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On 02/05/2020 at 20:48, MixuFixit said:

I don't treat them any different to other stuff so just a feed with some fertiliser once a week or thereabouts. You can never over water them once they're well established in my experience though.

It seems to be just on the newer leaves too


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I’ve got birdcherry, ash and hawthorn tree potted and have been growing them over the lockdown with the intention of planting them in the wild at some point.

I planted hazelnuts in pots back in March and had no joy, today I dug them up again to find that some had actually germinated. I think I maybe planted them too deep first time round. I’ve replanted them at a more shallow depth with some compost so hoping they can kick off from here.

My next plan is to gather Wych elm seeds from some local trees and plant them in a tray. I’ll have a look on Sunday and see if the seeds are ready, I’m reading late May is the time to do it when the seeds are starting to brown.

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Nice - do you go in for a lot of guerrilla garening?

Not really no, this will be my first attempt at doing such. The area in question is actually already decently wooded, it’s a wee local hill. I’ve got bird boxes up there that I put up over 10 yrs ago which have both held great and blue tits over the years - the area is quite sentimental to me. The upper reaches of the hill are less wooded, becoming more grassland/heather. I thought it would be nice to plant out a few different species, watch them grow out and hopefully one day see some more sprout up that have managed to escape the hungry mouths of the resident roe deer.
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On 14/05/2020 at 20:43, Nkomo-A-Gogo said:

Some of my tomato plants look a bit sorry for themselves. It's been cold last night but red hot in the greenhouse during the day.  A lot of the leaves are curling in on themselves but not yellowing or dry. And no bugs.


If the leaves are going dark almost purple / black then it's too cold at night for them. As Mixufixit says, it's the fluctuating temperatures that's your problem by the sounds of it.

Maybe if you can get a wee bit of polythene or horticultural fleece to cover them on colder nights and open vents or doors through the hot days. 

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Looks well!  I love the little alpines you can get. Sedum and echiveria etc.

I put together some window boxes from lengths of washing machine packaging wood that I scavenged and they turned out well. Next I'll try to distress some of the wood with pliers and a blowtorch to get that medieval looky.




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Considering moving my summerhouse from one end of the garden to the other, only got it in November but it's hardly been used where it is. Only reason it wasn't put where I'm now thinking of putting it is because it requires more groundwork, bushes to be ripped out and a new fence built. Think that'll now be this year's project.

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22 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Anything poking out the elbow between the main stem and a branching stem is worth pinching off but it looks like you're doing fine, lots of flowers budding so it's just a case of letting the bees in to do their thing and hope you get some tomatoes.

Thanks. Thinned them out to 9 plants from 12 to give them space.

A few nice flowers in the greenhouse too.


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For anyone needing into a garden centre, Torwood at Larbert (for me anyway) did a fabulous click and collect service. 
Filled out the form, explained what I wanted (mainly bedding plants for pots/baskets,etc and various sundries, nothing too proscriptive/fussy but set a budget. Got a call back in 24hrs, card payment, ready this afternoon sir. 

Arrived at designated time to designated spot in car park to find it all laid out for us.

Top quality plants too. I think because the old biddie locusts haven’t had the chance to deforest it every day since the sun has been out the plants have had a chance to properly mature. There will be a decent spray of colour here this year  👍

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Been a busy old few weeks in the ammo household.
Front garden got the tidy up treatment at the start of lockdown, my oldest lassie decided she wanted to dabble in growing a bit of veg, so I got a couple of they big green pop up grow sacks (bottom left of first pic) and fired them next to a load of wee pots I'd planted and lined the front of the house with.
Nothing major needing done out the front, it was just a tidy up and new bedding plants etc.20200505_201002.jpeg20200505_200958.jpeg

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The back garden however.....different story.
When we moved in about 6 years ago, we've now done everything to the house, except the back garden. Where our house is situated, it's like halfway up a hill, so the back garden had a hell of a slope on it, and we were losing so much space to the slope so we'd been saving a bit to eventually get the garden done at some point. Being furloughed from work, this was the perfect time to put a bit of graft in and see what could be done.
The first 2 pics show you how horrendous the garden was, literally only cut the grass every couple weeks and left it, despised it, place was a state.
So I built a small retaining wall with sleepers, setting posts deep down and fixing sleepers along the line of the fence at the bottom of the slope, knocked down the wee walls in front of the shed and got rid of the old greenhouse. Used the small wall to fill up the slope, so as not to disturb the ground underneath which was already solid and the broken wall will allow for decent drainage underneath.
Got a wee 1.5T digger in, levelled out the ground, dug out a 2nd tier at the bottom of the garden and built a small retaining wall with sleepers, and put some wee steps sunk in for access down.
That's where we are up to at the moment.
Got 280 slabs, sand and type 1 coming today to start slabbing the top level,the bottom level at the back I'll be puting in a 3ft fence with gate at steps and that bottom bit will be me and the daughters "grow your own" patch.
New wee greenhouse coming soon and I can start to construct the beds for our veg!20200513_193651.jpeg20200513_193646.jpeg20200516_142112.jpeg20200518_132139.jpeg20200519_132336.jpeg20200519_163810.jpeg20200519_200718.jpeg20200520_140321.jpeg

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