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Official P&b Cycling Thread

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I wouldn't consider myself an experienced cyclist (certainly not when it comes to road cycling), TBH, so perhaps I shouldn't be reponding here. Apologies if I'm gatecrashing your post.

I suppose it all depends upon what you want to benchmark your progress. I watched a section of the Giro d'Italia, and was uttlery gob-smacked at how quickly these guys managed to get up a mountain (and how fearlessly they hurtled down the other side!). Needless to say, I won't be doing any benchmarking there :P

When I trained for half-marathons, I judged my progress against my previous PBs. I take the same approach to my cycling, though I have to say that I derive more pleasure from getting out on the bike than I ever did from running. If you are looking to get a decent measure of how well you're progressing, I'd visit the Road Cycling UK forum. I post there from time to time, and have found them to be a thoroughly decent bunch of people. There is a dedicated board for newbies, and it is one of the busiest, with the experienced guys routinely offering advice and answering queries:


FWIW, I can give you some indication of how I got on one of my first longish rides on the road bike a month or so ago. I use My Tracks on the HTC Desire, and find it to be a fantastic app.

I cycled 36.25 miles. It was a pretty hilly loop with a couple of lung-busters.

The top speed was 38.18 mph (downhill - I'd guess about 22 - 25 on the level). My average moving speed was 14.35 mph.

The total elevation gained was 2,469 ft, with a max elevation of 855 ft. The max gradient was 13.8%, the min -9.9%.

The total moving time was 2 hrs 31 minutes.

I reckon I've progressed a bit since then, and I'm now generally using a newer, lighter, and better kitted-out bike. That said, I still believe performance is predominantly down to physical fitness and mental attitude (in about equal measure). For me, this would account for about 70%, while the quality of the hardware accounting for the remaining 30%. No doubt, the guys at the pinnacle of the sport can wring every ounce of benefit from 12 lb bikes, but for us mere mortals, I think it is much less significant.

Cheers for your response and link to the road cycling forum,which I never knew existed

I suppose the easiest and best way to track my progress,is to now use this route I cycled last night as a template and see how I can improve on times.

I dont really want to get too bogged down with all the stats,as I think at times this can almost become an obsession,I was really just trying to benchmark myself against any other P&B "casual" cyclists out there.

Agree regarding your comment on the pros,as I too just couldn't believe the fitness and stamina levels these guys have and how they make much of it look so effortless (b*****ds!)

What I know I need to practice on are sudden/long steep inclinesas dragging my 6' 1".15 stone carcass up these at my age,takes quite a bit of effort.

Hopefully the weight I loose through increase excersise will make all of this much easier! :D

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Cheers for your response and link to the road cycling forum,which I never knew existed

I suppose the easiest and best way to track my progress,is to now use this route I cycled last night as a template and see how I can improve on times.

I dont really want to get too bogged down with all the stats,as I think at times this can almost become an obsession,I was really just trying to benchmark myself against any other P&B "casual" cyclists out there.

Agree regarding your comment on the pros,as I too just couldn't believe the fitness and stamina levels these guys have and how they make much of it look so effortless (b*****ds!)

What I know I need to practice on are sudden/long steep inclinesas dragging my 6' 1".15 stone carcass up these at my age,takes quite a bit of effort.

Hopefully the weight I loose through increase excersise will make all of this much easier! :D

The Road Cycling UK forum is a great source of imformation and advice, and they don't seem to be too precious or elitist in any way (a good spread of age, fitness, and ability).

Like you, I'd rather concentrate on enjoying my riding. I find it liberating getting out there and escaping for a few hours. It has taken a while to reconcile myself to the fact that there are inherent risks in road cycling, and my missus still isn't too happy with me taking this up more seriously, but it's a cost benefit analysis, and the benefits outweight the costs by some margin.

Unlike you, I'm a short-arse, but I was carrying a bit too much weight before I started regularly commuting to work and then using the bike at weekends too. I'm now down to around 10 stone, which is probably my ideal weight (oh, and I'm getting on a bit at 41). Cycling regularly means that it is pretty easy to maintain this, and I feel a hell of a lot better both physically and psychologically.

My lastest challenge is to stay in the saddle during big climbs. It is tempting to get up and 'dance' using your weight to pound the pedals, but I noticed the pros tend to stay seated for the most part. It's hard work, but I'm getting there....slowly :P

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My lastest challenge is to stay in the saddle during big climbs. It is tempting to get up and 'dance' using your weight to pound the pedals, but I noticed the pros tend to stay seated for the most part.

Funny you should mention this as thats what i've always tried to do,based on the principle that if your'e really struggling,you still have the option to get out of the saddle and get a wee bit more power if required.

however,when out with the cycle club on Saturday, I noticed all of them got out their sadddle during climbs.

I've been trying this the past few days and to be honest,dont find much of a difference and have also developed a wee pain in my right knee.

For what its worth Dooper,short arse though you may be,yuo still have a few years on me mate! ;)

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Funny you should mention this as thats what i've always tried to do,based on the principle that if your'e really struggling,you still have the option to get out of the saddle and get a wee bit more power if required.

however,when out with the cycle club on Saturday, I noticed all of them got out their sadddle during climbs.

I've been trying this the past few days and to be honest,dont find much of a difference and have also developed a wee pain in my right knee.

For what its worth Dooper,short arse though you may be,yuo still have a few years on me mate! ;)

The in/out of the saddle thing on the climbs is an odd one.

I was reading an article in Cycling Plus where they were advocating staying in the seat for the most part, and I assumed, having watched the pros, that this is the way to go.

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I do it via Mytracks and runtastic on the phone to monitor performance. Now granted I'm not greatly fit and I am on an old heavy mountain bike with broken gearing, but my last run out on mytracks was 14.13miles, 11.52mi/hr av, elevation gain of 764ft with max grade of 6% and top speed 22mph (although I now prefer metric units- looks better ha ha

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After all I said,bit the bullet and decided to give the local cycling club another go tonight.Thursday is full training night when they split into 3 different groups based on ability,with slowest first and fastest last.They do 3 x 9 mile loops and the plan is that everyone more or less finishes at the same time.

Needless to saw I went out with the slowest group,which I still thought did a reasonably quick pace.Due to a traffic accident on the route (no serious injury) they reduced it to 2 laps,much to my relief .Found the first loop really difficult,but strangely the second no so bad and actually did it quicker.

My average speed was 17 mph with top speed of 28.9 mph all mostly flat with 2 short and 1 longish climbs

Some of the guys in the top group though , were bloody unbelievable and went past you ( when doing 22mph) as if you were standing still!

However,quite chuffed with my performance,but jury still out if I'll join and go on a regular basis.

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Me and a mate are planning to cycle to Perth next week, which is about 23 miles by road so is probably nearer 25-26 on the cycle paths that seem to go all round the houses. Should be fun.

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I've fucked my knee after helping a mate with some building work at his house. Could be challenging getting on the bike for my commute in the morning.

While not an impact sport, cycling can be pretty damaging if, like me, you've got dodgy knees (probably as a result of running :rolleyes: ).

I've planned a 50 miler next weekend, so hopefully this clears up :(

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I went for my first proper cycle in at least a year today. I managed a respectable 11km in just less than an hour.

Go me.

I also had to use my step-dad's road-bike and my arse now feels like I have been brutally sodomised by Ron Jeremy. Back out on Wednesday for the same distance.

Edited by yoda
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I've fucked my knee after helping a mate with some building work at his house. Could be challenging getting on the bike for my commute in the morning.

While not an impact sport, cycling can be pretty damaging if, like me, you've got dodgy knees (probably as a result of running :rolleyes: ).

I've planned a 50 miler next weekend, so hopefully this clears up :(

Back on the bike yesterday, so that was good. Taking it pretty easy just now, but still up for a long run at the weekend.

I'm starting to really enjoy the Cube. It goes like stink, and feels very stable and assured. I've fitted my wee saddle bag which does spoil the look a bit, but is helpful on the commute.

BTW, my tip of the day is to get yourselves a Co2 inflator. Fantastic wee bit of kit.

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I see a few of you have been using mytracks on your smartphones, you should give endomondo a shot i downloaded it and havent used my tracks since, Endomondo has a great website also where is stores all your info its great app. Where you can also track your friends etc

I've just got myself a Hybrid bike yesterday going to collect tonight couldnt choose between the Hybrid and road bike end up going for the slightly more comfortable choice i think, but still Hybrid should improve my times.

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I see a few of you have been using mytracks on your smartphones, you should give endomondo a shot i downloaded it and havent used my tracks since, Endomondo has a great website also where is stores all your info its great app. Where you can also track your friends etc

I've just got myself a Hybrid bike yesterday going to collect tonight couldnt choose between the Hybrid and road bike end up going for the slightly more comfortable choice i think, but still Hybrid should improve my times.

I prefer MyTracks, TBH. I can't be arsed downloading onto the net and all that palaver. I used Endomondo a few times before I discovered MyTracks, and it's possible i didn't take advantage of all it's facilities fully, but I'm happy with my app now.

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Been out every night this week and trying to step up the pace (and maintain it) on my road bike

17 miles on Monday

24 miles on Tuesday

13 miles on Wednesday

19 miles tonight

Having a wee night off tomorrow,but getting rather addicted to this cycling thing!

Edited by Unleash The Nade
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I prefer MyTracks, TBH. I can't be arsed downloading onto the net and all that palaver. I used Endomondo a few times before I discovered MyTracks, and it's possible i didn't take advantage of all it's facilities fully, but I'm happy with my app now.

Fair play they both do the same thing dont understand what you mean by all the downloading onto the net. As it does it all automitcally for all you do is log into the website and all your & your friends stats are there without doing a thing for you to see.

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Well, my pre-season started in earnest today. It's my intention to use the bike to go to as many Bairns home games as possible next season. It's about 12 miles from my door in Stirling to the Bairnebau, a straight-ish road and slightly uphill both ways. In order to replicate match day conditions as much as possible, I had a wee bit too much to drink last night and a nice curry. At 1pm I mounted my trusty second-hand Tescos mountain bike with it's tractor tyres and set off. It was a nice enough day and no dramas meant I arrived at the stadium 1hr and 12 minutes later having travelled 11.84 miles according to the Endomo-thingy GPS. Average speed 10mph and a top speed of 15mph - not exactly impressive.

I checked out facilities at the stadium - 1 bike shed out the front with about 5 anchorage points. I guess that might get a bit busy but there's loads of lamp-posts to chain the bike to.

In the spirit of keeping things as close to match day conditions as possible, but in the absence of the pie stall, my next port of call was McDonalds. Curiously, there were no bike lock-up points at McDonalds.

Stopping to eat may have been a mistake as when I came out it was chucking it down. I felt truly miserable as I set off - cold, wet, stiff and with a congealing McLump in my gut. However it wasn't long before I warmed up again and I grimaced happily as I swooshed through the dubs. It might be an idea to get some mudguards at some point though. My arse got sprayed more thoroughly than a non-swimmer at a Barrymore party.

The return trip was done in a virtually identical time so I reckon commuting to the games is entirely feasible.

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