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Official P&b Cycling Thread

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Aye, the Bailey Bridge was the one that got replaced but if the new one has a name I don't know it!

I've never cycled the A77 route from Glasgow-Killie, but I've done the back road from Newton Mearns-Stewarton which, on an unexpectedly windy day, was all sorts of horrible. Much like the A77, it's pretty much all a gradual climb until Ayrshire, but on a worse surface.

My favourite road to cycle in the Glasgow area! It's always windy towards Ayrshire - usually a south westerly.

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Here's a wee guide

When sitting on your saddle with your HEEL on one of the pedals , turned so it's on the 6 o'clock position, your knee should still be slightly flexed

Make sure your leg isn't straight , or under flexed

This offers maximum leverage and will stop you possibly injuring your knees

Thanks, yeah that's what I was aiming for but didn't quite get right :-)

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I need to get a new seat. I've got a gel seat and thought it was ok, but after being out last week and going to a spin class I was in agony. Pelvic bones were so sore. :(

**and that is WITH padded shorts!

Edited by footiechick
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I need to get a new seat. I've got a gel seat and thought it was ok, but after being out last week and going to a spin class I was in agony. Pelvic bones were so sore. :(

**and that is WITH padded shorts!

Do you have a female bike seat and is you bike and spinning bike,set up correctly ?


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Out with the club today and a really tough 85 miles

From Larbert, up Carron Valley, down into Fintry, up and over the Crow Road then out west and up the Stockiemuir road, down to Drymen then over the Pipe Track

Ramped if up along the Kippen flats on the way back, averaging 27mph, then through Cambusbarron and home .

My legs are hanging off tonight !!

Edited by Unleash The Nade
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That was epic. Just finished tomorrows stage 3 of the tour. My route was marked all the way out of Cambridage and villages were full of people who gave me a cheer. At one point a village was having a BBQ and something like half the village was cheering me. But by hell finished very late because they added about 35-40 miles from when I checked the route back in August or something. Beer, a wash and some ice for my knee I think.

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That was epic. Just finished tomorrows stage 3 of the tour. My route was marked all the way out of Cambridage and villages were full of people who gave me a cheer. At one point a village was having a BBQ and something like half the village was cheering me. But by hell finished very late because they added about 35-40 miles from when I checked the route back in August or something. Beer, a wash and some ice for my knee I think.

Thought I seen you on the TV


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Great stuff, was in Epping Forest for the tour today. Got there early enough for the publicity caravan, so now have a Carefour king of the mountains hat. Seen the break away then when the pelton shot past felt like a helicopter landing, the wooshing of air was mental. Headed back to our pals for lots of Danny McAskill and other cycling videos plus Massive Attack and beer.

Really hope Edinburgh wins it for '18, its a great experience.

Yesterday and the day were just cracking.

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Down in the Yorkshire Dales for the week and been out on my hybrid a couple of times so far. There isn't a flat road around.

We decided to take NCN 68 from Settle to Malham and the gradient went up to 20% at the start. :o

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