but I'm glad I did it.

I'm only planning a couple of easy runs this week before having another attempt at a sub 90 minute half marathon next Sunday.

Now it's time for lunch and a nap.

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Anyone used the forerunner 610? And if so would you recommend it?

I've got the forerunner 210 which is a nice bit of kit. I did look at the 610 but the additional £150 or so and the touch screen function put me off. The 210 does all i need it to do anyway.

No running for me just now. I've given myself a self diagnosis of Plantar Facitiis which means a couple of weeks of rest and stretches. Absolutely gutted but my feet are in agony so theres not much i can do :(

Edited by Shengus Khan
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I've got the forerunner 210 which is a nice bit of kit. I did look at the 610 but the additional £150 or so and the touch screen function put me off. The 210 does all i need it to do anyway.No running for me just now. I've given myself a self diagnosis of Plantar Facitiis which means a couple of weeks of rest and stretches. Absolutely gutted but my feet are in agony so theres not much i can do :(

Yeah only reason I'm looking at the 610 is because it's dropped in price as the new garmin is out at the end of the month (620). Plus there are some decent prices on ebay.

Not good about the plantar fasciitis, hopefully you get proper rest and recovery, given your champing at the bit just now I hope you see your self treatment through too : )

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Half marathon yesterday and everything that could go wrong did. Torrential rain from start to finish and blisters covering most of my instep on both feet, but managed to limp home in 2:17.

Absolutely gutted. Was covering 17km in 1:35 when training, and was certain I would manage in under 2 hours. Had covered 8km in 44 minutes, then the rain went from being a bit heavy to bouncing off the street, at the same time as the blisters started making themselves known.

Couple of weeks off to let my feet recover then will look for another half marathon early next year. Determined I'll do myself justice the next time.

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Man that wind was horrible down at Jedburgh. Personal worst time, I didnt even appear in the results.

Half marathon yesterday and everything that could go wrong did. Torrential rain from start to finish and blisters covering most of my instep on both feet, but managed to limp home in 2:17.

Absolutely gutted. Was covering 17km in 1:35 when training, and was certain I would manage in under 2 hours. Had covered 8km in 44 minutes, then the rain went from being a bit heavy to bouncing off the street, at the same time as the blisters started making themselves known.

Couple of weeks off to let my feet recover then will look for another half marathon early next year. Determined I'll do myself justice the next time.

Unlucky guys, it must be really annoying to have your chances of a good run ruined by the weather.

I don't know if I'm even going to bother driving to Fort Willian for my Half if the weather forecasts are bad.

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Unlucky guys, it must be really annoying to have your chances of a good run ruined by the weather.

I don't know if I'm even going to bother driving to Fort Willian for my Half if the weather forecasts are bad.

Aye, its murder. Its Such a boot in the nuts after training for it. Like Ross I was well ahead of the game at the half way stage - but that was due to having a tailwind - the minute we turned back into it it was like trying to run in a swimming pool. Och well.Thats me for halves this year. Back to 10s and parkruns.

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Anyone used the forerunner 610? And if so would you recommend it?

I've got one. Very handy piece of kit, much more accurate than the GPS on my phone. I've read a few gripes with the touchscreen thing but I've found it fine, and very easy to use.

Probably the best feature is the Virtual Racer. I use it on Parkruns. You set it up with the run you recorded at any previous effort, and it will tell you how far ahead or behind you are at any given point, useful for PB attempts.

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I've got one. Very handy piece of kit, much more accurate than the GPS on my phone. I've read a few gripes with the touchscreen thing but I've found it fine, and very easy to use.

Probably the best feature is the Virtual Racer. I use it on Parkruns. You set it up with the run you recorded at any previous effort, and it will tell you how far ahead or behind you are at any given point, useful for PB attempts.

Yeah the virtual racer and the heart rate feature has me sold.

The new 620 can tell you when you should take your rest days based on your resting heart rate or something crazy like that!

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Aye, its murder. Its Such a boot in the nuts after training for it. Like Ross I was well ahead of the game at the half way stage - but that was due to having a tailwind - the minute we turned back into it it was like trying to run in a swimming pool. Och well.Thats me for halves this year. Back to 10s and parkruns.

Unlucky mate, very frustrating when something out with your control spoils it after months of training. Watched the video you posted up crossing the finish line didn't look too pleased :P

I went to Strathclyde parkrun on Saturday felt fine before it and was ok during knee maybe a wee bit sore. Went to the Clyde game later that day and the knee was really tight again had to hobble up the hill back to Broadwood farm.

Pretty sure its my IT band from speaking to runners at work but their advice and that on the internet varies from place to place. I've been doing some exercises strength my core to hopefully save the knees a bit and some exercises to stretch the IT band although some places say its like a bit of leather can't be stretched out.

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Can anyone recommend a good pair of running trainers? Probably looking to spend about £50, but would spend more if advised to do so.

Just starting running now - went for a 7 mile walk this afternoon (the Greenock cut) and jogged about half a mile of that. Hoping to build up to jog the full 7 miles.


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Can anyone recommend a good pair of running trainers? Probably looking to spend about £50, but would spend more if advised to do so.

Just starting running now - went for a 7 mile walk this afternoon (the Greenock cut) and jogged about half a mile of that. Hoping to build up to jog the full 7 miles.


Very much depends on your running style. Get yourself to Run4it (other running stores are available) - they'll properly fit you for a pair. £50 may not quite cut it though.

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Unlucky mate, very frustrating when something out with your control spoils it after months of training. Watched the video you posted up crossing the finish line didn't look too pleased :P

I went to Strathclyde parkrun on Saturday felt fine before it and was ok during knee maybe a wee bit sore. Went to the Clyde game later that day and the knee was really tight again had to hobble up the hill back to Broadwood farm.

Pretty sure its my IT band from speaking to runners at work but their advice and that on the internet varies from place to place. I've been doing some exercises strength my core to hopefully save the knees a bit and some exercises to stretch the IT band although some places say its like a bit of leather can't be stretched out.

Foam Roller is the what you need. I posted a link to some exercises previously on this thread I'll dig it out for you. I had this problem and now can feel it coming on so deal with it before it becomes an issue.

ETA - http://www.pieandbovril.com/forum/index.php/topic/75234-pb-running-club/?p=6348094

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Foam Roller is the what you need. I posted a link to some exercises previously on this thread I'll dig it out for you. I had this problem and now can feel it coming on so deal with it before it becomes an issue.

ETA - http://www.pieandbovril.com/forum/index.php/topic/75234-pb-running-club/?p=6348094

Cheers for that, I gave those exercises a try tonight and will get a foam roller as well.

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Cheers for that, I gave those exercises a try tonight and will get a foam roller as well.

Should start to feel it looser in a couple of days. The first time I hurt my IT band I left it for weeks and it took weeks to stretch out again.

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