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I had to ask as I ran 13k yesterday, could maybe have plodded on some more, yet within 10 mins of getting home and stopping, my calves were like rock and even walking was torture. Thanks to all 3 of you for taking the time to reply.

Did you stretch out afterwards? Static stretches should help ease off the stiffness (oh matron!).

Even after a short run I stretch for about 20 to 30 mins

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Ran 12k the other day in 57 mins on the treadmill i might add. Boringggggggg :(

I can't do anymore than 30 minutes on the treadmill - I'd rather run in the wind and the rain than spend any more than that on the treadmill because it is so dull!

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Hi p&b runners. I'm needing some advice on starting off as I'm pretty unfit for my age and looking to get my fitness up. I can run a 5k in around 32mins on the treadmill but don't really know how I go about having a training plan? How many nights a week should I run? Is it better do work your fitness up on the treadmill before road running? I've honestly not a clue about anything so any advice at all would be greatly appreciated.

check back through my posts on here as I can't repeat it all!

Question for those of you with more experience than me - what's better for aching muscles post-run - a shower or a soak in a hot bath?

I know the best answer is probably an ice bath, as professional sportspeople do that, but I'm too much of a woose for that caper. Plus my nether regions are small enough already, thanks. So I'm only interested in hot shower or hot bath.

Proper cool down. Slow jog to flush the adalatic Acid and return the heart rate to normal, Stretch out the muscles. A cold bath. I do (sometimes) go in a cool bath and then let the hot tap run.

Did you stretch out afterwards? Static stretches should help ease off the stiffness (oh matron!).

Even after a short run I stretch for about 20 to 30 mins

20-30 mins is a bit much! I would only do a whole stretching session that long!

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I'm going to die. Doing the Glasgow 10k in 6 weeks time. Walked 4 miles the other night in just over an hour. It won't be a record breaking time but it's my tentative return to running. Anyway I'm running for Samaratins, as most regulars on here know I went through a breakdown a few years ago and I used both their phone and email in my darkest moments so I've decide to do something in return!


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I'm going to die. Doing the Glasgow 10k in 6 weeks time. Walked 4 miles the other night in just over an hour. It won't be a record breaking time but it's my tentative return to running. Anyway I'm running for Samaratins, as most regulars on here know I went through a breakdown a few years ago and I used both their phone and email in my darkest moments so I've decide to do something in return!


Good luck,

I just did a PB 10k on the tread mill last night. 45:27. Really want to get under 45 mins. Running the Middlesbourgh 10k next month so that is my target.

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20 minutes seems like a really long time to be stretching after a run to me. I don't stretch for any more than 10 mins I don't think.

I loved my 10k on Saturday - it was mostly in the woods, so really rough terrain. Brilliant run, I could really get into trail running, but I would need to strap up my ankles if I were to do it more often as I kept going over them when stepping on rocks and tree roots. I found it so much tougher than running on the road - my time was a good 6 minutes slower on the trail than on the road.

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My distance running has almost completely died on it's arse since I did the Edinburgh Marathon. I'm back playing football 4 or 5 times a week, so i'm generally too sore to go for a run the morning after. All i'm doing just now is a 20 minute HIIT routine on the treadmill three times a week, which only racks up 7 miles a week.

I'll need to start persuading myself to get up at stupid o'clock on a Saturday morning to try to get a few more miles in.

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I hold each stretch for 20 to 30 secs. That means each pair of stretches is about a minute long. Getting yourself into some the position to stretch out your back can eat up another wee while.

Admittedly I have had piriformis problems before so I probably spend abit longer stretching out that.

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I switched to 5K a few weeks ago and to be honest I'm much preferring it.

Had the second Falkirk parkrun on Saturday morning there, finished 29th (up 19 places) with a finishing time of 22:44.

There are some seriously fast guys doing this, though. The winner this week did it in 17:32, last week it was 16:41 :o

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I switched to 5K a few weeks ago and to be honest I'm much preferring it.

Had the second Falkirk parkrun on Saturday morning there, finished 29th (up 19 places) with a finishing time of 22:44.

There are some seriously fast guys doing this, though. The winner this week did it in 17:32, last week it was 16:41 :o

Thats a good time. Especially with the hill. I have ran the course but yet to turn up to a park run due to work. Hopefully make one a week on Saturday.

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I won't be at the next three as I'm away on my honeymoon. The hill is a killer, but just as bad is the trail going up from the mausoleum to the trail crossroads - over a kilometre of constant ascent. Some of the Edinburgh guys couldn't believe it as their Parkrun is as flat as a pancake!

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Wish there was a parkrun up here. Although I'm not that keen on 5k anymore. 10k is definitely more my thing.

The weekly emails say they are trying to get ones set up in Aberdeen and Inverness and that they are looking to establish more events in Scotland. Elgin would be an ideal location if you wanted to contact them about starting something up

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I switched to 5K a few weeks ago and to be honest I'm much preferring it.

Had the second Falkirk parkrun on Saturday morning there, finished 29th (up 19 places) with a finishing time of 22:44.

There are some seriously fast guys doing this, though. The winner this week did it in 17:32, last week it was 16:41 :o

My fastest 5k is 21:49.

Did the 1 Mile race tonight in 6mins 20 secs, which is an improvement of 30 secs on last year.

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With the half marathon looming I headed out last night and managed 10 miles. It's the furthest I've gone so far in my training. Of late my training has been erratic so I was expecting a hard run but it was fine. Except for the vomiting. At 7.5 miles I ran past the landfill site that has accepted the toxic waste from the Olympic site down in East London. They have it under plastic sheeting at the moment and in the heat it's rancid smelling.

A combination of exhaustion, heat and that smell had me heaving at the roadside. Hello pre-run snack and then a couple of minutes later, Hello lunch :lol:

It wasn't about a time last night, just about finishing the distance but I'm happy enough with my 87:24. I'm looking to do the Half in 1hr 45 so I feel bang on track.

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