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Official P&b Cycling Thread

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Right folks, a further rallying call in advance of the Inaugural Team P&B Ride on Sunday 6th May.

This is a description of the route suggested by Unleash The Nade:

The Big(gish) One!

The ride is just under 40 miles, so shouldn't prove too tough for anyone with a few miles in their legs and a reasonable level of bike fitness. This isn't a competitive outing, and, as we won't have been out together, we'll need to take it steady in any event. Safety and enjoying the day are the key elements. This is an opportunity to meet some of the guys on P&B, but, better still, to meet up with people who share two passions - fitba and riding (some of us enjoy cycling too!).

It's an open invite, so everyone is welcome. If necessary we can easily split into sub-groups if it makes sense on the day and meet up for refreshments at the end, so there needn't be any pressure to tear the arse out of it if you're flagging for whatever reason.

It is to be hoped that this is merely the first Team P&B ride of many, and it would be good to throw things open for suggestions of other routes (possibly a particular favourite in your local area). The aim for this year is to get together for an organised ride later in the summer/early autumn. The Pedal for Scotland event has been suggested and sounds like a decent shout.

It would be great to see as many folk as can make it along on 6th May for the ice-breaker, though. Please let us know if you're up for it so we can get an idea of numbers, and UtN can organise the free bar at his local boozer as promised! :whistle

Nice one Drooper

Dont know about free bar,but it got so much beer,its selling it to get rid of it!

Pies and bridies will be on me though (nae fucking doggy bags!!) :lol:

Edited by Unleash The Nade
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As per earlier posts on this,might be a good wee idea to start a list of definites,so at least we get an idea of numbers and gives the bar owner an idea of how many extra local dugs to kill for the pies!!!

Anyway here we go

1 Drooper

2 Unleash The Nade

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I had my first crash this morning.

I was in a filter lane heading towards a set of traffic lights and was crossing a junction when a car turned right, across my path. All I could do was squeeze the brakes hard and wait for the inevitable. Smashed into the side of him, and landed heavily on my...er...posterior. (This junction here - http://g.co/maps/gbm47)

Naturally, it was my fault because someone had flashed him to turn right which obviously gives him immediate right of way... :rolleyes:

I took details and called a friend to come and get me, to take me to the police station. There was a guy who helped me up off the road and I got his details as well, but he said he didn't actually see the collision.

My bike seems OK; currently unusable, but not a write-off. I've already taken it in for repair and on first glance, I'll at the very least need new brake levers, new front mudguard (sorry monkyblair :P) and if not a new front wheel, it'll need realigning.

What a day for my helmet camera's batteries to give up not long after leaving the house...

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I'm planning my longest cycle tomorrow, at just under 40km.

Looking forward to it but taking my bike to the Bike & Ski clinic in the morning before I go out for a quick set-up of my gears as the deraileurs aren't properly aligned.

Anyone know how much this is likely to cost? I'd usually do it myself but haven't tinkered with deraileurs since back in my days of building mountain bikes.

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I had my first crash this morning.

I was in a filter lane heading towards a set of traffic lights and was crossing a junction when a car turned right, across my path. All I could do was squeeze the brakes hard and wait for the inevitable. Smashed into the side of him, and landed heavily on my...er...posterior. (This junction here - http://g.co/maps/gbm47)

Naturally, it was my fault because someone had flashed him to turn right which obviously gives him immediate right of way... :rolleyes:

I took details and called a friend to come and get me, to take me to the police station. There was a guy who helped me up off the road and I got his details as well, but he said he didn't actually see the collision.

My bike seems OK; currently unusable, but not a write-off. I've already taken it in for repair and on first glance, I'll at the very least need new brake levers, new front mudguard (sorry monkyblair :P) and if not a new front wheel, it'll need realigning.

What a day for my helmet camera's batteries to give up not long after leaving the house...

Don't back down over this. I'd threaten the guy with legal action, though without a witness it could be hard to prove. Threaten him all the same.

Glad to hear you're okay, and hope you're back n the saddle soon.

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I'm planning my longest cycle tomorrow, at just under 40km.

Looking forward to it but taking my bike to the Bike & Ski clinic in the morning before I go out for a quick set-up of my gears as the deraileurs aren't properly aligned.

Anyone know how much this is likely to cost? I'd usually do it myself but haven't tinkered with deraileurs since back in my days of building mountain bikes.

Surely no more than £20.

Look at the Park Tools website for some good guidance on setting up your gears.

I'd strongly recommend getting to know how to carry out basic manintenance on your own. This lets you deal with required fettling if you have a spill or hit a bad pothole and things go awry. It'sll also save you a good few quid in the long run.

Edited by Drooper
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Don't back down over this. I'd threaten the guy with legal action, though without a witness it could be hard to prove. Threaten him all the same.

Yea, I was planning to go to the CAB office on Tuesday (damn holidays) to see what they advise. At the very least I'd want the cost of the repairs to my bike.

The driver said he was going to claim the cost of a paint job from me, because he saw it as being my fault, but there's no chance of that -- as soon as he tries to explain what happened, he'll incriminate himself because he doesn't deny turning right, he just thinks it was his right of way. Actually, I wouldn't mind being a fly on the wall when he comes to saying that to the police.

One good thing is that because I've reported it, a flag goes on his insurance so that if he tries to make a claim, they'll bar it until the investigation is complete. So unless he pays for the repaint himself, the scratches will still be there, proving I went into the side of him (and not the rear, as he was also trying to claim).

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Surely no more than £20.

Look at the Park Tools website for some good guidance on setting up your gears.

I'd strongly recommend getting to know how to carry out basic manintenance on your own. This lets you deal with required fettling if you have a spill or hit a bad pothole and things go awry. It'sll also save you a good few quid in the long run.

Cheers. I used to be really good with bikes, I've built whole mountain bikes and BMXs from scratch before, but been a while since I've tinkered. Looking forward to getting back up to speed with them.

Count me IN for the long cycle in May, by the way :-) A mate of mine may come along as well. Ended up not getting out my cycle today so will go over the weekend.

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Oh, and today I treated myself to this:



Picking it up tomorrow. I get 10% of the value of the bike's worth of free accessories as well, so will angle for a saddle bag, water bottle with holder, a multi-tool and a decent lock.

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Oh, and today I treated myself to this:



Picking it up tomorrow. I get 10% of the value of the bike's worth of free accessories as well, so will angle for a saddle bag, water bottle with holder, a multi-tool and a decent lock.


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Oh, and today I treated myself to this:

Picking it up tomorrow. I get 10% of the value of the bike's worth of free accessories as well, so will angle for a saddle bag, water bottle with holder, a multi-tool and a decent lock.

Nice bike mines is also a specialized and since we are showing the bike off lol


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Nice bike mines is also a specialized and since we are showing the bike off lol


Is that the Allez? I was thinking of getting that one myself but went for the Secteur, it's a bit of a higher ride so should give a bit more comfort as I have minor back problems.

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Having read The Masters post about his collision I was wondering has anyone else 1) been in a collision with a vehicle or 2) got a helmet camera? Any recommendations on the latter?

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I've signed up for this ride a week on Sunday:

65 mile Route

I reckon the 100 mile route is a bit too ambitious this early in the year, so opted for the 65 mile 'challenge' route (already signed up for the Skye Mor 100 mile ride at the end of May so this will be good training). I've never tackled the Duke's Pass so this is an opportunity to take it on in the context of an organised event. I'm not sure about the road surfaces at points in the route (Loch Ard etc.), so will have to brace myself for a bit of road-side repair action.

Weather could also be a challenge, but I'm looking forward to it. The ride seems well organised, so it should be a good day out, with the added bonus that I can cycle to the start/end point as its only 5 miles from home - hmm....that adds a further 10 miles to the ride, right enough!

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