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On 02/06/2020 at 08:39, Cardinal Richelieu said:

That's quite a commitment - especially since there's only 30 days in June! Of course, any day is only a little under 7km a day which is fine. But as soon as you miss one day cos of heat / hangover / injury / CBA, then it's 14km the next day. The most I ever mentioned was 110km in a month, and that included training for and running a marathon.

I hope it doesn't sound like I'm pissing on your bonfire! Best of luck :)

Thanks...When I did it in April I managed it in 24 runs ,as you say there's always something crops up and a rest day isnt a bad thing when you have a few injuries,  I have the time just now which is a huge bonus, getting through the podcasts at a decent rate too.

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That’s two days on in a row I’ve managed to break my 10k and 5k records. Yesterday I decided to run a half marathon having never ran further than 12k before and managed to a 10k in that in 49:03 and a 5k in 23:49. Woke up sore from yesterday so I went on a 10k recovery run and about halfway through I realised I was going a lot faster than I should have so I pushed the last 5k and managed to do the 10k in 46:36 and managed to do the final 5k in 21:38. Gonna take a couple days off now as the knees are killing me.

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Done 4 miles on Friday, 3.75 yesterday and 4.75 today. Knee was sore for a bit during today but it’s (and I’m) getting there. Don’t think I’ll ever enjoy running but I’m not hating it.

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Fancy getting myself a Garmin, any recommendations for model.
Got a Garmin Vivoactive 3 Music earlier this year. Really good, enjoy the fact that you don't need your phone when your out on a run.
Only minor point is sometimes it can take a couple of minutes to connect to a GPS signal if you've not done a run in a couple of weeks.
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Did 8k today in 42 minutes, which is my 10k PB. Pace of over 5 minutes a kilometre which is my slowest in a long time. Felt burst from pretty much the get go and also got a stitch for the first time in a long time. One of those ones where as soon as you start, you just know it's not your day!

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Past few weeks I've been running 5k back around the 25/ 25:30 ish mark. Yesterday saw my GPS not connect so did a shorter run but with faster intervals. Yesterday also saw me have a bit of a sugar need and I munched through a 200g bag of yoghurt soft sweets and a decent sized bar of crunchy white chocolate. Felt so lethargic last night but willed myself to get back out this morning.

Incredible how it works sometimes. Went out at a faster pace than normal, got half way with a stitch coming on again AND my headphones battery dying . Started taking deeper breaths to try ease off the pain and ended up getting under 24 minutes in 23:56 according to Strava. 

Think part of it was me trying to finish as quickly as possible because I don't like running without listening to a podcast nowaday. Maybe I've discovered a trick! 😂

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Yesterday off, 5k again today. Was out myself so don’t know the time but definitely quicker than usual judging the state of me now...gave it a fair bit effort. Bought a Fitbit off eBay so I get to know my times and distances all the time and hopefully keep me motivated a wee while too

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1 hour ago, ThatBoyRonaldo said:

@Gaz did you ever find an app that would have that function you were after of letting you know if you were on course to beat a certain time? I'm up to running half marathons now but trying to work my time downwards - current PBs for 5k, 10k and HM are 22.30, 52.30 and 1.54.00 respectively and I think there's a lot of room to get all of those down but find my pace can be all over the place from one run to another. 

Sadly not, no. I ended up buying a new running watch, I went for the Garmin Forerunner 245. I haven't regretted it for a second - been out pretty much every day since I got it. It's already encouraging me to run a bit faster - my average pace is round about 4:40 per km whereas before it was just under 5 minutes. Always knew I was capable of getting a bit more but just needed some motivation.

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The free MapMyRun app has voice feedback- you can set the intervals to whatever you like so my usual set up was one minute intervals telling me pace and distance, or you can set it to tell you Time for every km, 1/2 km etc. Depends if you want to carry a phone and I am not sure how and if it can be synced with fitness watches.

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Up until a year and a bit ago I was playing junior football but stopped due to a combination of a busy job and my weight gain making me utter crap. I was never the fittest guy playing but compared to the average person was alright and got off with it for a while playing centre back. Back at my fittest I could do a 5k in 22 minutes and a 10k 45-50.

It's crazy how much weight you can gain when you just don't give a F and how you just accept it for some reason.

I wanted to get back into running again and get myself fitter but I just didn't know where to start. Decided I needed to lose weight 5 weeks back and downloaded the Couch to 5k. Felt a bit of a moron needing to do that but my advice for anyone looking to get themselves fit is to 100 percent do it. Even if you think it is beneath you. It gives you a structure and is motivating getting each planned walk/run ticked off the list. Being able to have a timetable sort of thing has been very motivating and im ten pounds down through the 5 weeks. Still have quite a bit to go but can't wait to start doing 5ks then moving up distances to 10ks and hopefully get back to the fitba at a decent level. 

Take home message if you haven't ran in a while like me, 100 percent download the app, 9 weeks isnt a long time in the grand scheme of things, start to worry about times and improving once you get that base level of actually running a 5k back. 

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14 hours ago, 101 said:

Just did my fastest ever 5km in 21:44, buzzing is an understatement. Not bad for a fat lad.

Nice work A..er. 101. I've never been below 22 minutes and I've been running for nearly 7 years. Mind you, I'm an old b*****d. 

You should try the Dunfermline parkrun if you've not tried it already (once it's back obviously). I've heard it's quite a hilly effort. 

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5 minutes ago, Cardinal Richelieu said:

Nice work A..er. 101. I've never been below 22 minutes and I've been running for nearly 7 years. Mind you, I'm an old b*****d. 

You should try the Dunfermline parkrun if you've not tried it already (once it's back obviously). I've heard it's quite a hilly effort. 

I think Strava may have helped me a long a little but really went for it on the flattest route I could find. 

Before all this kicked off was about to move really close to the Dunfermline park run so once I move there I will try and do it semi regularly.

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14 hours ago, 101 said:

Just did my fastest ever 5km in 21:44, buzzing is an understatement. Not bad for a fat lad.

Well done! I was running down a hill on Saturday as fast as my knackered old body could go and a couple of boys passed me like I was standing still. Even if I was 20 years younger I wouldn't have got near them. 

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Just now, Shandon Par said:

Well done! I was running down a hill on Saturday as fast as my knackered old body could go and a couple of boys passed me like I was standing still. Even if I was 20 years younger I wouldn't have got near them. 

I sometimes think going downhill is harder than going up.

I saw my best pal out running and was determined to get past him which is think helped me power through the end.

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