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Oddly, I missed that one! Didn't realise you had to turn off the road. In any case, it came a bit quickly after Avonbridge, and I was glad of arriving at Kirkliston for all the Scotmid snowballs and empire biscuits!

It does come soon after Avonbridge. I skipped Avonbridge as the grass looked a bit soggy. Linlithgow is a fair diversion off-road, but free fruit, water, soup and pasta salads. I ate well! laugh.gif

And Kirkliston's free chocolate bars are a nice boost to the finish- always takes longer than I expect from Linlithgow to Kirkliston and Kirkliston to Edinburgh!

Edited by flyingscot
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Gee, thanks for the tip. Us lot will pass this on to every other cyclist.

Can we ask you a wee favour? Could you lot please stop trying to fucking kill us?

I do have some respect for cyclists, I was hit a by a car when I was younger, 2 broken legs.

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A few weeks ago I received my early entrance notification for the Etape Caledonia. I'd registered my interest last yer.

I fully intended to sign on until I clocked the price - something in the region of £68. Now, I don't consider myself a tight-arse, but even for a large scale closed road event, that's just daft money. Sportives are a good way of keeping focussed throughout the year and provide a goal for training, but some of the organisations are taking the piss with the fees they charge.

I noticed Evans are doing a ride from Callander (in late March, I think it is). Both the medium and long routes (60 and 100 miles) take in the Duke's Pass twice. THis sounds like a decent challenge. The entrance fee? £15 (or possibly £17, I can't remember). In any event, that is more like it for an organised cycle ride. These events should be as inclusive as possible, and while you will always get the moans from the hard-core element regarding novice riders cluttering up the course etc. (a common whine regarding the Etape, by all accounts), they can do their thing with their club runs and races, and leave the rest of us diddies to enjoy a day out with like-minded types.

I'll be signing up for the Scottish Bike Show sportive again this year. It was ideal for me as I could actually cycle to the start, then ride home after if finishes. I opted for the 60 mile route last time (takes in the Duke's Pass - though only once this time), and reckon I'll do likewise this year as it comes quite early in the year, and if my level of fitness as evident from cycling into work this morning is anything to go by, I'll need a bit longer to get in shape for a tougher challenge. This ride comes in at about £28.

I'd thoroughly recommend the Skye Mor (or Beag if you fancy a more sedate ride). The scenery is stunning, roads pretty quiet, and the atmosphere the best I've expereinced on an organised ride. For some reason, it is being held later in the year in 2013. I intend to sign up for the shorter route this time so I can tackle it at a quicker pace, then hit the pub earlier. This ride costs around the £40 mark - which is the most I'm willing to pay for a single day sportive on native soil.

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It does come soon after Avonbridge. I skipped Avonbridge as the grass looked a bit soggy. Linlithgow is a fair diversion off-road, but free fruit, water, soup and pasta salads. I ate well! laugh.gif

Am I the only one who can't stomach anything beyond what's needed when cycling? In my first (and to date only!) PFS I think I had a few bars of chocolate and a banana the whole trip. I couldn't imagine cycling with pasta in my stomach :green

And Kirkliston's free chocolate bars are a nice boost to the finish- always takes longer than I expect from Linlithgow to Kirkliston and Kirkliston to Edinburgh!

I remember seeing the airport and thinking "great, not long now"... <_<

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I remember seeing the airport and thinking "great, not long now"... dry.gif

Yes! I texted Mrs.Bold and told her: nearly finished!" Not quite, but the last bit through the big houses of NW Edinburgh was nice!

One of you clever chaps should design and sell PnB shirts for the occasion. (Takes one step backwards.)

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Can anyone recommend a good free gps tracker app for android? I want to use it for cycling and running.

I used to use MyTracks. I've changed my phone recently and haven't looked to download it as yet, so not sure if it is still available. I always found it very user-friendly and the features were spot-on.

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A few weeks ago I received my early entrance notification for the Etape Caledonia. I'd registered my interest last yer.

I fully intended to sign on until I clocked the price - something in the region of £68. Now, I don't consider myself a tight-arse, but even for a large scale closed road event, that's just daft money. Sportives are a good way of keeping focussed throughout the year and provide a goal for training, but some of the organisations are taking the piss with the fees they charge.

I noticed Evans are doing a ride from Callander (in late March, I think it is). Both the medium and long routes (60 and 100 miles) take in the Duke's Pass twice. THis sounds like a decent challenge. The entrance fee? £15 (or possibly £17, I can't remember). In any event, that is more like it for an organised cycle ride. These events should be as inclusive as possible, and while you will always get the moans from the hard-core element regarding novice riders cluttering up the course etc. (a common whine regarding the Etape, by all accounts), they can do their thing with their club runs and races, and leave the rest of us diddies to enjoy a day out with like-minded types.

I'll be signing up for the Scottish Bike Show sportive again this year. It was ideal for me as I could actually cycle to the start, then ride home after if finishes. I opted for the 60 mile route last time (takes in the Duke's Pass - though only once this time), and reckon I'll do likewise this year as it comes quite early in the year, and if my level of fitness as evident from cycling into work this morning is anything to go by, I'll need a bit longer to get in shape for a tougher challenge. This ride comes in at about £28.

I'd thoroughly recommend the Skye Mor (or Beag if you fancy a more sedate ride). The scenery is stunning, roads pretty quiet, and the atmosphere the best I've expereinced on an organised ride. For some reason, it is being held later in the year in 2013. I intend to sign up for the shorter route this time so I can tackle it at a quicker pace, then hit the pub earlier. This ride costs around the £40 mark - which is the most I'm willing to pay for a single day sportive on native soil.

£68 does sound a bit steep... I hear you are also expected to raise a wad for charity...... ? (please correct me if I'm wrong BTW)

I almost signed up for the 'Hands On' Cairngorm Sportive last year but 'kiffed out' because I wasn't sure I could make it in the allocated max time after looking at the previous years list of competitors... I really regret not doing it now of course............!dry.gif

Anyway, hopefully the aches and pains in feet and legs (that are currently nagging me big time) will subside and I can get back in the saddle soon.

BTW does anyone have a good link to sportive/audax events in Scotland 2013........?

Edit for typo.....:(

Edited by broon-loon
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You lot are tight arses!!

£68 for a close road event, plenty of food and drink stops along the way too.

Do you know how much it costs to close a full 80 odd miles of road for a day and to steward the event. I believe it is the only closed road amateur road cycle in the UK so stop moaning and registering.

As with all these events, you are 'encouraged' to raise money for charity but in no way forced to.

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Can anyone recommend a good free gps tracker app for android? I want to use it for cycling and running.

There's loads out there Endomondo, Strava, My Tacks, map my ride. I use the first two as they both run good websites where you can look at all your information and stats

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You lot are tight arses!!

£68 for a close road event, plenty of food and drink stops along the way too.

Do you know how much it costs to close a full 80 odd miles of road for a day and to steward the event. I believe it is the only closed road amateur road cycle in the UK so stop moaning and registering.

As with all these events, you are 'encouraged' to raise money for charity but in no way forced to.

Just checked this Etape Caledonia and its full, Looks like the first event for me will be the Evans one mentioned earlier in the thread.

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You lot are tight arses!!

£68 for a close road event, plenty of food and drink stops along the way too.

Do you know how much it costs to close a full 80 odd miles of road for a day and to steward the event. I believe it is the only closed road amateur road cycle in the UK so stop moaning and registering.

As with all these events, you are 'encouraged' to raise money for charity but in no way forced to.

There are now 3 (at last count) closed road events.

To be honest, I'm not sure that the closed road element is that attractive in any event. If you ride the road, you learn to live with the traffic. Closing off rural roads has served to piss off locals to the extent that they have sabotaged the rides in the past. I'm not claiming that this is an any way justified, but it can cause friction when we, as a community (cyclists) could do without it. I like the idea of closed roads, but not at the expense of excluding people who can't afford the premium entry fee.

Don't get me wrong, I quite fancy the ride, and this is why I registered my interest, but paying £70 is not justifiable for me personally. I've spoken to a few folk who have taken part, and it seems that there can be some animosity between the riders when the more serious types take exception to being 'held back' or obstructed by the diddies (I very much count myself in the latter group). I ain't going to fork out £70 for some lycra-clad fanny to shout abuse at me. FFS, I could look in the mirror before a weekend ride and experience that for nowt.

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There are now 3 (at last count) closed road events.

To be honest, I'm not sure that the closed road element is that attractive in any event. If you ride the road, you learn to live with the traffic. Closing off rural roads has served to piss off locals to the extent that they have sabotaged the rides in the past. I'm not claiming that this is an any way justified, but it can cause friction when we, as a community (cyclists) could do without it. I like the idea of closed roads, but not at the expense of excluding people who can't afford the premium entry fee.

Don't get me wrong, I quite fancy the ride, and this is why I registered my interest, but paying £70 is not justifiable for me personally. I've spoken to a few folk who have taken part, and it seems that there can be some animosity between the riders when the more serious types take exception to being 'held back' or obstructed by the diddies (I very much count myself in the latter group). I ain't going to fork out £70 for some lycra-clad fanny to shout abuse at me. FFS, I could look in the mirror before a weekend ride and experience that for nowt.

I was looking forward to that too!:P

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Am I the only one who can't stomach anything beyond what's needed when cycling? In my first (and to date only!) PFS I think I had a few bars of chocolate and a banana the whole trip. I couldn't imagine cycling with pasta in my stomach :green

I remember seeing the airport and thinking "great, not long now"... <_<

To be honest I took the pasta with me and ate it at Murrayfield.

Yep I did the same, saw the airport and thought I was there. Only about 5 miles or something!

Is that not an online dating app?

I often get the two mixed up ;)

I've spoken to a few folk who have taken part, and it seems that there can be some animosity between the riders when the more serious types take exception to being 'held back' or obstructed by the diddies (I very much count myself in the latter group). I ain't going to fork out £70 for some lycra-clad fanny to shout abuse at me. FFS, I could look in the mirror before a weekend ride and experience that for nowt.

You deserve a greenie for that line alone!

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