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I have been a lurker on this thread for a while but a recent injury has prompted me to post.

I started going out for a run (albeit it was a walk/jog for the first year) three years back after several years of doing absolutely nothing.Now I generally go out running three times a week doing a 10 to 12k on a Saturday with a 6 and 7k on a Tuesday and a Thursday respectively. My PB for 10k is 52 mins, so not troubling many folk on here, which is why I have lurked and not posted.

Nonetheless, I thought I would add something different into the mix and attended an ultimate fitness class. Unfortunately, I pulled a calf muscle. That happend two weeks past on Friday. It is the first time I have had a muscular injury since playing football regularly 18 years ago. Anyway I was just wondering how long it will be before I can start running/training again?

I read up about it and I thought it was a grade 1 pull and that I would be back within 7-10 days. Sadlynot. After day two the pain subsided and I could walk without too much of a limp, although the swelling lasted for a week. That was replaced by bruising about a week ago that went around (completely) my lower shin and is still there, albeit it will probably disappear in the next three days.

I have been doing light stretches, which feel okay but I tried a light jog tonight and I lasted about 100 yards before it felt a wee bit uncomfortable. Ultimately I don't want to do too much, too soon and aggravate it, but doing what feels like nothing is doing my head in.

I am sure there will have been others on here at the same position, so what did you do and how long was it before you were back up to speed. Any help or advice would be appreciated.

I was thinking of booking in for a massage on the affected area. Do you think this would be worthwhile?

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Don't worry about posting here and not being as quick as some folk. We all have our level, and things are relative to that, and one of the great thngs about runnng is that folk of all abilities can compete in the same events.

Hard to say what the recovery time for the injury will be - probably best just to go by how it feels. Everyone's recovery is different, and you probably can't expect what you find online to apply every time. Once the pain and bruising is gone, maybe try a short jog to see how it feels, and gradually increase speed and distance untl you're back where you were.

However, and be strict about this, if it hurts and you know it isn't doing you any good, stop straight away. It's tempting to carry on, but it isn't worth it. I put myself out of acton for 3-4 months last year because I was deterined to complete a run when still not recovered - I felt OK to start with but could feel it getting worse the further I went, but I tried to finish even though it was obvious looking back that I shouldn't continue. I had to hobble the last mile home very slowly and could barely walk for a month after that. It was entirely due to my own stupidity, because if I'd stopped when I should have, and rested for another week, I'm sure I'd have been OK. You're definitely doing the right thing going easy with it, frustrating as it feels. I think I was about a month from getting started to getting back to where I was before the njury but it'll vary from person to person, based on loads of different factors.

Hope you're not out too long - it's so frustrating when an injury prevents you doing anything, even though the rest of you feels fine.

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Thanks for the encouragement Socks - it is appreciated.

You are right, the frustrating thing is that I feel perfectly well, even when walking, but I know that I can't go for a run. The stretches are working well, so hopefully it will not be too long before I can resume training again.

I am going to take it easy and head out for a long walk tomorrow and perhaps go to the gym next week for a couple of short walk/jog sessions on the tread mill. The temptation will be to keep running if the calf feels okay but I will need to be disciplined.

Looking further forward, I signed up for the Edinburgh Marathon Festival 10k in May and the Scottish 10k (Musselborough) in September, so looking forward to them.

My goal is to increase the miles in 2016 and hopefully do a couple of half marathons in 2017.

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5 miles on the treadmill last night takes me to 455 for the year. It's going to be tight but i'm determined to reach 500. I'm on holiday from tomorrow so no excuses (despite the weather forecast looking fairly grim for the next week).

Has anybody set their goals yet for next year? I'm hoping for.....

Sub 41min 10k (pb is currently 42:07)

Sub 3:40 marathon (pb is 3:49)

600 miles for the year.

Should be achievable if I stay clear of injuries and get my arse into gear from the off in January.

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My most immediate goal is to get under 19 mins for Kirkcaldy parkrun; did 19:11, 19:06 and 19:03 recently and it's annoying me a wee bit. Shouldn't be too long though I don't think.

Beyond that, I should be capable of PBs in 10k, half and marathon if I avoid injury, as I feel much stronger now than I was a year ago. I'm doing Alloa half in March which will be a year since my last good run at that distance, so I'm

hopeful of knocking a fair bit off in that one if I have a good day.

Rough targets at the moment:

10k: 38:30 (currently 39:44, done on a terrible day)

half: sub-1:27 (currently 1:28:56)

marathon: sub 3:15 (currently 3:21:56)

Will see how it goes though, as there's not much you can do if you get injured or ill before a race. I'm really enjoying it at the moment, so if that continues then my training should be good, giving a decent chance of improvement.

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I've done a wee bit of lurking on this thread recently like QoS75 but feel like joining in now.

I've done a bit of running over the last few years including Loch Ness in 2013 and this year. My problem is that I find it difficult to motivate myself over the winter, which is part of the reason I'm now posting as I don't want to lose the benefit of the training.

My girlfriend has talked me into doing a couple of obstacle course races which, to be honest, isn't really my thing but does give me an excuse to go out running occasionally.

Should probably persuade myself to do the Kirkcaldy park run as it's not too far from where I live but always seem to find excuses, by which I mean, I'm not sober enough to drive there in the morning! I don't believe in New Year's resolutions as a general rule but I might have to make the park run one.

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My goals for the year are to get through the London Marathon (target 4:30 but I'll be happy with anything under 5), and then the rest of the year I want to keep a run at 10k every week, and get my 5k time down under 25 minutes (currently a little over 32). All of my running is centred around getting on to a shape where I pass the FIFA fitness test for referees so I can get promoted.

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A wet, windy and ultimately miserable 10.2 miles at lunch time today. I really struggled and i'm fair chuffed with myself for not throwing in the towel after a couple of miles.

24.8 more miles to reach the magic 500.

well done mate,keep going,I've only got 8 miles to go to get my target ..... Parkrun Boxing Day and then 5 miles of triumphalism on Sunday. :P

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Still going too. Did the Ayr Turkey Trot 10k yesterday with a new PB. Nothing compared to others on here, but I am over the moon with 48.23. Especially given the weather, Ms the fact it was Boxing Day, and I didn't hold back on the drink too much the day before.

Really didn't see this coming 8 or 9 days in.

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Hit the 500 mark yesterday, really pleased ,.... :thumsup2

so my yearly stats ended up as 501 miles total distance. 70:46 hours so an average of 8:29 per mile , 96 workouts, due to work I won't hit the 100 so just chill for the rest of the year.

Targets for next year are ...

650 miles total distance.

Parkrun sub 21:30 pb (current 22:17)

Half Marathon sub 1:39:00 (current 1:42:59)

10k 46:20 (current 48:22)

Hoping to do 3 Half Marathons next year , Larne in March, Ards in June and Belfast in September. Plus a sprinkling of 10ks throughout, work permitting.

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Well done guys! I'm pretty much starting from

Scratch in the new year but hopefully I'll get into a routine and get going again.

Rowan, you should come along to Great Run Local at Tradeston Bridge on a Wednesday night. Starts at 6.30pm and would help as you would be running with other new/returning runners.

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Rowan, you should come along to Great Run Local at Tradeston Bridge on a Wednesday night. Starts at 6.30pm and would help as you would be running with other new/returning runners.

I can't do Wednesday's as I've my kids or if I don't I'm at a support group for fellow nutters!

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