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On 03/10/2023 at 19:16, Frosty said:

Burn’s definitely drawing the short straw in coming up against Rory. 5 under not shabby but he did well to take him to the 17th.

Fitzpatrick’s level par effort was another disappointment to add to a Ryder cup record which is difficult to explain for a player with such a stellar amateur and professional career under his belt already - played 8, won 1 and lost 7.

In his favour 2 of his 3 appearances have been in losing away fixtures at Hazeltine and Whistling Straits and he was handed the much harder team option of foursomes in both those outings. He also had the considerable additional handicap in his two Whistling Straits foursome attempts of being paired with the lead weight that was Lee Westwood who was a shocking wildcard pick by Harrington and undoubtedly the worst since the annoying blowhard McGinley picked Stephen Gallacher over Luke Donald amongst others for Gleneagles which he should always be reminded of when he starts pontificating about captaincy.

If Donald does stick around for 2025 having a plan for turning Fitzpatrick, who is one of the names from the current team you’d bank on for being an automatic qualifier at Bethpage, into an asset rather than a almost guaranteed two or three point head start for the yanks must be high on his agenda.

Gallagher was ahead of Donald in both world and Euro points and the cup was in Scotland. Captain's picks are always easy to criticise in hindsight but it's interesting that you're singling SG out for criticism (pumped on day 1 with Poulter then drawn against peak Mickelson on Sunday) after whinging about Bob all through this year's cup... 

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5 hours ago, The Moonster said:

If the Americans had 12 Max Homas they'd be a very likeable team. 

It got kind of lost as Eurooe tied it up soon after, but it took fucking massive balls to take a penalty drop on the 18th and trust himself to get up and down from what was still going to be a ropey lie.

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No fan of McGinley, but there's not much to criticise when it comes to the 2014 Ryder Cup. He won it at a canter, showing great man management and use of stats and analytics.

I like Homa though, always comes across as a good guy who is aware of how privileged he is to be making loads of money for just playing golf.

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3 hours ago, doulikefish said:

Everybody is ok 

golf Italia must have got the bill and decided to pay it in the traditional Italian way.... insurance job



Either that or the Americans have launched a cruise missile strike in retaliation for the goading of Partick Cantlay. 

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9 hours ago, VictorOnopko said:

Gallagher was ahead of Donald in both world and Euro points and the cup was in Scotland. Captain's picks are always easy to criticise in hindsight but it's interesting that you're singling SG out for criticism (pumped on day 1 with Poulter then drawn against peak Mickelson on Sunday) after whinging about Bob all through this year's cup... 

No criticism of Scottish golfers clearly allowed on this thread.

Gallagher would certainly have been in the conversation for a wildcard in 2014 as you say given his Euro and World points rankings although Donald was higher in the world rankings - 32 to SG’s 34 - and obviously had an unblemished record of being in winning Ryder Cup teams so had to be favourite to be the pick.

Easy to be wise after the event about picks I agree and while gubbed playing with Poulter SG wasn’t disgraced against Mickelson going down 3 & 1 but Mickelson isn’t the Ryder Cup stud you imply even in the singles as his loss to Philip Price shows.

McGinley’s captaincy doesn’t really deserve any criticism as you say - it was the start of the statistical and analytical approach that is used now although he did benefit in coming up against a captain in Watson who was about 20 years past his sell by date for the role and a disfunctional team with disruptive influences - none more so than the the aforementioned Mickelson.

And for what it’s worth my criticism of Bob came at the 10th in his second Fourball outing when the 28 holes he’d played up to that point had been less than impressive as he himself acknowledged. The rest of that back nine showed a marked improvement and he delivered his singles point pretty comfortably against the reigning US Open champion which was good to see. Would be great if that’s the catalyst to him taking the next step up and other Scottish players following him - it’s been too long since we’ve had Scots in the top echelon of the game.

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8 hours ago, Frosty said:

No criticism of Scottish golfers clearly allowed on this thread.

Gallagher would certainly have been in the conversation for a wildcard in 2014 as you say given his Euro and World points rankings although Donald was higher in the world rankings - 32 to SG’s 34 - and obviously had an unblemished record of being in winning Ryder Cup teams so had to be favourite to be the pick.

Easy to be wise after the event about picks I agree and while gubbed playing with Poulter SG wasn’t disgraced against Mickelson going down 3 & 1 but Mickelson isn’t the Ryder Cup stud you imply even in the singles as his loss to Philip Price shows.

McGinley’s captaincy doesn’t really deserve any criticism as you say - it was the start of the statistical and analytical approach that is used now although he did benefit in coming up against a captain in Watson who was about 20 years past his sell by date for the role and a disfunctional team with disruptive influences - none more so than the the aforementioned Mickelson.

And for what it’s worth my criticism of Bob came at the 10th in his second Fourball outing when the 28 holes he’d played up to that point had been less than impressive as he himself acknowledged. The rest of that back nine showed a marked improvement and he delivered his singles point pretty comfortably against the reigning US Open champion which was good to see. Would be great if that’s the catalyst to him taking the next step up and other Scottish players following him - it’s been too long since we’ve had Scots in the top echelon of the game.

Criricism is allowed but unfair criticism will be called out. Bob played perfectly fine for a guy sitting 55th in the world playing his first Ryder Cup, this notion he was less than impressive is just false. He acknowledged yesterday that his putting wasn't great but tee to green he was in the majority of the holes. Given he was backed in 3 sessions and was .5 away from a clean sweep then perhaps you could wisely review your own comments after the event. 

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